Are there times when a Christian can kill with the approval of God?
We know that men were commanded to kill in the OT ... this is something of a stumbling block to some, especially as they were told to kill men, women and children.
God is infinite and therefore He knows the beginning to the end, so only He can pass such a judgment. In the time of Noah, He used water; in the time of Sodom, He used fire; and in the time of Jericho, He used men. In each case, the believers were saved. Whether an infant or an adult, God knows if an individual will accept the Truth or not.
Many Christians have been troubled by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan at the close of WW2. The justification given was the saving of lives, not just ending the war. Is that a sufficient cause to kill "innocents"?
Are there situations in our private lives when we could justifiably kill someone? If our family was physically attacked, I think most of us would kill the attacker if we believed that was the only way to protect our family.
The commandment "thou shalt not kill" is carried over into the NT, and is generally understood to refer to murder.
How should a Christian view the recent war between Israel and Lebanon? Many Christians believe that Israel is the rightful Jewish homeland, given to them by God. Is that sufficient justification for the extent of the bombing and destruction in the recent conflict?
We know that men were commanded to kill in the OT ... this is something of a stumbling block to some, especially as they were told to kill men, women and children.
God is infinite and therefore He knows the beginning to the end, so only He can pass such a judgment. In the time of Noah, He used water; in the time of Sodom, He used fire; and in the time of Jericho, He used men. In each case, the believers were saved. Whether an infant or an adult, God knows if an individual will accept the Truth or not.
Many Christians have been troubled by the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan at the close of WW2. The justification given was the saving of lives, not just ending the war. Is that a sufficient cause to kill "innocents"?
Are there situations in our private lives when we could justifiably kill someone? If our family was physically attacked, I think most of us would kill the attacker if we believed that was the only way to protect our family.
The commandment "thou shalt not kill" is carried over into the NT, and is generally understood to refer to murder.
How should a Christian view the recent war between Israel and Lebanon? Many Christians believe that Israel is the rightful Jewish homeland, given to them by God. Is that sufficient justification for the extent of the bombing and destruction in the recent conflict?