Epileptic fits, extreme fatigue and prophets


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I was watching something on TV where this young black girl in America suffered from extreme fatigue and it got so bad that she had to be hospitalised. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong with her, eventually they sort the help of a doctor who was of African descent and he told her she had prophetic ability because he identified what she was suffering from with old traditions. Then it went on to reconstruct parts of her interesting life of Psycic ability. Recently watching TV again a documentary on Muhammad said he suffered from conditions related to his prophetic ability. Do they help synchronise with something higher? I have a suspicion Migraines can be related to this.
I think you'll find it's simply a part of trying to apply reductionist terms to eliminate the personal spiritual experience. There's an element in modern science that regards such experiences as nothing more than Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
In some cultures, epilepsy is a sign of a shaman. Then again, signs of potential shamanic abilities from across the world include manic-depression, bisexuality, insomnia, schizophrenia...

Think about it like this: A medicine man in a tribe has the knowledge of healing plants. If somebody cuts themselves, or has chronic pain, the medicine man (or woman!) should know what to do with what plant. Caring for his tribe this way, he'll also encounter other illnesses, such as depression, anti-social behaviour and even epilepsy. In such a situation, he will have up his sleeve certain plants and techniques to treat the patient.

One of the ways to treat psychiatric/psychic abnormality is to find and encourage the benefits of the condition without struggling futilely forever to cover up the phenomena with drugs. That implies there are benefits to having something like epilepsy. If the girl can be taught a philosophy and practise that can heighten her prophetic abilities, then it will give her the feeling that she's special and gifted rather than sick, and will give her a better quality of life in the long run.

Not that I believe in psychiatry at all - manic depression is called artists temperament in my book :)

I just thought - the Toronto Blessing experienced by Pentacostals is like an artificially induced epileptic seizure...
In some cultures, epilepsy is a sign of a shaman. Then again, signs of potential shamanic abilities from across the world include manic-depression, bisexuality, insomnia, schizophrenia...

Thats a real nice post.. One thing though regarding the above quote... I could "pass" for a shaman?

Do they help synchronise with something higher? I have a suspicion Migraines can be related to this.

Errrrrrrr, What evidence do you have or what material have you got that backs up this "suspicion" that mirgraines are related to this? I have real, real bad headache's all the time... When doing my monthly shopping I tend to get on average 5 - 7 packets of pain killers for my brain pain... Am I trying to work in harmony with something "higher"?
yeah, angel, you could be considered to have potential shamanic tendencies, but not every schizophrenic gets the training or advice necessary to accept and use their condition to their benefit. Most are too busy trying to be "normal"...

Oh yeah, by the way, your headaches could be a symptom of your keeping everything in your brain bubbling away in it's own little stresses and pressures, or a refusal to accept the higher dimensions I think you've already had a glimpse of and could be cured with an intensive spiritual search and letting-go. Of course, I'm only joking really, but have you tried Yoga or Tai Chi?