The Jinn

Does the Jinn race exsist

  • Yes

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • No

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • I do not know what a "Jinn" is

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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In line with the post regarding the nephilim race. I want to get a poll on the exsistence of the jinn.

1. Do you believe the jinn exsist?
(yes or No)

2. Have you ever had an encounter with one, and if so, what happened? (brief description in the "post" area)

If you do not know exactly what a "jinn" is, the link below has a good explanation about them.
I voted yes, because I can believe whatever the heck I want to, and also I believe they do exist. I believe that it is a belief in the Muslim religion as well, where the Jinns are accepted as having a separate, subtle existence like angels. I'm interested in the water (Marid), earth, and air jinns though, since you can't find much on them from an occult point of view.

2. I have not encountered them or any other supernatural being, ever.
moseslmpg said:
I have not encountered them or any other supernatural being, ever.
I am an Ahmadi - a faith in Islam.
The word Jinn is mentioned in Quran; even a chapter of Quran is named “Jinn” i.e. Chapter 72: Al-Jinn. It is a very small Chapter, so I copy hereunder the full chapter for benefit of the CR members; to understand what is understood by Jinn in Quran and to have first hand knowledge of that; and also to note that it is a open book of knowledge for everybody.
[72:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful.
[72:2] Say 'It has been revealed to me that a company of the jinn listened to the Qur'an and they said: 'Truly, we have heard a wonderful Qur'an,
[72:3] 'It guides to the right way; so we have believed in it, and we will not associate anyone with our Lord.
[72:4] 'The truth is that - exalted be the Majesty of our Lord - He has taken unto Himself neither wife nor son,
[72:5] 'And that the foolish amongst us used to utter extravagant lies concerning Allah,
[72:6] 'And we thought that men and jinn would never utter a lie concerning Allah,
[72:7] 'And, indeed, some men from among the common folk used to seek the protection of some men from among the jinn, and thus they increased the jinn in arrogance,
[72:8] 'And, indeed, they thought, even as you think that Allah would never raise any Messenger,
[72:9] 'And we sought to reach heaven, but we found it filled with strong guards and shooting stars,
[72:10] 'And we used to sit in some of its seats to listen. But whoso listens now finds a shooting star in ambush for him, [72:11] 'And we know not whether evil is intended for those who are in the earth, or whether their Lord intends to bestow guidance upon them,
[72:12] 'And some of us are righteous and some of us are otherwise - we are sects following different paths,
[72:13] 'And we know that we cannot frustrate the plan of Allah in the earth, nor can we escape Him by flight,
[72:14] 'So when we heard the call to guidance, we believed in it'. And he, who believes in his Lord, has no fear of loss or of injustice,
[72:15] 'And some of us submit to God and some of us have deviated from the right course.' And those who submit to God - it is they who seek the right course,
[72:16] And those who deviate from the right course, they are the fuel of Hell.
[72:17] And if the Meccan disbelievers keep to the right path, We shall, certainly, provide them with abundant water to drink,
[72:18] That We may try them thereby. And whoso turns away from the remembrance of his Lord - He will drive him into an over-whelmingly severe punishment.
[72:19] And all places of worship belong to Allah; so call not on anyone beside Allah.
[72:20] And when the servant of Allah stands up praying to Him, they crowd upon him, well-nigh stifling him to death. [72:21] Say, 'I pray to my Lord only, and I associate no one with Him.
[72:22] Say, I have no power to do you either harm or good.'
[72:23] Say, 'Surely, none can protect me against the punishment of Allah, nor can I find any place of refuge beside Him.'
[72:24] 'My responsibility is only to convey what is revealed to me from Allah and His Messages.' And those who disobey Allah and His Messenger, surely, for them is the Fire of Hell, wherein they will abide for a long period.
[72:25] They will continue to disbelieve until they see that which they are promised, but soon they will know who is weaker in helpers and fewer in numbers.
[72:26] Say, 'I know not whether that which you are promised is nigh, or whether my Lord has fixed for it a distant term.'
[72:27] He is the Knower of the unseen; and He reveals not His secrets to anyone,
[72:28] Except to a Messenger of His whom He chooses. And then He causes an escort of guarding angels to go before him and behind him,
[72:29] That He may know that His Messengers have delivered the Messages of their Lord. And He encompasses all that is with them and He keeps count of all things.” Unquote

I think it would be now clear to everybody by reading the above chapter that Quran does not mention in it of any superstitious creature (by Jinn) that upsets the weak and woman ;what the radical and illiterate Mullah would insist us to believe in, to exploit them or to extol money from them. It would be very lengthy subject to cover in one post.
Some believe (and I am one amongst them) that by Jinn generally following subjects have been discussed in Quran:
1. The most ancient pre-biotic creatures that existed prior to the biotic evolution.
2. The Foreign Engineers of the time of Solomon, from the subjugated/conquered lands whom Solomon employed for building large structures and monuments for which he was so renowned and also to perform some functions which the local couldn’t do.
3. Some believe (and I am one amongst them) and interpret that in the chapter Jinn, Quran alludes/mentions of those Afghan/Pushtun delegates/representatives of Lost Tribes of the House of Israel (inhabiting then in Afghanistan, Kashmir, Northern Pakistan and India); who heard of advent of Muhammad as per their Book and sent delegates for verification of his prophet-hood, they listened Quran and accepted him as a true Prophet/Messenger Chosen-One by God as could be observed. They also refuted the concept commonly held by them that there cannot come any prophet for guidance now .This mistaken belief is of recurring nature and even now due to some wrong notion Jews/Christians/Muslim etc have a contradictory belief on one hand they all finish the office of prophet-hood on some person and yet they believe on the other hand that there would come a Moshiach, Messiah, Issa, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, Buddha, Zoroaster etc and are waiting for this person most fervently and praying for the advent/re-advent of the same.
I finish it here for the time being.
Are you saying that the Jinn are not super-natural beings and that they are simply humans from the lost tribes of Isreal?
Also, why did you quote me? I haven't ever consciously met a supernatural being, as far as I know anyway.
Just a hypothetical question... If you met a Jinn.. Do you think it/he/she would say conveniently "Hello I'm a Jinn and so pleased to meet you"????

No I would suggest probably not..So if you encountered one you probably wouldn't know what they were anyway.. Maybe you'd think it was a space alien or a trick or treater with a very sophisticated costume.

- Art
arthra said:
Just a hypothetical question... If you met a Jinn.. Do you think it/he/she would say conveniently "Hello I'm a Jinn and so pleased to meet you"????

No I would suggest probably not..So if you encountered one you probably wouldn't know what they were anyway.. Maybe you'd think it was a space alien or a trick or treater with a very sophisticated costume.

- Art

If im not mistaken, I think the Jinn do not try to fool you into thinking they are human. Then again maybe they do, but, I was reffering to any encouters that you felt could have been waht you suspected were an encounter with a Jinn.
The ole wikipedia has an interesting article here:

There's a good relief sculpture of an Assyrian "jinn" on the page...

You know I think it would really be hard for me to identify an encounter with a Jinn... Do you suppose they could be related to a "night terror"..ummm...

One night on my couch while awake for ohhh maybe for twenty seconds or so there was a being that was present before me and it was very powerful and like from another dimension. I could only dimly see it in a sort of an orange diffuse light.

It communicated to me mentally like a shock or very strong way deafeningly unmistakenly "saying" something to me but I could not understand...As if there were volumes of knowledge it communicated but all at once.

As suddenly as it "appeared" it was gone. I was left bewildered and confused.

So was that a "jinn" I don't think I would have any way of knowing.

- art
That is not a picture of a Jinn, I'm pretty sure. It's an Assyrian god or god-like being, upon which the cherubim are partly based. It looks like Nisroch without the bird head.

Pretty attractive looking sculture.. No it isn't what I saw either.. but symbolically interesting anyway.

I looked up the name "Dur Shurrukin" and it's apparently a place name related the Assyrian Sargon mentioned in the Bible who conquered Samaria:

Dur-Sharrukin ("Fortress of Sargon", present day Khorsabad, was the Assyrian capital in the time of Sargon II of Assyria (coordinates: 36.509537134293° N 43.229315249165° E). Khorsabad is a village in northern Iraq, 15 km northeast of Mosul.

I also found a caption for the "blessing genie" above that goes like:

The relief above depicts a great winged genie who attends the king at a religious ceremony. He holds a single ritual object, a pail, which may have contained liquid used to purify the 'Sacred Tree' - Tree of Life. It is fund at the Brooklyn Museum - Winged Genie Iraq, Nimrud - Assyria - from Room H of the Northwest Palace Reign of Ashur-nasir-pal II, circa 883-859 B.C. Alabaster 91 inches high, (231.1 cm) Gift of Hagop Kevorkian.

My encounter with a Jinn (or Jinni), occurred while I believe I was in touch with a former incarnation (from the 1st century AD), as a Persian - and a Zoroastrian. Without a doubt, Fire figured prominently in my consciousness, mindframe, and perceptions/experience with the Jinn. This was not a pleasant experience, and while I would venture a guess that the Jinn was not acting out of character ... I think that many people would tend to describe such a being (as I encountered, anyway) as "evil," or negative.

My own belief, as an esotericist, is that this is largely a value judgment on our part, and doesn't reflect, or take into consideration, the purpose and place of the Jinn in evolutionary terms. Thus, this being was not actually evil, even though the experience was quite unpleasant for me, and even though it could be said that the being did intend a certain amount of harm. We must learn that not everything in this world revolves around Humanity, since we are not the only Kingdom of Life that is evolving upon the planet ... and Higher Purposes exist than simply seeing to our own well-being, individually or even collectively.

I'm not sure, but I think the Jinn are not unrelated to the Asura from Hindu mythology. Just as people differ, from region to region, it is possible that devas differ, such that in India, a Jinn is an Asura ... while in the Middle East, the same type of being is experienced differently. `Asura,' like Jinn, is worth looking up on Wikipedia, if people are not familar with the word.


Thanks for your post Taijasi..

Sometimes discussing this is a little personal and uncomfortable so I can appreciate your sharing... I wondered if you could share with me the following: Do you suppose you were you preconditioned in some way to identify this encounter as being with a "Jinn".... and secondly, how long would you estimate this encounter was in "real" time?

- Art
Art, Sorry to jump in here.

Mine lasted for what "seemed" like hours.
In reality it was only for about 30-to 60 seconds.
Those scratches felt hot too.
Almost like what ever "it" was had "heated" fingernails.
It did not come back either.
I have always wondered why it never came back too.

Sometimes I watch this new Show on television called "Super Natural" Some of the "things" they deal with have the same M.O. as my encounter.
They also serach for those "things" by seeing if the smell of sulfur is in the air. I don't know how true it is though.
arthra said:
Thanks for your post Taijasi..

Sometimes discussing this is a little personal and uncomfortable so I can appreciate your sharing... I wondered if you could share with me the following: Do you suppose you were you preconditioned in some way to identify this encounter as being with a "Jinn".... and secondly, how long would you estimate this encounter was in "real" time?

- Art
I think I was preconditioned ... yes. More THC in the brain that probably should have been, but this was all that was supposed to be there. In retrospect, I believe now that there was also a bit of PCP present. That part wasn't intentional, and is one more reason not to rush in - where angels fear to tread. :eek:

The conditions, including altered awareness, were such that I was identitied with a prior incarnation ... or two, actually. Bah, over 30 days, I probably touched on one aspect or another of 7 previous lives ... which I remember. But the ONE which first put me in touch with the "Jinn," was that of a Persian woman. The most unpleasant portion of the experience went on for - easily several minutes at a time, but perhaps even hours ... and this over several days time.

Jinn, as I have come to understand them, are intelligent, to a point, being of the nature of elemental lives, or a lower order of Deva. Normally, theirs and humans' paths do not cross, or at least, I hadn't ever had this type of experience. This is a type of creature which enjoys what we would call tormenting ... though again, this is perfectly natural, as I understand it. It's like encountering a mountain lion or something. They may well become mean, and even attack. But to become superstitious, and say a polecat is "evil" ... is of course, silly. :p

As I think about it, I wonder if some folks, having had such an experience, might think they'd come face to face with Old Scratch himself! This wouldn't surprise me. But after my Jinn experience, or during this same 30 days, I saw and experienced things that made the Jinn seem pretty minor. It's kind of like the Mystical or religious experience, which many folks have, and then decide they saw/felt Jesus, or an angel, or whatever ... this is how things get interpreted. Sometimes, the correct interpretation doesn't present itself for many years, and even then it only dawns slowly. This is probably the case with the Jinn thing. I have yet to fully understand it. I did learn, however, what not to do! ;):)

taijasi said:
I think I was preconditioned ... yes. More THC in the brain that probably should have been, but this was all that was supposed to be there. In retrospect, I believe now that there was also a bit of PCP present. That part wasn't intentional, and is one more reason not to rush in - where angels fear to tread. :eek:

The conditions, including altered awareness, were such that I was identitied with a prior incarnation ... or two, actually. Bah, over 30 days, I probably touched on one aspect or another of 7 previous lives ... which I remember. But the ONE which first put me in touch with the "Jinn," was that of a Persian woman. The most unpleasant portion of the experience went on for - easily several minutes at a time, but perhaps even hours ... and this over several days time.

Jinn, as I have come to understand them, are intelligent, to a point, being of the nature of elemental lives, or a lower order of Deva. Normally, theirs and humans' paths do not cross, or at least, I hadn't ever had this type of experience. This is a type of creature which enjoys what we would call tormenting ... though again, this is perfectly natural, as I understand it. It's like encountering a mountain lion or something. They may well become mean, and even attack. But to become superstitious, and say a polecat is "evil" ... is of course, silly. :p

As I think about it, I wonder if some folks, having had such an experience, might think they'd come face to face with Old Scratch himself! This wouldn't surprise me. But after my Jinn experience, or during this same 30 days, I saw and experienced things that made the Jinn seem pretty minor. It's kind of like the Mystical or religious experience, which many folks have, and then decide they saw/felt Jesus, or an angel, or whatever ... this is how things get interpreted. Sometimes, the correct interpretation doesn't present itself for many years, and even then it only dawns slowly. This is probably the case with the Jinn thing. I have yet to fully understand it. I did learn, however, what not to do! ;):)


taijasi, If you dont' mind me askin, did it ever pick you up and drop you?
I had a friend who told me that female jinn love to float men in the air an drop them very hard to the ground. Did that happen to you?
arthra said:

Pretty attractive looking sculture.. No it isn't what I saw either.. but symbolically interesting anyway.

I looked up the name "Dur Shurrukin" and it's apparently a place name related the Assyrian Sargon mentioned in the Bible who conquered Samaria:

Dur-Sharrukin ("Fortress of Sargon", present day Khorsabad, was the Assyrian capital in the time of Sargon II of Assyria (coordinates: 36.509537134293° N 43.229315249165° E). Khorsabad is a village in northern Iraq, 15 km northeast of Mosul.

I also found a caption for the "blessing genie" above that goes like:

The relief above depicts a great winged genie who attends the king at a religious ceremony. He holds a single ritual object, a pail, which may have contained liquid used to purify the 'Sacred Tree' - Tree of Life. It is fund at the Brooklyn Museum - Winged Genie Iraq, Nimrud - Assyria - from Room H of the Northwest Palace Reign of Ashur-nasir-pal II, circa 883-859 B.C. Alabaster 91 inches high, (231.1 cm) Gift of Hagop Kevorkian.

OK, well it may be called a genie now, but I still doubt it was supposed to be the same creature that a djinn is in Islam. Those things are no more djinni than they are angels. Ah, but it is inconsequential to the discussion at hand...
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
taijasi, If you dont' mind me askin, did it ever pick you up and drop you?
I had a friend who told me that female jinn love to float men in the air an drop them very hard to the ground. Did that happen to you?
Hmmm ... I don't recall this, but I wasn't in a good frame of mind. It was very scary, but I don't remember being picked up & dropped. If I was, it would have been in the subtle (astral) body, but this doesn't ring a bell. This was a male Jinn, inasmuch as I would be able to venture a guess.

taijasi said:
Hmmm ... I don't recall this, but I wasn't in a good frame of mind. It was very scary, but I don't remember being picked up & dropped. If I was, it would have been in the subtle (astral) body, but this doesn't ring a bell. This was a male Jinn, inasmuch as I would be able to venture a guess.


Did it say anything to you?
YO-ELEVEN-11 said:
Did it say anything to you?
Hmmm, memory too foggy these days, as it's been almost exactly 11 years now ... but I think so. I do not recall details, simply that I was terribly frightened, and I would think that anything communicated - in words or otherwise (likely as pure emotion or thought, not verbally) - would have fit this bill. I think I might have simply experienced threat & torment, though again, nothing that I hadn't asked for, and nothing that was not normal for a Jinn!!!

I'm way out on a limb describing this experience at all - sorry! It's just not something I have a good understanding of, even with a familiarity with the Deva (Angelic, and elemental) Kingdom. I will probably research it more some day, as I've been able to fit many of the other experiences from 11 years ago into context. I was told by a mummy, for example, that I was going to be imprisoned beneath a pyramid - entombed, as it were - for 1000 years. This makes much more sense to me, and I can explain, or attempt to decode this utterance, much more easily than the Jinn thing. But it would have pertained to a much earlier lifetime, and it (meaning Egyptian culture, religion and spirituality) is something I'm more familiar with, than Persian.

Perhaps a viewing of 1001 Arabian Nights is in order. I think the video is on my coffee table! A recent production, too (2000).

