kenod said:
I'm not able to divorce my Christian experience from real life issues.
Ok. Since you brought it up. Stem cells. Mr. Bush for example did not, and never has vetoed stem cell research that
did not use embryonic stem cells. He is all for adult stem cell research. What Mr. Bush vetoed was the funding for use of stem cell research using stem cells from aborted fetuses. He also never had a problem with embryonic stem cells that come from the umbilical cord discarded after birth. And, he did not make a law to forbid embryonic stem cell research, he simply said the Government won't fund research that draws it's material from aborted babies. And I don't blame him.
As far as encouraging government policy that imposes restrictions on certain behavior...why, yes! Since the government in question is run by the people of the nation, the government is enforcing the will of the nation. So instead of blaming the government, you have to look to the people, and convince them otherwise.
Personally, in a perfect world, I can see no problem with a cloned child (as long as the procedure to create one is "PERFECT". The resultant child would simply be a twin to another human being, but at a different stage of growth. And the soul within the child would still be unique, the personality and character would also be unique...the body would simply contain an identical blueprint to the doner of the cell that was cloned into a human being. (nature clones life all the time). The other issue here however, is what happens if the clone is not perfect, or what happens if the cloning is used for body parts sans regard for the life that was brought into this world? Hey if I can think of such a gruesom thought, chances are others have as well.
Euthanasia, well you bring us right back to the original question. Can a Christian kill? If we walk down that slippery slope as far as who should live because they are considered productive to society (material wise), and who should die because they are taking up too many resources and not providing tangible support to society, then what you are asking for is legalized murder, or assisted suicide, mercy killing. But there will come a time when those to be euthanised, do not wish to be, but the law states that they must...
Again, this is nothing new. It was already done in history. I personally do not want my tax dollars to go to the "art" of inducing death to one who may or may not wish it.