I said:
It works for some people, not for others. I guess everyone has their prefered way of looking at the universe, though.
I hadn't thought of that, I am an engineer so I like to break down things to the essentials, hey all digital systems are binary!
I am no philosopher, but I feel like saying something.
Personally I think that dualism can be useful in understanding the core underlying principles of things, like understanding how a machine works inside. The issue is that you may miss the experience of what the machine is as a whole.
For example psychoanalytical theories of the personality are essentially dualistic, dualistic models are very useful as an understanding of what make people tick, but doing therapy is a different thing altogether.
Part of of the issue I think is that people tend to moralise the polarities, spirit good vs. body bad, sin vs. good nature, etc, they either reject the idea of duality because they don't like the "ugly" side, or get too stuck in the duality missing the whole.
The contradiction is that when we reject duality, we are implicitly creating another duality!
My understanding of the theories of personality, is that we human beings are masters at splitting reality, mostly as a defense or coping mechanism, we do it all the time, because it simplifies the complexities of reality substantially.
For example a soldier sees the enemy as the enemy, he doesn't think that the enemy is another human being with a name and a life of its own, because the soldier is inmersed in the busineess of waging war, name your enemy and name your cause.
Or perhaps we idealise that teacher or minister, we choose to ignore the bits that we dislike because that idealised fantasy meets our needs.
Health in this context is appreciating and accepting reality as a whole, as it is, no judging, no generalising, no splitting, no preconceptions, integration. This resonates with unconditional love, the here and now, and the ego-lessness of mystics. This of course is utopia, but one can improve.
Now the goal is not to remove splitting, because you need your defense and coping mechanisms to survive, what you need to do to is to overcome the fears, hurts and memories that keep you hungup, then you won't need your defences anymore.
Sorry, I don't know where I am going with this post anymore.
Anyway, imo dualism explains by splitting, and non dualism experiences by integrating.