hi all, could somebody please explain to me or even better compare and contrast the three Abrahamic faiths in these four categories:
1.Sacred persons (patriarchs, prophets,etc)
2.Sacred places (pilgrimage, worship,etc)
3.Sacred times (holidays, etc)
4.Rituals (prayer, eating,etc)
If anyone could explain it to me in point for it would be great.
Thank you all, i read as much as i could of all the posts! But its just too much information!
I know you asked for all three, but the truth is that I can only comment on Christianity, and that from an orthodox perspective.
so, here we go.
1. Persons: Jesus Christ (number one), the Apostles, the Saints, the Angels, the Virgin Mary, 9 Patriarchs, ( Constantinople, Africa, Antioch & the East, Jerusalem & Israel & Palestine & Jordan & Arabia, Russia, George, Serbia & Kosovo & Montenegro, Romania, and Bulgaria), The Pope (to Catholics) bishops, priests, and the laity
2. Sacred Places: Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem (the list goes on and on)
3. Sacred Times:
(man, there is a lot, so here are a few big ones)
The Nativity - Birth of Jesus Christ
Theophany/Epiphany - The Shining Forth and Revelation
of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and his baptism
Pentecost - The Descent of the Holy Spirit
Pascha (Easter) - The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Great Lent - super-fasting time
The Annunciation - When Gabriel told Mary that
she would conceive the son of God
The Ascension - When Jesus ascended to Heaven
4. Rituals: (I'll try to keep this as general and not specifically orthodoxy)