it might be too late for me

There very fact your are seeking forgiveness and CHrist is evidence that the Lord is working in your life for no man seeks the LORD naturally.
THere is nothing you can do to earn heaven, it is all by Gods grace through Christ.
Its never too late to ask for forgivness.. repent now.. God is all Mercifull. It will be too late when your dead and never even asked for forgivness, theres no second chances after that.
take caare x
Its never too late to ask for forgivness.. repent now.. God is all Mercifull. It will be too late when your dead and never even asked for forgivness, theres no second chances after that.
take caare x

Up until a man's last breath...however the "rewards" most likely would be in the "slim to none" department.
if we had the stats of so called atheists or people thinking its cool to announce to strangers that they dont believe in god and his son's salvation and how many of these people accepted christ and repented with their last breath, it would be an extremely high number imo. i've know three that have died and my dad preached to them moments before and they accepted christ.
if we had the stats of so called atheists or people thinking its cool to announce to strangers that they dont believe in god and his son's salvation and how many of these people accepted christ and repented with their last breath, it would be an extremely high number imo. i've know three that have died and my dad preached to them moments before and they accepted christ.

He he he...God don't care about poles or statistics...only people.
if we had the stats of so called atheists or people thinking its cool to announce to strangers that they dont believe in god and his son's salvation and how many of these people accepted christ and repented with their last breath, it would be an extremely high number imo. i've know three that have died and my dad preached to them moments before and they accepted christ.

My wish is sudden death.. Nothing delayed.. Certainly no death bed. I wouldn't welcome a priest/preacher/holy man to my death bed if I had to go that way. I wouldn't want anyone there.. Not even family.. I wouldn't want them to have to go through the pain of watching me die.
and how old are you? the point being, things we say as kids are different than things we say as teens, and things we say as teens are different than things we say as adults, and things we say as adults are different then things we say as seniors, and things as seniors are different than things we say at twilight. so whatever age bracket you claim, chances you are speaking only in the moment, and will have a change of heart and opinion later on. like i was saying, people say many things against god now when they are young and have an ego or a sense of invincibility, but when death is knocking, they soon start looking for god. a wise person would like for god now instead of too late and drop the attitude of trying to impress people by being anti-everything.
and how old are you? the point being, things we say as kids are different than things we say as teens, and things we say as teens are different than things we say as adults, and things we say as adults are different then things we say as seniors, and things as seniors are different than things we say at twilight. so whatever age bracket you claim, chances you are speaking only in the moment, and will have a change of heart and opinion later on. like i was saying, people say many things against god now when they are young and have an ego or a sense of invincibility, but when death is knocking, they soon start looking for god. a wise person would like for god now instead of too late and drop the attitude of trying to impress people by being anti-everything.

I am 25 and class myself as an adult.
yeah, shadow, I've just read the first half of ur story, and if u truely believe all this is real, and it really is summat ur experiencing, then maybe ur a bit mad, mate... if u are, then u should stay away from all the evil wierd stuff, stop smoking pot and get ur head together- oh, and as well as staying away from evildoers, keep away from holy rollers too, as neither attitude is the one u should be surrounding urself with at present...I'm hoping all this outpouring is the result of too much waccy baccy, and we're ot to take it too seriously, but if it aint, then it doesnt sound like sin to me, it sounds like mental illness, hearing voices, seeing ur face change in the mirror, thinking too much about heaven and hell and damnation... its no good for u...

in regard to the jesus voice saying- too late, mate... well.. in theory, once the door is open it never shuts, and all u have to do is knock on that door and it shall be opened onto u, apparently, so I wouldn't worry too much about jesus/god/the holy spirit turning its/his back on u, as this aint supposed to happen...

take no notice of the holy rollers telling u to repent, etc, cos it just makes the situation worse... stay away from drugs and drink for a bit, eat properly, and catch up with ur mates...

oh, and don't bother "approaching" the woman with the dark eyes, she's probably just a stoner, or on vallium for her nerves or summat, its best to keep these weird notions to urself, otherwise the men in white coats come! ahh!
