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The Mind is a Computer
By JosephM/Koshada
Once the mind is recognized as a computer instead of ‘who we are’ a new world seems to open. We can then look at the mind as an instrument that is something to be used rather than an identity referred to as ‘I’ or ‘me’ that needs to be protected at all costs.
When we look at the mind from outside itself, we can see that is like a fine tuned computer that comes ready with an operating system to take care of intrinsic body functions and manipulation of input data through the sense organs. It is naive in that it runs innocently off of new software programming it creates from data that it is fed since birth. It is innocent in the respect that it has no way internally to tell truth from falsehood. It must rely on its subjective programming. Its sole function is to process input data which it does efficiently and with lightning speed.
The mind’s scope is limited by genetics and the myriad of programming it receives since the time of birth and possibly residue from before. Much of this programming is flawed by prejudices and misinformation received from books and more directly from other people we trust. If we become aware of the fact that we are not ‘our mind’, we will then become more conscious of its programming and operation. In a search for truth, we will then find a need for either transcending or deprogramming much of the mind’s flawed data/programming so we can eliminate suffering and lack of peace in our life and discover truth which is innate in all.
Humans, for the most part, believe they are seeking happiness but few understand happiness and the workings of the mind. For many, the mind seems to produce the opposite results. Our mind is filled with a myriad of opinions and views on almost every topic under the sun. Whether it is politics, religion, sports, weather, history, hobbies, people or the guy next store, most of us have an opinion on it all. Opinions are one of the things that contribute to undermining our happiness.
An opinion is a point of view obtained from the mind through the process of mentations based upon our genetics, upbringing, geography, life situations, experiences, gender, education and numerous other hidden and variable items. As you can surmise, opinions will be as diverse as there are differences in these factors among us. Opinions, for most, are believed to be the authorship of the person conscious of the mind as ‘mine’ or ‘me’. This ‘mine’ is part of the initial programming given by our parents or guardians during our early years. The teachings we receive and intercommunications of language usually re-enforce our personal identity with the mind, body and sense organs as ‘me’. The varied and sometimes conflicting reflections from those around us give us an identity that is colored by their perspectives.
Thoughts ‘seem’ to appear to come to our consciousness from the physical mind. Because we identify with the mind we are usually ‘certain’ we are the author, especially of wise thoughts and opinions. We become somewhat enamored by them. Thinking becomes a pleasurable experience. It becomes a kind of entertainment and a perceived aliveness and state of being. Each one of us secretly holds to the belief that our opinion is usually somehow more ‘right’ than the other. This is called vanity and is a very common quality that is fed and cultivated by the mind and often re-enforced by those who love and are closest around us from the day of our birth. Most refer to this aspect of mind as ‘ego’. It is quite a natural product resulting from the loving attention and words from others and the false identification of the mind as ‘me’. It is usually groomed as a necessary aspect of society and is acceptable as long as its programming conforms to the parameters and the limitations specified by the existing family, community and society in general.
What has all this to do with the mind as computer? Well, as long as we strongly identify that ‘I’ am the mind, rather than just a user, we will follow its programming unconsciously without much question. The more re-enforced our opinions are, the more difficult will it be for the mind perceived as ‘me’ to be willing to consider accepting opposing data. After all, it works on previous programming and if that program says its opinions are ‘right’ then what need is there to seriously consider an opposing view. In fact, the ego’s perceived ‘need to be right’ will further activate emotions because of the perceived threat of attack on ones identity by perceived ‘bad data’. This makes operation of the mind even more irrational. This is a common thing seen in religions that are of the opinion that theirs is a divinely written scripture and without error. A strong opinion will preclude the mind from any rational consideration of different data and consequently emotions will be activated. This is a major source of conflict. Attachment to opinions is then a source of suffering and unhappiness on some level.
Once one realizes that one is not the mind and it is only a computer or an instrument to be used for communications, maintenance and problem solving in worldly matters, one can begin to consider such impasses brought on by strong opinions as futile to the discovery of truth. Armed with this understanding all opinions can then be seen as intrinsically worthless vanities and a true quest for real discovery can begin. One can then proceed to dismantle some of the erroneous constructs of mind.In the place of opinions, one can take the lighter view that one has the use of a mind of current understandings that are yet subject to change or complete replacement by the acquiring of more complete data or knowledge. This is a more peaceful approach for the mind and one that is more open to innate knowledge. Views or opinions can then be taken without emotions of a personal attack on ones identity since no such true identity exists.