The REAL Sphinx, as all REAL Americans know, is about fifteen years old and resides in front of the Luxor Hotel and Casino in fabulous Las Vegas. It has a human face, a complete and fairly aquiline nose, and has a hooded cobra protruding from its forehead. It also has a body that could be the body of a reclining animal, possibly a lion.
The front door to the hotel and casino is strategically placed beneath the Sphinx's rear end ( I believe this to be a joke upon the public by the architect). It even has pigeon spikes on its flanks to discourage the nasty grey birds from indiscriminately depositing guano on this sacred form.
Otherwise your findings make sense to me, except the 200,000 year origin date. Lots of things that I've read date it and perhaps the major pyramids at Giza to about 10,000 years or so. Besides, there was a piece I caught on a science site the other day which noted the opinion of scientists that all traces of human habitation on the earth would likely disappear over a 200,000 year duration.
BTW, the 26,000 year cycle represents the rotational precession of the earth's axis through a 360 degree arc in space defining the full zodiacal cycle, and among other things was probably the basis for the earliest Sumerian numbering system which is based upon the number "60". Six sixties made-up a sacred cycle to them, and their highest expression of royalty, AN, together with his retinue and consort was the god of the sixty year cycle, and would return to Sumer every sixty years to be worshipped by the people. They also had gods that were denoted by 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 year durations. This was the belief in the earliest periods of civilization in Sumer, and may have even had its origin in the beliefs of the culture that preceeded it in what is now Iraq, the Ubadian culture. Of course, beginning about 600 years ago we began to adopt this "60" system to measure time.
There is some anecdotal evidence that significant earth changes occur at the two extremes of the precessional cycle, or every 13,000 years or so. In our cycle this would denote the end of the last ice age and the warming and moderation of the climate which enabled the development of human civilizations over the past ten to twelve thousand years or so. But those who know of this stuff ( mostly cultural anthropologists ) don't elaborate on the subject very much. It is interesting to note, however, that ancient cultures all over the world were obsessed with the cycles of celestial events, and astronomers were prevalent in ancient Egypt, Sumer, the Indus River Valley, and among several civilizations in the Americas. Their function seemed to be to try and predict significant earth changes through their observations and measurements of the movement of objects in the skies and advise the ruling class of their findings.