Does God speak to you?

Right on, Quahom.

I can't say that I haven't been there before with our wonderous Creator. My life has been fairly calm for the past year so I feel like I am on another level with Him. Maybe because there isn't so much noise between us right now. I think of Him as Father but I do actually talk to him adult to adult, sort of like how I talk to my biological father. But right now there is only He and I. So when my world gets a little noisy - and I hope soon - then I expect to relate to your reply a whole lot more than I do at this time. ;)
truthseeker said:
Right on, Quahom.

I can't say that I haven't been there before with our wonderous Creator. My life has been fairly calm for the past year so I feel like I am on another level with Him. Maybe because there isn't so much noise between us right now. I think of Him as Father but I do actually talk to him adult to adult, sort of like how I talk to my biological father. But right now there is only He and I. So when my world gets a little noisy - and I hope soon - then I expect to relate to your reply a whole lot more than I do at this time. ;)
Blessed is the peacemaker, for he shall know peace.

Unfortunately there is nothing about a peace I takes me chances...:D


This could have been only a dream, delusion or some state of experience I'm just not use to... so take it for what you will.

I had an experience once while kind of half asleep that was very different then anything else I've ever "felt". There was no me in the dream or anything else, no objects or landscapes... there wasn't even blackness.

Basically during this "I" asked something (hate to call it a thing), those basic why questions, although I didn't really speak and I wasn't really spoken to. There was a response of some kind and that has so far in my life the closest thing to "God" I've experienced.

If I was to translate/paraphrase what I felt was communicated into words, it loses a lot, but I'll try.

"The questions you ask are not relevant, and that is what you are doing now. You are learning to understand among other things, is how these questions you feel must have answers, do not. Once you understand, this understanding will be completely satisfying even without having these answers you seek. This understanding can only be made, not given."

I took this in the sense like I was asking a mathematician what the last number is. The question would be flawed, because there is no such thing as a last number.
I think there are times in the early morning hours before sunrise that are particularly open to Divine inspiration and suggestion in our lives...

So I usually act on these and have found they are generally successful and have beneficial consequences...

The other thing is that in memorizing certain prayers the mind repeats them and they tend to have an influence of their own in ones' consciousness.

Baha'is have certain prayers that are said each day or at least very commonly recited and these begin to have their effect in our lives...

The Guardian of the Baha'i Faith Shoghi Effendi also had some recommendations for prayer as follows (this is in very abreviated form):

1. Pray and meditate about it... Then remain in silence of contempaltion for a few minutes.

2. Arrive at a decision and hold to this...

3. Have determination to carry the decision through...

4. Have faith and confidence that the power will flow through you, the right way will appear, the door will open...

5. Act as though it had all been answered... Act with tireless and ceaseless energy. And as you act you will become a magnet which will attract more power to your being until you become an unobstructed channel for the Divine power to flow through you...
why? He gave us these emotions.. I certainly feel joy when Im praising the Lord.. I feel peace when Im assured of my salvation... I feel angry when I dont understand a trial Im going through... Jesus felt anger as a sidepoint and He (to Christians) is God. I feel love when I think of God.. He did not create us to be unfeeling robots. :)
Good point, Faithfulservant. As I've heard many people say concerning emotions, "just look at the Psalms."

As for the topic of this thread, I believe the Bible shows us that God does want us to speak to Him, and He wants to speak to us. And He can do that however He wants, of course, because He has the ability. However, I believe He primarily uses the Bible.

"In the past God spoke to our forefathers through the prophets at many times and in various ways, but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God's glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word." (Hebrews 1:1-3a)

About six months ago, I had an important descision I needed to make about what I'd do for the summer, and so I prayed and asked God to show me whether I should take the opportunity or not. He didn't immediately show me. I prayed about it, asking Him to guide me, to show me, for about 2 weeks. Then, as I was praying the same prayer one day at a small worship service where I was away from everyone else, He clearly told me, in my head, that yes, I should go, I should take that opportunity for the summer. He's spoken in other ways, not just like that.

He speaks to me, both while I study His Word (the Bible) and when I'm praying, and just randomly!

(p.s. what about you, Faithfulservant?)
God can use every objects near you to comunicate with you, e.g: by thunder, wind, sound of radio, newspaper, e-mail from friend, etc but the most is by dream. The problem is not how He speak to us but IF we wanna hear Him. Cause all people of the world are 'intoxicated' and what make you 'intoxicated' is which blinds your heart to hear Him. Truly there is money, pleasure, money, pleasure ~
:) so hard, isn't it?
yes i agree with blessed87 ,God mostly speaks to us through the pages of the bible, it is like a letter from God

What the Bible says reaches far beyond the days in which it was recorded. It speaks of future days; in fact, it describes in detail the times in which we live. (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Luke 21:10, 11, 25, 26) It shows the course that we should pursue now. Yes, through it God is speaking to us today.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine said:
Zdrastvuitsye, hola, shalom, salaam, Dia dhuit, namastar ji, hej, konbanwa, squeak, meow, :wave:, Frank.

My personal opinion concerning whether or not G!d/dess speaks to us or not is that I need a better definition on the term "speak". I mean, I know a number of people who "speak" but don't speak (due to profound hearing im[pairments, they use ASL to communicate.) Some plants "speak" but they don't speak (as we know speaking) otherwise when one plant is under attack, the rest of the plants around it wouldn't be able to defend against the attacker (sort of.)

Also, what about people who hear voices? I man, paranoids, schitzophrenics, other psychotics? Are they hearing the voice of G!d/dess? If so, then why do some of them hurt themselves or others, then claim that they were told to do that?

Am I making any sense here?

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine

Yes you are.There are many levels of comunication for which we have little explanation or have only scratched the surface in understanding.

Anyone who were to tell me that they have talked to the devine or heard the voice of the devine in their head, my first thought would be be caution.
Depending on how well I knew that person my reaction could be anywhere from rapt attention to 'ermmm ok nice meeting u....bu bye'.. But anyone claiming to have recieved the 'word of God' that implies or demands that this is devine revelation that I should accept and follow, adopt as my own belief etc......then that person is a dangerous megalomaniac, perhaps schizophrenic or even worse conciously cold and calculating.
Personaly I find almost every 'holy' book I have ever read from a work of mans hand that almost without exception are a means of manipulation of people to subservience of the high priests of the particular faith. Often this is to the benefit of society for it includes a morality that defines what is and is not acceptable for the individual to do within his/her community. But always there is this undercurrent of subservience to the ruling elite. And like any ruling elite the more power they get the more they want. I do not think any person can communicate with God better than through his/her own heart. Many very good people will go into their faith to offer pastoral guidance to those seeking it but equally a large number will go into it with pure self-interest. Unfortunately as with any heirarchical organisation it is often the ruthless bad-apples with naught but selfish ambition and powerlust that get to the top,
I know that here in Scotland some naive pastoralists took their message to the prisons and were delighted at how many converts they found. I know personaly of one such convert, jailed for confidence trickery and robbery, currently rising through the ranks of a church here. His family now have thier hands on the treasury of that church. Some might say 'well maybe he was converted'. Well he was'nt, he is a cold a ruthless psycopath and a part of a gang who saw how wide open that church was to exploitation. I have no doubts whatsoever that this story has its parallals in every faith in every age.
It seems to me, IMHO, that most people that most people seem to find God talking to them in a time of severe personal distress. Some might argue that this is just when they need God most and so he appears for them. But my own personal experience is that at such times we are apt to hallucinatory or dellusional thoughts and that they have more to do with neuro-chemical stress reactions than celestial help. My own deepest spiritual unions come from the wind whispering through a forest canopy, the sight of some improbable orange fungi, the chance sighting of fox cubs at play. This is where God speaks to me.
mee said:
yes i agree with blessed87 ,God mostly speaks to us through the pages of the bible, it is like a letter from God

What the Bible says reaches far beyond the days in which it was recorded. It speaks of future days; in fact, it describes in detail the times in which we live. (2 Tim. 3:1-5; Luke 21:10, 11, 25, 26) It shows the course that we should pursue now. Yes, through it God is speaking to us today.

Wouldn't that be placing a limit on God? Since Christ's arrival, hasn't God become more personal to the individual? And didn't God Himself state specifically in the Bible, that if we would still our spirits and be quiet (inside), we would here God not in the wind (but I'm sure He can), nor thunder, nor the storm, but in a whisper?

I submit alot more of us would here the voice of God on a regular basis, if we could calm ourselves inside. Sometimes the noise in our heads (worries, converstions, memories, ambitions, etc.,) is so loud we can't hear oursleves think, let alone God speak...

I also very much agree, that God can and does use dreams to speak with us. In fact the Bible provides such exact accounts many times over.

my thoughts


Quahom1 said:
Wouldn't that be placing a limit on God? Since Christ's arrival, hasn't God become more personal to the individual? And didn't God Himself state specifically in the Bible, that if we would still our spirits and be quiet (inside), we would here God not in the wind (but I'm sure He can), nor thunder, nor the storm, but in a whisper?

I submit alot more of us would here the voice of God on a regular basis, if we could calm ourselves inside. Sometimes the noise in our heads (worries, converstions, memories, ambitions, etc.,) is so loud we can't hear oursleves think, let alone God speak...

I also very much agree, that God can and does use dreams to speak with us. In fact the Bible provides such exact accounts many times over.

my thoughts


we can listen to God by being obedient to his word the bible ,and then by doing this we can have a better relationship with God , and we can be his friend because we have listened to him
mee said:
we can listen to God by being obedient to his word the bible ,and then by doing this we can have a better relationship with God , and we can be his friend because we have listened to him

I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Reading the Bible, is like reading a history book. Interesting, but there are lots of books out there on people's perception of history. Then I tuck the bits of information I gathered from the pages and go on with life.

Where the Bible comes to life, is when God begins to act within an individual's life. There are times when we don't have access to a Bible, and some of us do not like to memorize passages to route. We just like knowing what was written. God, however, makes Himself known to some (maybe all) personally, once the door is open (even just a crack).

Many many times, I've heard stories of people who have heard or read the Word of God, and thought it interesting. But the fire inside did not catch until they had a situation they could not handle alone, and remembering what they heard or read about God and the scriptures, stated "If you are real God, please let me know, because I'm in a pickle and don't know how to get out of it."

This is the communication I'm talking about. When God nods and says "ok, here I come"...

Here is a good one. Three weeks ago, I was coming up the ravine road from my home to the main road (it is a mile and a half of one lane private drive, gravel drive), on my motorcycle. The speed limit should be 5 mph, since it is a private road and single lane, but I was moving at 25 MPH (dumm but the truth). As I came round a curve, there was the neighbor's sister's minivan coming at me (also at about 25 MPH).

Now even though I've been riding for a quarter century, there are just some things that can't be negotiated, like street motorcycles in evasive manuevers on gravel roads and speed. Impact was immenent, and at 50 MPH (her combined speed and mine). I knew it, and she knew it. I locked up the rear brake and fishtailed broad side of her van, and she still came at me. I had time for a quick "God, I'm screwed, unless you help".

Next thing I know I'm swinging the back end of the bike out and away from her van, and then...going BACKWARDS on a motorcycle parallel to her driver's side, at 20 MPH! She locked up her brakes too, but her van stopped over the gravel skid, where I'd started (we noticed later). Anyway, I'm not doing Evel Kneivel so, I layed my bike down and slid off the road (my foot was stuck under the bike, so I couldn't push free). After sliding 30 feet and missing two oak trees (went right between them), everything went still.

I'm looking up at the forest canopy, and I'm thinking, "JEEZUS Thanks, that was close", followed by "WHAT A RUSH!".

The neighbor's sister came running up, and asked if I was hurt..."Only my pride, Ma'am", I murmured. She then asked if she could help me with the bike, and that's when I realized the half my lower leg was pinned under the engine casing.

But she is a frail human (health wise), and I said no thank you, just stand by while I figured something out (I had to negotiate 600 lbs of motorcycle, off my leg).

Ready for this? I couldn't get the bike off my leg, the leverage was wrong. She was about to use her cell phone to call for help, when I asked her if there was a long thick branch anywhere? She said, yes, when I hit the tree, one fell down...(but I never hit a tree). She dragged it over, and it was a pretty big dead wood branch. I used it to lift the bike a few inches and pulled my leg out. Then I looked at the bike - no damage, not even a scrape on the metal. No damage to my clothes, nor to my helmet. Only a gouge in the gravel where I slid and then fell and slid on my side. And looking at the path my bike and I took on our sides, I should have hit the tree. But I hit no tree. But she says I hit the tree...

How long did all this take? Less than 5 seconds, from start to finish (as the accident goes).

In hind sight (upon reflection), I heard someone tell me to let off the back brake, which put me straight up with the van but in momentum, then heard apply back brake again, which swung my bike's back end around the van like a ballerina spinning around her partner. Going backwards, I couldn't lean right, as I would fall into the van's side, so I leaned left and dropped the bike, and slid for quite a few feet.

She says I hit the tree, but I didn't touch a tree...I went right between them.

why is this all strange. Any good biker knows once you commit to braking, you do not stop, else you throw yourself from a bike...usually into a windshield. Second, no damage to bike or van or people or clothing. Third, no one goes backwards on a motorcycle...unless being held up. Yet that is what happened. And I was told what to do, as I needed to do it. Lock up, clear, lock up, clear, lay down, hold on...

And I remember hearing myself saying in my helmet, ok, ok, ok, ok. I wasn't saying "ok", to me! I was never taught such maneuvers, on a street bike. And using back brakes on gravel is a controled (STIC) crash, not stopping.

More like blunted impact.

No, God talks to us, when we least expect Him to, and when we most need Him to. That does not mean reading the words on the papers of the Bible.

If God was no where else but on paper...I'd want nothing to do with a Paper god. When He takes an active role in my life...that's the God I want to follow, and want to know.

I'm convinced, that I am actively being looked after, despite my stupidity. And He talks to me. That gives me a very positive outlook on life.

my thoughts


heaven_id said:
Heelloooo??? don't you read yet?

Well, yes I do read. But that isn't the answer you're looking for, and I don't understand the real question under the one you asked...


Quahom1 said:
I'm sorry I wasn't clear. Reading the Bible, is like reading a history book. Interesting, but there are lots of books out there on people's perception of history. Then I tuck the bits of information I gathered from the pages and go on with life.

Where the Bible comes to life, is when God begins to act within an individual's life. There are times when we don't have access to a Bible, and some of us do not like to memorize passages to route. We just like knowing what was written. God, however, makes Himself known to some (maybe all) personally, once the door is open (even just a crack).

Many many times, I've heard stories of people who have heard or read the Word of God, and thought it interesting. But the fire inside did not catch until they had a situation they could not handle alone, and remembering what they heard or read about God and the scriptures, stated "If you are real God, please let me know, because I'm in a pickle and don't know how to get out of it."

This is the communication I'm talking about. When God nods and says "ok, here I come"...

Here is a good one. Three weeks ago, I was coming up the ravine road from my home to the main road (it is a mile and a half of one lane private drive, gravel drive), on my motorcycle. The speed limit should be 5 mph, since it is a private road and single lane, but I was moving at 25 MPH (dumm but the truth). As I came round a curve, there was the neighbor's sister's minivan coming at me (also at about 25 MPH).

Now even though I've been riding for a quarter century, there are just some things that can't be negotiated, like street motorcycles in evasive manuevers on gravel roads and speed. Impact was immenent, and at 50 MPH (her combined speed and mine). I knew it, and she knew it. I locked up the rear brake and fishtailed broad side of her van, and she still came at me. I had time for a quick "God, I'm screwed, unless you help".

Next thing I know I'm swinging the back end of the bike out and away from her van, and then...going BACKWARDS on a motorcycle parallel to her driver's side, at 20 MPH! She locked up her brakes too, but her van stopped over the gravel skid, where I'd started (we noticed later). Anyway, I'm not doing Evel Kneivel so, I layed my bike down and slid off the road (my foot was stuck under the bike, so I couldn't push free). After sliding 30 feet and missing two oak trees (went right between them), everything went still.

I'm looking up at the forest canopy, and I'm thinking, "JEEZUS Thanks, that was close", followed by "WHAT A RUSH!".

The neighbor's sister came running up, and asked if I was hurt..."Only my pride, Ma'am", I murmured. She then asked if she could help me with the bike, and that's when I realized the half my lower leg was pinned under the engine casing.

But she is a frail human (health wise), and I said no thank you, just stand by while I figured something out (I had to negotiate 600 lbs of motorcycle, off my leg).

Ready for this? I couldn't get the bike off my leg, the leverage was wrong. She was about to use her cell phone to call for help, when I asked her if there was a long thick branch anywhere? She said, yes, when I hit the tree, one fell down...(but I never hit a tree). She dragged it over, and it was a pretty big dead wood branch. I used it to lift the bike a few inches and pulled my leg out. Then I looked at the bike - no damage, not even a scrape on the metal. No damage to my clothes, nor to my helmet. Only a gouge in the gravel where I slid and then fell and slid on my side. And looking at the path my bike and I took on our sides, I should have hit the tree. But I hit no tree. But she says I hit the tree...

How long did all this take? Less than 5 seconds, from start to finish (as the accident goes).

In hind sight (upon reflection), I heard someone tell me to let off the back brake, which put me straight up with the van but in momentum, then heard apply back brake again, which swung my bike's back end around the van like a ballerina spinning around her partner. Going backwards, I couldn't lean right, as I would fall into the van's side, so I leaned left and dropped the bike, and slid for quite a few feet.

She says I hit the tree, but I didn't touch a tree...I went right between them.

why is this all strange. Any good biker knows once you commit to braking, you do not stop, else you throw yourself from a bike...usually into a windshield. Second, no damage to bike or van or people or clothing. Third, no one goes backwards on a motorcycle...unless being held up. Yet that is what happened. And I was told what to do, as I needed to do it. Lock up, clear, lock up, clear, lay down, hold on...

And I remember hearing myself saying in my helmet, ok, ok, ok, ok. I wasn't saying "ok", to me! I was never taught such maneuvers, on a street bike. And using back brakes on gravel is a controled (STIC) crash, not stopping.

More like blunted impact.

No, God talks to us, when we least expect Him to, and when we most need Him to. That does not mean reading the words on the papers of the Bible.

If God was no where else but on paper...I'd want nothing to do with a Paper god. When He takes an active role in my life...that's the God I want to follow, and want to know.

I'm convinced, that I am actively being looked after, despite my stupidity. And He talks to me. That gives me a very positive outlook on life.

my thoughts


i also believe in the power of prayer, and if we ask for correct thinking ability he answers prayers,
mee said:
i also believe in the power of prayer, and if we ask for correct thinking ability he answers prayers,

But sometimes, we don't have time for correct fact we simply reach out to Abba, in our pain. Does He not answer?
You guys are right...but maybe the title should be "Do you listen to God"

Spirit is speaking all the time, sometimes screaming. Expressing in our lives every day in every way...course we like to think we are so involved in all the good that happens and have nothing to do with the bad.. funny how we are.

No I wasn't talking about you, more about me, just a generalization. Often those that see messages everywhere, we deem as crazy...take that God. Why do you only speak to the crazy ones? or why do all the crazy ones listen? Or maybe more to the point how unfortunate for us that when we receive a message we have to interpret it based on our past a police officer can't find a babel fish when you need one.....

Thank you God for continuing to express and manifest in the world around me.. for example in this thread!

awesome stuff, namaste,
ok, just sharing my experience, when i asked God to speak to me, i only heard in my mind that sound "fitness!". Though i keep on asking, the answer always said "fitness!". On that time i've been Christian. My hobby was body-workout so i kept my body in good shape. But then i knew that my hobby was my idol. Ofcourse all i had to do was to renounce it, even my wealth, my beloved one, and the hardest thing is my soul. GBU.
Quahom1 said:
But sometimes, we don't have time for correct fact we simply reach out to Abba, in our pain. Does He not answer?
yes i agree he does answer , he knows what we are going to ask even before we say it , but we dont need God to litraly speak to us , as the bible does that ,and if we listen to what the bible tells us and pray for thinking ability it will help us in day to day life . and i also think that God can and does intervine if it is according to his purpose. in fact he even uses people to acomplish his purpose when they are not even aware of it, but i am going of track a bit here LOL i think if we listen to Jesus we cant go wrong , but i do not believe that christians are imune to bad things in this world . unforeseen things happen to us all
because time and unforeseen occurrence befall them all....Ecclesiastes 9;11
