Challenge to unbelievers and those in false relgions...

[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]Take for instance, the "wise" words one of today's most influential religious and spiritual gurus, Oprah Winfrey: [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]"Truth is one part of many, which way is yours?"[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Certainly, the obvious objection to this sort of thinking would be to ask the question, [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]if both truths conflict and contradict each other, how then can they both remain true?[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] I suppose however, that the obviousness of this logic will prove to no avail; especially considering that more people are adopting this sort of post-modern mind set.

they both remain true becuase oprah was talking about human perception. perception defines reality. this is not post modern thinking, this is thinking older tha christianity. if i remember correctly there is very old story about a man walking down a road.

the next day a person from one side of the road was chatting with someone on the other side. the subject of the man came up as he was a respected elder in the town. the two men were talking about the mans dress as unenlightened beings are wont to do. at the subject of the mans hat, one of the gentlemen said that it was a nice blue one. the other man said no you are wrong the hat was most certainly red

well anyway this led to a big argument and a fight. after manty bruises the irate men sought out the wise men.

he informed them that they were both right, he showed them the hat wich was red on one side and blue on the other
there is no obvious. we are dealing with a word truth that has different meaNINGS BASED o context. irealize this might weaken my argument since you guys are talking about absolute truth.

i dont know if we are capable of perceiving absolute trut, since in order to look at our thoughts we have to develop language.
and language is not perfect

thats also besides the point.

ayway so far i know that i am thinking!
Quahom1 said:
And had the question and commentary been placed anywhere else, I suspect all hell would break loose. Terrence placed the question in the least offensive place to put it.

Well, maybe not ALL hell would break loose:D

But brother Terrence would probably be taken to task for the content of the article. However, those of us in the false religions recognize the intent and honor the motivation to help others, not to lead them astray.

shadowman said:
there is no obvious. we are dealing with a word truth that has different meaNINGS BASED o context. irealize this might weaken my argument since you guys are talking about absolute truth.

i dont know if we are capable of perceiving absolute trut, since in order to look at our thoughts we have to develop language.
and language is not perfect

thats also besides the point.

ayway so far i know that i am thinking!

No, we are currently dealing with Christianity which this forum happens to host, and there are specific truths not subject to interpretation. Not to Christians in any event. Only those who are not Christian are "out of sync" with the message in this particular forum.
Paladin said:
Well, maybe not ALL hell would break loose:D

But brother Terrence would probably be taken to task for the content of the article. However, those of us in the false religions recognize the intent and honor the motivation to help others, not to lead them astray.


Unfortunately it is obvious that not all would feel the same, since his thoughts haven't even gotten out of the gates, and they are under scrutiny to the n'th degree (not from you knight).
shadowman said:
[FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]Take for instance, the "wise" words one of today's most influential religious and spiritual gurus, Oprah Winfrey: [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]"Truth is one part of many, which way is yours?"[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] Certainly, the obvious objection to this sort of thinking would be to ask the question, [/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono]if both truths conflict and contradict each other, how then can they both remain true?[/FONT][FONT=Courier New,Courier,mono] I suppose however, that the obviousness of this logic will prove to no avail; especially considering that more people are adopting this sort of post-modern mind set.

they both remain true becuase oprah was talking about human perception. perception defines reality. this is not post modern thinking, this is thinking older tha christianity. if i remember correctly there is very old story about a man walking down a road.

the next day a person from one side of the road was chatting with someone on the other side. the subject of the man came up as he was a respected elder in the town. the two men were talking about the mans dress as unenlightened beings are wont to do. at the subject of the mans hat, one of the gentlemen said that it was a nice blue one. the other man said no you are wrong the hat was most certainly red

well anyway this led to a big argument and a fight. after manty bruises the irate men sought out the wise men.

he informed them that they were both right, he showed them the hat wich was red on one side and blue on the other

Her message? Truth is relative, which do you choose? That is not truth. And by the way, Oprah has backed away from that philosophy as of late...wonder why...
i dont know did she convert to christianity? maybe because there is no philosophy? and backing up is good for the brain? i dont know
Quahom1 said:
No, we are currently dealing with Christianity which this forum happens to host, and there are specific truths not subject to interpretation. Not to Christians in any event. Only those who are not Christian are "out of sync" with the message in this particular forum.

yeah, i said i recognized that yall were dealing with aboslute truth. i dont think oprah was, so confronting what she was saying in the article that started this thread, was demonstrating lack of uderstanding her argument.

she wasnt talking about absolute truth. she was talking about human perception being relative.
Quahom1 said:
No, we are currently dealing with Christianity which this forum happens to host, and there are specific truths not subject to interpretation. Not to Christians in any event. Only those who are not Christian are "out of sync" with the message in this particular forum.

I was prevented from posting in the "Christians only" section of a certain discussion forum because I did not agree with all the tenets of the Nicene Creed. Do you see Christianity as being defined by the creeds?
Quahom1 said:
...where non Christians will never see the challenge? Preaching to the "choir" isn't exactly condusive to enlightenment, now is it?

I dont know whos saved here dude.
kenod said:
I was prevented from posting in the "Christians only" section of a certain discussion forum because I did not agree with all the tenets of the Nicene Creed. Do you see Christianity as being defined by the creeds?

I do not opine that the Nicene Creed determines who is Christian or who is not. That is simply an affirmation of tenets that certain denominations agree with and profess. Others do not, yet profoundly believe in Christ as Savior and Redeemer for mankind (which is the basis for Christianity in the first place).
Terrence said:
Hey people, Im not here to fight or argue...It takes too much otter me and I get bored. So, please just take the challenge. Go to my and click on the white banner that says "are u a good person." Take that test and you'll find truth. No kiddin, you will.

I took the challenge and I'm not a good person and I'm going to hell. So I agree, it probably is the least offensive place to have started this thread!

Snoopy said:
I took the challenge and I'm not a good person and I'm going to hell. So I agree, it probably is the least offensive place to have started this thread!


Thanks for taking the test snoopy! Does it concern you that you will be going to hell?
Terrence said:
Thanks for taking the test snoopy! Does it concern you that you will be going to hell?

I doubt it, since he isn't going (he already said so). Neither am I. But it is a thought provoking test. (it is also an emotion provoking test).
Hi Terrence,

Not sure if I had said I wouldn't be going.

I think that if you did want non-Christians to take this test then it would be best if you started a thread in a more general forum, as has been suggested. I think you would need to rephrase your sales pitch a bit though. As to how much hell you might unleash, I couldn't say; I understand that this is a rather civilised website.:)

To answer your question: Am I concerned? Well, this being the Christianity forum, my short (polite!) answer is (obviously?) no. A slightly longer answer would be that the "test" is presumably based upon premises with which I probably do not concur and so the test and its "results" are meaningless (to me). At which point I feel I should stop (but you did ask). Maybe I'll just stay away from this forum; perhaps I've been peeking over garden walls too much.:eek:

As an aside, I didn't get an email notification for this posting, sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Any explanations anyone?

Snoopy said:
As an aside, I didn't get an email notification for this posting, sometimes I get them, sometimes I don't. Any explanations anyone?
If you use the "quick reply" option, you might not become subscribed to the thread. If you want to get an e-mail reply, be sure that the Thread Subscription option has the type of notification that you want activated in the drop down box. (When posting to a thread, scroll down to find the Thread Subscription Option located below in the Additional Options Section, right below the Manage Attachments buton.)
Wow, This is interesting.

It reminds of TV show I saw once called "Way of the Master", with former "child actor " (Kirk Cameron) and some british guy.

They would walk the streets with a camera and ask people if they felt that they were a good person or not and quote what Jesus said about "sin" and "goodness" and then ask the person to compare thier actions in life to what Jesus said and to ask themselves if they still considered themselves a "good person" or not. I think I may have seen it on one of those christian stations.

What you wrote reminds me a lot of that show. I have not taken the test yet, but I will take it just out curosity.

Terrence, did you get that info from that show?
seattlegal said:
If you use the "quick reply" option, you might not become subscribed to the thread. If you want to get an e-mail reply, be sure that the Thread Subscription option has the type of notification that you want activated in the drop down box. (When posting to a thread, scroll down to find the Thread Subscription Option located below in the Additional Options Section, right below the Manage Attachments buton.)

Phew, thanks.
Snoopy said:
Phew, thanks.

And thanks to you too. (btw, y'aint goin') hmm first serious use of contractions by me, that I can recently recall...better work on that...