I'm just blown away by the many truths that are in your post. It reminds me of many of the points raised by the late Joseph Campbell in his PBS series hosted by Bill Moyers, The Power Of Myth. It may be because we are so cautious not to cross certain boundaries in our storytelling that our civilization's not doing so well these days despite our excess of material comforts.
To me real sacrifice is to set goals that are so lofty that they are very difficult to envision unless we choose to pursue them as possible futures. To me the role of 50's and 60's science fiction in spurring the technological progress that we have made in the last fifty years is not so coincidental. Going to the moon in the sixties was a direct result of JFK's challenge to us to do the difficult things which engender progressive futures. It was a spiritually uplifting process for the country.
Killing people in wars doesn't fit these descriptions as far as I'm concerned, and therein lies the crux of the issue. We have become overbalanced on the side of the scales where causing harm to the world and others in the pursuit of profits has largely obscured the value that comes from positively focussed pursuits.