
Just thought I would make a bit of a comment here since I was the one to bring up the subject of Vampirism here and have been quite for sometime now. Been busy with other things. Anyway, here are my thought on things.

Concerning the subject of MAKING vampires, if we are talking about the human vampire, most people of the vampire community believe that vampirism is a result of a condition of the spiritual body which requires the vampire to feed because they can't produce enough spiritual energy to substain themselves or they burn it off quicker than they produce it, or they just have a problem containing it.

Many within the Vampire Community seem to believe that you have to be born a vampire, you may be 'awakened' but not 'turned' or 'made a vampire'. Myself, I believe that if it is a condition of the subtle bodies then there must be a way of creating such a condition. Thus, I feel it must be possible to make a person a vampire, or turn them so to speak.

Concerning spiritual vampires, this gets deeper into occultism. If one believes in an after life and believes there are people who are vampires ( who feed off the life-force of others ) in this life, then it only follows that there are those shades of the dead (or undead) the continue there existance as a vampire in the after-life.

Also, if there are humans that can be vampiric, and one believes in spirits such as angels, demons, djinn, nuture spirits and the like, what is to say that some of these spirts could not be vampiric?

There is also within magic what is known as the creation of servitors. Servitors are in essence an extention of the magicians psyche that seem to take on a life of their own after their creation. It is possible to create a vampiric servitor.

One must understand that my idea of vamprism is the feeding upon the life-force of another. I understand that there are vampires that drink actual blood. But the blood only serves as a link to the life-force of the one whose blood is being drank. Unless there is an exchange of energy then the drinking of blood is nothing more than a fetish.

Well, I think I have went on long enough.
Yes, I've heard a lot of this discussion on some of the real vampire sites. Personally, I don't buy that it is a spiritual condition. I suppose it could be an energetic condition, but I don't think these necessarily persist after death.

I very strongly feel that vampires are not a certain "species" or "race" of otherkin, but that is wrapped up in a broader issue of the nature of the soul. There are reasons even within the otherkin and vampire communities to think there are logical issues with thinking of vampires as a soul "species" rather than as a condition. For example, it isn't uncommon for self-identified "elves," who are supposedly high-energy (like putting out energy all the time) to still have vampiric tendencies, and often to first find the otherkin community through thinking they are vampires.

From what I understand about energy-feeding and vampirism, it can be conditions such as critical illness that bring about someone unknowingly becoming vampiric. Their own energetic weakness leads to their (generally unknowing) feeding off others' energy. This is one reason why I would tend to think that if there are people who really can't help but be vampiric, needing to feed off others' energy (rather than simply becoming addicted to it), then it's an energetic issue and not a spiritual one. I've noticed that insecure people, depressed people, etc. also do this a lot.

I think all humans feed off others' energy to some degree or another. This is why large sporting events, rock concerts, and so forth are so pleasant to people. The ambient energy is really, really high and people soak it in, and this gives them a sort of energetic high that feels good. Vampires are either people who get addicted to extra energy, almost as a drug, so that they feel withdrawals without it, or they somehow feel low on energy all the time and so crave it from others. I think it's a matter of degree rather than vampire/not vampire.

I don't know the first thing about servitors, so I have no comments on that.
Yes, I've heard a lot of this discussion on some of the real vampire sites. Personally, I don't buy that it is a spiritual condition. I suppose it could be an energetic condition, but I don't think these necessarily persist after death.

I have heard it said in a few of the vampire communities that the adept vampire learns in this life to function on the spiritual planes, ( I take this to mean the astral and etheric planes ), going forth by night upon the dream plane to feed upon the unsuspecting, then after the death of the physical body they feed upon the life-force of others to avoid the second death, (the death of the subtile bodies). Thus I gues this could be the 'vampire spirits' mentioned earlier in this thread. :confused:
I think you will find that again has something to do with old folk lore... In some parts of the world, they say that the second death is the "victims" soul and also greed... The vampire shouldn't drink every drop of blood from it's prey as it will consume that vampire.... *shruggs*
Why do vampires play with their food?
Why do vampires make love to their food?
Why do vampires talk to thier food?

Just a few things that make you go hmmmmm

Why do vampires play with their food?
Why do vampires make love to their food?
Why do vampires talk to thier food?

Just a few things that make you go hmmmmm


Depends which "type" of vampire you speak of.....

My old opinion and stuff when I was only a kid 14, and I liked to think there was such thing as a vampire.... I believed a vampire couldn't "make love" It is a corpse.... What is most costly to a vampire? What it consumes... Blood... To waste this blood on such an event would be pointless....

talking: Don't you talk to your food? Aww look at the lil piggy/cowy/chicky/ducky/whatever...y.
I have heard it said in a few of the vampire communities that the adept vampire learns in this life to function on the spiritual planes, ( I take this to mean the astral and etheric planes ), going forth by night upon the dream plane to feed upon the unsuspecting, then after the death of the physical body they feed upon the life-force of others to avoid the second death, (the death of the subtile bodies). Thus I gues this could be the 'vampire spirits' mentioned earlier in this thread. :confused:
Yeah, that's how I understand it. It's not a function of the spiritual body in terms of the different levels, rather spiritual in terms of not being the body. I believe it's actually a condition to do with the etheric body, and what you're describing is called making an etheric revenant.
Depends which "type" of vampire you speak of.....

My old opinion and stuff when I was only a kid 14, and I liked to think there was such thing as a vampire....

I believed a vampire couldn't "make love" It is a corpse....

some do I assume. :rolleyes:

What is most costly to a vampire? What it consumes... Blood... To waste this blood on such an event would be pointless....

talking: Don't you talk to your food? Aww look at the lil piggy/cowy/chicky/ducky/whatever...y.

That's just not my style.;)
Yeah, that's how I understand it. It's not a function of the spiritual body in terms of the different levels, rather spiritual in terms of not being the body. I believe it's actually a condition to do with the etheric body, and what you're describing is called making an etheric revenant.

I think I get it now. I think all three of us understand this the same way; I just tend to think of spiritual as having to do with the soul/spirit in the Christian sense (due to my own religious baggage). :) I tend to think of life-force in a more... Eastern religions way- as ch'i.
The vampire community... What's it like in the vampire community?


From what I've gathered, the real/human-living vampire community is pretty much like it is in normal communities. People work, they have kids, they get older. You have mostly a bunch of ordinary folks that are just like everybody else for the most part and couldn't be picked out a crowd. And you have a few extreme nutty folks. LOL Sounds like my family. Except we have a disporportionately high number of nutty folks. ;)

As for the Anne Rice vampires, oh... you know. Money, eternal youth, lust.

Just like everything else, the real world is a lot more boring than the Hollywood version.:D
From what I've gathered, the real/human-living vampire community is pretty much like it is in normal communities. People work, they have kids, they get older. You have mostly a bunch of ordinary folks that are just like everybody else for the most part and couldn't be picked out a crowd. And you have a few extreme nutty folks. LOL Sounds like my family. Except we have a disporportionately high number of nutty folks. ;)

As for the Anne Rice vampires, oh... you know. Money, eternal youth, lust.

Just like everything else, the real world is a lot more boring than the Hollywood version.:D

:D, that's all I can say. I mean, the "vampire community"...LOL! Is it anything like the Jedi community or the Trekki community? I'm too busy working and raising a family to play dress-up, but to each their own, I guess!
