Bibles Before the Year 1000

Kindest Regards, Wil and Q!

Quick note before I call it a night.

Bummer to hear about a fire, Q. Is everyone alright? Is there anything any of us can do to assist?

Wil, thanks for the report. I checked the link to the book, would love to put a little scratch together and get a copy. Next best, I hope, to being there. Liked the idea of a Native American exhibit too, some of my favorite displays have been Indian exhibits. I especially recall a beautiful tourquoise blue dress...of course, I went that day to see a Monet painting! (which was darn near equally beautiful!)

Anyway, thank you very much for the report. I would dearly love to lay eyes on an exhibit like that, and I've been kicking around ideas of "how" since Blazn posted, and I just can't pull it off right now. Darn! Darn, darn, darn!

Gotta go, g'nite all!

P.S. Q, if I can help, PM me please.