Quohom…Islam has existed since day one, maybe not the name, but the principles and nature of the faith, ie…submission to the one true Allah…the Quran tells us Islam started with Adam a.s….Adam a.s did worship god in Christianity didn’t he?he just made a sin…im sure you sinned, does that mean that you don’t worship god?…where in the bible, torah or Quran does it say that Adam a.s did not submit to Allah, where does it say he didn’t worship Allah? I looked and cannot find it, religion has been here since day one…why wouldn’t it be? Adam was here at day one…he submitted to Allah, knowing that he committed a sin, but submitted in worship, he was a Muslim, as were all the prophets a.s as they all submitted in worship to Allah s.w.t…what you say about the name of Allah is ridiculous!I read that before I was Muslim, but its is rubbish!its something that has been made up by people against Islam to try and make it sound false. such as people saying that we pray to a box…its all rubbish…the name Allah has come from Allah s.w.t, it is a much better name than God, as anything can be a god cant it, I could worship a statue and call it my god…whereas Allah has more meaning than this, it means one, the creator etc and is the name He alone chose to give Himself, and can be found to be an Arabic translation of the jewish name for god I heard somewhere.
The Quran tells us . Therefore when people say, for instance, Abraham was a jew this may not be totally wrong, as that was the name that people gave the religion at the time, but they submitted to the one Allah, but they were Muslims at that time, the religion just hadn’t developed, in that Isa a.s and Muhammad s.a.w hadn’t come yet, when Isa a.s had come, then they were still Muslims, but the religion was in the form of Judaism, some people did not follow him and it was Christianity, but as we know, there were 2 forms, the one we know today dominated, then Muhammad s.a.w came and established the final word of Allah s.w.t, and called people out of the dark into the light so to speak. Ie, made the pagans see that there is one true Allah, the Christians, who I personally believe became ‘corrupted’ into believing Isa a.s was Allah’s son, into believing and seeing the word of Allah, so I don’t think between Isa and Muhammad there were any Muslims, as none believed in the one true Allah did they?…so to answer what you said, yes Islam started from Adam as he did worship Allah and this is what Islam means…and, the name Islam came with Muhammad s.a.w, as revealed to him in the Quran