Luciferian Witch
I was just wondering if there were any other people here whom may follow a vampiric path. If so, what kind of vampyrism, and do you believe that vampyres are preditores?
I was asking someone that actually knew, but I think your perception of "path" 1 is erroneous.17th Angel said:lol.....
Path 1: Immortal creatures of the night, that have insane traits, speed, strength and so on? They, really reall,reaaaaally do not exist.
Path 2: people that "think" they are Vampires, and cut themselves and others to get "super duper" powers and also diseases?
moseslmpg said:What do you mean by vampirirc path exactly?
moseslmpg said:I see, thank you. Would this be any kind of energy or specifically energy as it pertains to the etheric body? The ingestion of blood is more understandable in that context than in the context of psychic energy, IMO. I take psychic energy to refer to the astral body, but I could be wrong.
My name is Samantha. I'm 16. And im Atheist. My family is Christian,and i use to be a Christian. Though a few things in my life have happend and im afraid i've lost my faith in that religion.
Im really interested in learning about different religions. And one of those different religions i really want to learn more about is Vampirism. I've read a few things here and there, but im afraid it still hasn't given me the information i was hoping on reciecing. Not only do i want to learn Vampirism i was also hoping on learning about Wiccan and Satanism. The reason i want to learn about thses religions is because they are not ones that i've learned much about.They are religions that my family believes are bad and stupid and rediculous. My family has no idea that ive turned to a life of not believing in any religion. But i think its my choice. So if anyone can help me on any of the above topics you can instant message me my screen name is EnlightenKisses for AIM, and Enlightenkisses16 for Yahoo. Im on AIM more so i perfer if you could instant message me there. Thank you.
It would be nice if there were some more people here who could explain it from a vampire's point of view.
dear sweet enlightenment kisses... please do not trouble urself with silliness like vampire and satanism... vampires do not exist, and nor do satanists, really, they just think they do... as ur only 16, u would not be accepted into any decent coven (a group of witches) until u were at least 18, and as I'm new here and am not sure of the rules I do not know if u will be around here long enough to read this post, butI hope u do... when we are young, and brought up with faith, we like to rebel, and a lot of us, me included, try to become "darker" than we are, to rebel against our parents, the church, etc, etc, but really, its all a waste of time, and u'd be better off focusing on ur career and ur future than all this rubbish.. hopefully one of the mods will see ur post and cut it up, and take out ur addys, and I'll tell u why, shall I? cos if u really are a 16 year old kid, then ur offering urself up on a plate to all kinds of weirdoes who eat lil kids like u for breakfast, and while that might seem oh so very exciting to you now, the reality of life is somewhat different. Pain, misery, violence, drinking blood, hurting ppl, its not big, and its not clever either... grow up kid... if u want to learn about these things, then great, I admire ur enthusiasm, but u can read books, u can surf the net, and then u can decide... if u want some sweaty old man teaching u about Crowleys sex magic, great, but really, kiddo, get some sense...
and am damn year 40 now.
consider myself a Vampyre.