Many thanks gents for your responses.
Correct Caimanson, and the reason I ask the question is that I have been reading some books on jesus and tryed to picture myself in those times and being him. Having that mass of people attracted to you etc it would have been difficult for anybody, no matter who he is, to resist advances from women. In those days, as we all know, life was even cheaper than it is today, turbulent and volotile times and who's to say jesus didn't indulge in a bit of good old fashioned naughtyness. Whatever, it's not an issue to me personally but I know some people do get rather passionate about jesus having to have been celibate and I was hoping one of those people would read this and tell me why. Many thanks.
Besides the obvious, that Jesus is without sin (naughtiness outside the context of marriage is still sin, regardless of society's wink wink, nudge nudge), His mission was the focus on mankind, not on a mate, and a family.
The ramifications of Jesus having children through a marriage (or outside of marriage, which would be worse), would be the actual lineage. Can you imagine the children of a man who was conceived of the Holy Spirit of God and a virgin woman? Why, you've just condemned the Son of God to being no better than the fallen angels, who desired after the daughters of other words, Jesus becomes Nephilim, as do His alleged "children".
Now let's look at the "hypocracy" that Jesus would have displayed, had He taken a wife and had children. What did He tell his followers? "Follow me, and I will make you "fishers" of men". So they left their homes, their livelyhood, their wives, and they followed Him. What a joke, had He a wife, but they had to leave theirs...
He also made certain things clear about His mission and familial ties. "Who is my mother, who are my sisters and brothers"? Add to that, "who is my wife and children".
Now the Old Testament never refers to the Messaiah having a family of His own. Nor does the New Testament. There is never speak of a mate, or of children with Jesus, but the Apostles have such.
Now there is "legend" and mythology of Jesus and Mary Magdelene having children. This alleged "secret" was protected by the Knights Templar, and is part of the folklore of the "Holy Graille". Indeed, if that were ever proven true, Christianity would be turned on its ear.