
Oh, how generous you are to us Catholics...
heh :)... but, take into account this, i am spanish and my grandfather who was raised catholic had to bow and kiss the rings of priests, call them father, and all kinds of strict catholic rituals that may nor may not be seen today... he left the catholic church and became a more simple christian and as a result was disowned by his family and lossed inheritance even though his love for god never changed. i can tell you from experience the blessings god gave him are far more the the family he lost.
So your a catholic? How do you understand the gospel? Will you tell us what the gospel entials, please?
Silas, as a friend, which I hope we still are, your Posts and spelling, etc., seem a little dyslexic. Do you have problems in that regard? If so, I will pray for you (I will pray for you in any case). If not, you need to let your hands catch up with your thoughts before you Post, and we could understand each other better. (I'm sorry, but I have a Master's Degree in English, and I taught College English Writing for several years. Some things bother me more than they do others.) My Traditional Roman Catholic faith is for another discussion.
Can a good Muslim, or good Jew or good athesist, or good Catholic, or good Rasta, or good person ever please God without Jesus?

I would hope so, and in light of certain stigmas, I suppose we who are called by such have to work that much harder (to overcome our apparent stupidity).



I would hope so, and in light of certain stigmas, I suppose we who are called by such have to work that much harder (to overcome our apparent stupidity).



" . . . in light of certain stigmas, I suppose we who are called by such have to work that much harder (to overcome our apparent stupidity)."

I hope I did not offend you or anyone by mentioning dyslexia. I'm bi-polar, schizoaffective, and have PTSD, and I have had to work extremely hard to get where I am at 61 years of age. We all have our crosses to bear, but "God helps those who help themselves," to use a hackneyed phrase. No one is "stupid" for having a slight spelling problem, for instance. I would not like people to think I was stupid for being so psychotic. We are what God created us to be. Please forgive me if I offended you or anyone!
Silas, as a friend, which I hope we still are, your Posts and spelling, etc., seem a little dyslexic. Do you have problems in that regard? If so, I will pray for you (I will pray for you in any case). If not, you need to let your hands catch up with your thoughts before you Post, and we could understand each other better. (I'm sorry, but I have a Master's Degree in English, and I taught College English Writing for several years. Some things bother me more than they do others.) My Traditional Roman Catholic faith is for another discussion.

Whoa...I was just mentioning my atrocious spelling on another thread. I would tell you the story of why, but maybe another time? Glad to hear about your degree in English, must be nice! In any case, you didnt answer the question. How do you understand the gospel bro?
Whoa...I was just mentioning my atrocious spelling on another thread. I would tell you the story of why, but maybe another time? Glad to hear about your degree in English, must be nice! In any case, you didnt answer the question. How do you understand the gospel bro?
Another time on Catholicism, too, please. I'm getting very fatigued after a long day of Posting on various Forums. Give an old man a break, okay?
" . . . in light of certain stigmas, I suppose we who are called by such have to work that much harder (to overcome our apparent stupidity)."

I hope I did not offend you or anyone by mentioning dyslexia. I'm bi-polar, schizoaffective, and have PTSD, and I have had to work extremely hard to get where I am at 61 years of age. We all have our crosses to bear, but "God helps those who help themselves," to use a hackneyed phrase. No one is "stupid" for having a slight spelling problem, for instance. I would not like people to think I was stupid for being so psychotic. We are what God created us to be. Please forgive me if I offended you or anyone!

No, I'm Catholic. (and happen to be dyslexic). but I can sing like...well, I can sing. :D

It is the Catholic thingy that I took notice of...
Namaste Silas,

My brother you pose titles of threads like 'lets discuss' and 'Question' or 'What do Cults think?', you start out you may pounce on those that provide heartfelt honest answers to your inquiry.

We can choose to go into your church if we wanted to hear you preach or condemn your brothers in faith. While I am not part of the powers that be I can tell by past experience if you simply choose to denigrate others and are not here for discussion..your time will be on earth, so on this site, you have free will...but the consequences of your choices you cannot choose.

I choose to be friends with Christians, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, all the cults...and learn from them all as well...

Thats right only certain ones are allowed to tell others how wrong they are and unenlightened....oh yeah CR has no Christianity board at all.
Silas, as a friend, which I hope we still are, your Posts and spelling, etc., seem a little dyslexic. Do you have problems in that regard? If so, I will pray for you (I will pray for you in any case). If not, you need to let your hands catch up with your thoughts before you Post, and we could understand each other better. (I'm sorry, but I have a Master's Degree in English, and I taught College English Writing for several years. Some things bother me more than they do others.) My Traditional Roman Catholic faith is for another discussion.
Yep not all of us are english majors or perfect typers....must be nice to be so much better than others. I will pray for you and not your physical problems but your spiritual ones.
Yep. Ben Franklin conined that phrase. God actually helps those that admit they can do nothing apart from Him. He gives grace to the Humble and resist proud people.
Welcome, Dor, I see you have come with a great deal of bad attitude. That must be attractive to those souls you wish to save.

Dor probably has a bad attitude for the same reasons I'm annoyed. In any case, dont worry about Dor saving souls. None of us can save souls. A few of us however, have the truth that leads to eternal life. Therefore, we only need to give the gospel and God will save whom He wishes. Jesus saves...Not anyone else.