For me, it is the opportunity to establish dialogue between members of different faiths within a safe, loving, diverse and accepting community. What Brian has established here with this forum is an amazing and a precious thing--free and open communication between believers of different faiths in an atmosphere of respect, understanding, and peace.
For me, personally? I once was a born-again Christian and narrowly and dogmatically blinkered, a thorough-going religious prig certain that I was right and everybody else was wrong. Then I was an atheist, both blind to things of the spirit and attacked for my lack of faith. Now I am a practicing witch, a member of a community not exactly well-liked or tolerated by American Christians or by rational atheists, and a community that itself, despite claims of religious tolerance, has been known to Christian-bash as well as to be guilty of intolerance within its own ranks.
It seems to me that the great evil here is ignorance, that the only way to battle ignorance is through education, and that the best means to accomplish this is through open communication. I can't believe that we'll eradicate all fundamentalism of whatever flavor here, but we CAN touch hearts and minds one person at a time, by talking, sharing, learning, and understanding.
In so far as each of us is able to set aside prejudice and see that the other guy might have a useful view of life's path--not the whole answer, mind you, but simply a valid and useful apprehension of faith and spirit--this forum becomes an incredibly valuable tool for growth and understanding. The diversity of thought, belief, and paradigm here is a fantastic window on the diversity of human thought, and the power of the human spirit.
So my reply to your list would be "None of the above". . . not even the opportunity to educate, since that assumes a position of superiority on the part of a teacher and a lack on the part of the student. Unless, of course, we understand this as primarily educating ourselves.