
christine.P said:
Our thoughts... Are they real entities?

They have determination and rationality; so, one could say: that they have life…

Could a 'feeling' - or even an imaginary thought - which is 'something'; come out of nothing: or be nothing?

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Your considerations would be appreciated…[/FONT]


;) I can only present this from a perspective I understand (take it for what it is worth to you), Scripture states "As you believe so it shall be". Thoughts are reflections of the entity that produced them. If the thinker is determined and rational, and alive, then yes the thought is an echo of the origins it came from.

Feeling, is an emotional response to something. Neither good nor bad, it just is.

To create an imaginary thought from abstract concepts (or nothing), is a misnomer. Thoughts are contrived from past experiences. There is always a launching point for thought. So, it is always based on "something".

my thoughts


With the omniscient listening, knowing our prayers before we think them...

Our thoughts are prayers and we are always praying
Our thoughts are prayers, take charge of what you're saying
Seek a higher consciousness, a state of peacefulness
as every thought becomes a prayer.

So to continue there is the 'thought' that our thoughts go out...and then others may pick them up. (not only the omniscient)

Tis considered by some to be the reason that the same inventions are created at opposite ends of the globe with designs nearly exactly the same by individuals or groups of people that are not collaborating (physically, but that they are so focused in thought they are on the same 'frequency' and picking up each others thoughts) that this method eliminates the ego as each thinks they 'thought' of what the other thought, when they actually just received it.

This is again often said by folks who have such intuition "I don't know how I knew it or figured it out"

Could also explain the 'channelling'? Folks tied into thoughts that are flying through the ethers?

And then there is the whole 'secret' movement. That our thoughts and ideas are put out there and the whole universe is then conspiring to assist it in happenning....that is until our next thought and then the universe moves onto that.

Just a few of my thoughts.
Perhaps... let us try a subtle twist. Everything is interconnected at a very low level (perhaps the biggest breakthrough of quantum mechanics). All amalgamations or societies of things ("systems", I just hate that word, though) have properties (attributes of G!d?) that were not there in the individuals making up the societies. This is true for atomic particles (made up of quarks and other things), for atoms (made up of atomic particles), and so forth up to the universe (made up of super clusters of galaxies and lots of space). This is the great secret of the science of emergence (Bateson, Prigogine, et al).

If one takes the approach that each of these constituents are somehow connected and "alive" (they individually exist as things in time, events or actual occasions or experiences, for a finite duration), then the fact that there are thousands of galactic clusters made up of thousands of galaxies, made up of thousands of stars... all the way down to cells made up of thousands of molecules should be no surprise. Now the laws or rules by which this happens (G!d's attributes?) are quite remarkable.

Finally, if the above is even partially true the fact that some experiences (thoughts, cultural breakthroughs) emerge naturally via an as-of-yet-unknown mechanism (which may be shared mentality) just as some entities (gaseous clouds of matter) coalesces into suns and planets and galaxies.

Same idea, just with an added level of wonder.

Pax et amore omnia vincunt!
The Stoics divided those things which 'exist' and those things which 'subsist'. While only physical bodies exist, many other things 'subsist' which would include void, the meaning of words, and so on. In modern terms, this seems closely related to the concept of the emergent property in Complex Systems Theory. It is possible for complex interactions to lead to emergent properties and those properties have traits and effects which cannot be reduced to the simple interactions of the components at their smallest level.

Things like "democracy" would fall into this category - something which subsists based on the interrelationships between components and become more than the sum of its parts. Most people would not say that democracy does not exist, or must be 'supernatural' because it is not a physical object with its own tangible form. It is the name of a collection of processes.

The Buddhists have a concept of 'no mind' by which they describe the fact that our 'self' is in many ways a delusion. When we peel away the many different functions and aggregates that make up a person (a 'self'), we find there is no one solid thing we can hold in the palm of our hand and say, 'that is me'.

Thoughts are (as the complex systems theorists would say) emergent properties or (as the Buddhists would say) empty. And (as the Stoics would say) they *subsist* rather than *exist* yet are still fully natural and a part of the whole unified and interdependent natural universe.

Best wishes :)