Hilarious picklejam


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I am in a bit of a pickle and thought you guys and gals would find this hilarious I’m not sure if I could post his here I assumed it as a general discussion topic. And this is not meant to be a brainbuster( yet it is seriously messing with my head) Well here it is:

I’m turning 21 tomorrow but am having my party on the 23rd at 7.30 because of uni exams I have already sent out invitations and 50 people have rsvp’d I have also got a venue booked, the catering payed for and sorted out, and organised friends bands to play.
Then today I find out that one of my lecturers at uni has took it on himself to change the exam date to the 23rd at 5.30 with a duration of 2 hours which means I will finish the exam at 7.30 and it will take me one hour to get to the party:eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

First of all I have posted this here just to give you all a bit of a laugh, knowing to the fact that I will probably be a whole hour late to my own birthday party LOL How funny is this( I cracked up for about ten min when I found out)

Second of all um any advice ( I can’t cancel party ) (I cant change time of exam) so im kinda stuck :confused:

Can you ask the prof to let you take the exam an hour early? I would think that since he changed the date after first announcing the earlier date he might find this a reasonable request. You wouldn't be done before the rest started the exam, so that should remove the objection that it could lead to cheating.

Sorry for the snafu! And happy 21st birthday!

that sounds perfect to me!....is there anyone you can depend on to get the party started??....then you can make your entrance an hour after it starts......and really get it started....
So, majin, did you get it worked out?

Speaking of hilarious--funny av, Searching Darkness! :D. (It's the spewing pumkpin, for reference, since when it gets changed, it changes on past posts, as well. )

I am in a bit of a pickle and thought you guys and gals would find this hilarious I’m not sure if I could post his here I assumed it as a general discussion topic. And this is not meant to be a brainbuster( yet it is seriously messing with my head) Well here it is:

I’m turning 21 tomorrow but am having my party on the 23rd at 7.30 because of uni exams I have already sent out invitations and 50 people have rsvp’d I have also got a venue booked, the catering payed for and sorted out, and organised friends bands to play.
Then today I find out that one of my lecturers at uni has took it on himself to change the exam date to the 23rd at 5.30 with a duration of 2 hours which means I will finish the exam at 7.30 and it will take me one hour to get to the party:eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

First of all I have posted this here just to give you all a bit of a laugh, knowing to the fact that I will probably be a whole hour late to my own birthday party LOL How funny is this( I cracked up for about ten min when I found out)

Second of all um any advice ( I can’t cancel party ) (I cant change time of exam) so im kinda stuck :confused:

I wouldn't have attended the exam... Then again I hate parties and wouldn't have attended that either... Hmm Hide in the darkness for atleast a month till it has all gone away. *nods.*