yes, god speaks to me, and although I am likely to incur the wrath of those who think I am blowing my own trumpet and on some mission to dominate or indoctrinate, I shall tell u of it anyway...
...many years ago, I had what would be described as a "religious experience"... I went blind, there was no form, everything was brilliant white, with tiny flickering colours within the brightness, of every hue, and I was surrounded by such immense pefect love, bliss, brilliance... I dont suppose the experience lasted all that long, really, but the light faded, and I was sat with tears rolling down my face and within my mind my first notion was- that I had been picked up by God, into the arms of God, and kissed, on the forehead... prior to this I was a negative depressive type, hated everyone, they all hated me, full of doom and gloom, and yet- suddenly, the sun was out, ppl liked me, they smiled at me, and the world changed...
...I'm not especially religious, today, although I have "beliefs", yet after this experience, and to this day, I will experience the same sensation, within me, even though this experience was over 15 years ago, and although the cynics might suggest I have temporal lobe epilepsy, or I had some kind of stroke, yet this sensation and feeling does not happen on the bus, in the supermarket, at my desk... this sensation comes when I read religious texts, when I pray, and when I ask for it... I take this sensation to be the holy spirit, as I have no other more fitting name for it, and when I am on the right path, it lights my fire, so to speak... I could be reading the gospel of Thomas, the bhagavad gita, the NT, the koran, and there it speaks- it only ever answers yes, to my questions, when I ask it things, and I allow this sensation to choose for me what is right for me, I trust it, and it has never let me down yet...
...I also look ten years younger than I should, and after feeling this sensation, I feel "revitalised". Sometimes it comes from within me, and sometimes it comes from outside of me, almost as if, sometimes, u have to call it down to catch onto it and send it forth, this light which isnt a light, within... amazing, hey...? just thought I'd share...