The Arthurian Maji Grail King Lineage

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The ancient "Lost Arthurian Maji Grail King" lineage is alive and well today, scattered throughout the globe as the Indigo Children Types 1 and 2. The contemporary Indigo Children Types 1 and 2 carry dormant within their cellular memory the reincarnational heritage of the Arthurian Grail Kings Elohei-Elohim Lyran-Sirian Oraphim ancestry. Within their DNA Templates they carry the Universal Fire Letter Sequences of the Flame-keeper Melchizedek Cloister Priests. Indigos Types 1 and 2, who have from 24-48 Strand DNA Templates, are the contemporary incarnations of the Consummate Signet Councils and Regency Signet Councils of the Rainbow Round Tables (Angelic Human Universal Star Gate Security Councils of 798,000BC). They began returning into full incarnation about 100 years ago in preparation for the scheduled 2000-2017 Stellar Activation Cycle (Star Gate opening cycle). Indigo Children Type-3, who have a maximum of dormant 12-Strand DNA Templates, are the contemporary lineage of the Noah-Abraham-Moses Pleiadian-Nibiruian Nephilim Jehovian Anunnaki Illuminati (Sirius A Bipedal Dolphin People Anunnaki and Pleiadian-Nibiruian Anunnaki descent), who entered the Emerald Covenant for DNA Template Bio-Regeneis in 1875. Indigo Type-3's have a dominent human Oraphim soul co-sharing the body with a Fallen Annu-Elohim Pleiadian-Nibiruian Nephilim soul that has entered human incarnation for Bio-Regenesis of the 12th-DNA Strand Template, which is missing from the Anunnaki genome.

Indigo Type-3's are the children who have been targeted by the recent Illuminati false "disease" "ADD-ADHD Campaigns" (Attention Deficit Disorder-Attention Deficit-Hyperactive-Disorder"). In this campaign, a false set of disease criteria that represent symptoms of difficulty in 6th-DNA Strand Template activation (common to Indigo-Type-3s) were established by certain drug companies on behalf of Illuminati organizations. The "ADD Railroad" Illuminati Conspiracy moves silently through medical, psychiatric and educational systems, as children displaying the "symptoms" are shepherded into drug therapy. The drug therapy suppresses natural DNA Strand Template activation, blocking the D-12 sub-harmonics of Inner Christos frequency in the Strand Templates, which allows for covert interdimensional manipulation through the Nephilim portion of the DNA Template coding. Natural Holistic Healing therapies are wise options for assisting all Indigo Children Types. Indigo-Type-3s are predominantly Lyran-Sirian-Oraphim-Angelic Human soul essences who are assisting in the evolution of the less evolved, often aggressive, Nephilim soul with whom they share the body. In some Indigo Type-3s, the Nephilim soul attempts to take over dominion of the body and personality, which disrupts the natural balances of the bio-energetic field systems, brain chemicals and hormonal production. These bio-chemical disruptions, caused by core essence bi-soul conflict within the DNA Template core, can create occasional or chronic extremes of mental and emotional polarity, such as legitimate cases of "Clinical Schizophrenia" or "Split Personality Syndrome".
One of my sons is diagnosed with ADHD (along with some other things.) I know that ADHD is over-diagnosed by some doctors for things that are clearly just normal behaviour for kids.

In my son's case though taking him off his medication results in very real problems with extreme hyperactivity and aggression. Even on medication he tends to be more active than most children.

I find the claim that ADHD children are genetically predisposed to be hosts to superior less-aggressive spirits rather hard to believe.
Got to admit, this reads like a complete random throwing in of words. I can't really understand the relationships claimed - just seems a very confused mess of concepts - OT, Arthurian, Christian - in a very nonsensical and ad hoc manner.

Sorry if that sounds disrespectful, but you're dumping this in here and it's hard to relate to what you're actually trying to say.

Also seems more akin to Scientology in the disregard of mental illness as illness. You ever been close to a schizophrenic, Marietta?
The Indigo Children matter is known but disputed in scientific circles. But there are some fairly reputable studies around acknowledging that some sort of profound changes are afoot among the children of the earth, and some of them have self-identified themselves as Indigo Children.

There is a prominent lady psychologist that is most closely identified with this but her name escapes me. Edgar Cayce predicted the events connected with the arrival of these children and you can find more detailed information at As for the references to hormones, chemistry, star gates, and genomic modifications I too cannot begin to decode what'd here, but lots of what I've looked at over the years points to something like this going on.

Greetings bgruagach,
Indigo type 3's are the ones diagnosed with ADHD and/or ADD and they hold the highest contract in the universe due to the fact that an Oripham is the one that incarnates into the body allowing a fallen Nephilim to also enter the body to help it braid back part of its DNA that has been tampered with. It is an inward battle going on between two spirits with opposing mentalities. However indigo 1's and 2's have also been diagnosed with ADD or ADHD due to the fact that they come into this life with a knowledge that most people of a very ripe age still do not have and they find it hard to sit still in school and listen to things they know are not correct. They find it hard to listen to instructions from anybody when they know a better way of doing things. They can become very angry at a very young age because they don't know how to express what they know and find it hard to sit and watch and/or listen to things they know are incorrect.
When put on medication their brains can not function properly and they are put into a kind of sleep, in which they forget the things they knew from birth. They will always fight a battle trying not to be put in the boxed mentality that most of society has been put into.
Most of them are very energy sensative and things like tight clothes really mess with their energy fields and they will act it out in fits of rage pulling at their clothes or taking them off. They are sensitive to the energy of the people around them and sometimes become confused as to whether it is their emotions they are feeling or that of the people around them. This makes it very hard on them if they are not provided for by loving parents with a knowledge of what is going on.
One way to deal with them that has been proven to work, is to approach them in a manner where they are in total control. If you want the child to clean up his/her toys, ask in a manner such as this: "mommy (or daddy) needs your help, see all the toys all over the floor? I'm afraid I might fall on them. Do you think you could pick them up to keep me from falling?"
This type of approach works 90 percent of the time. Ask him if he remembers where he came from and why he is here and if you have developed an open relationship where he feels free enough he will tell you if he is here to help in the days of trouble that we are living within.
I attended a conference at a local collage where doctors and psychologist spoke about these kids/adults and it was amazing. They come in with more DNA strands activated. They have the ability to heal themselves along with other. They see things we do not see, they can tell you about their past lives. If your child has playmates that only he can see, they are real. Time and space have no limits for these kids.
If it were my child I would take the medication away along with sugar.

Not all kids diagnosed with ADHD are host to a Nephilim soul, only the indigo 3's hold this contract.

Love and Light, Marietta:)
Greetings I, Brian,
You are intitled to you opinions and I think you for sharing them with me. What confuses you about this?
I'm not familiar with Scientology so I can't comment as to whether this is akin to it or not.
Yes, I have been close to people that are diagnosed as schizophrenic. I grew up with a person who was/is schizophrenic and my brother's second wife had a daughter from a previous marriage that was diagnosed with it and ended up killing herself. They see things in other dimensions that most people do not see and are tormented by some not nice beings. Why do you ask?

Love and Light, Marietta
The Indigo Children are not to be considered "superior or elite" in comparison to other humans, but rather viewed as living demonstrations of the dormant abilities that are NOW beginning to rapidly unfold among ALL HUMAN POPULATIONS.

Scientific communities in China, the US and other countries are now identifying small groups of infants and children that display rare abilities such as purging HIV, advanced genius and psychic/telekinetic abilities and other extra-ordinary attributes. These are the identified Indigo Children. Indigos can display some or all of these qualities and others not yet identified. In Indigo Children, fragments of DNA science identifies as 'junk DNA' and other portions of the DNA chain that science has yet to identify, are more organized and operational at birth than in the average populations, which gives Indigo Children biological, mental and/or spiritual skills and abilities that appear advanced, compared to that of the norm, these attributes can also present developmental challenges for some young indigos, as our present environment and cultural structures are harmful to humans with the advanced biological and psychological sensitivities that come with accelerated genetic development.

One little understood attribute of Indigo advancement is that of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION, an accelerated psycho-spiritual biological orientation and natural usage of sensory abilities that are beyond the range of the commonly known 5 senses.

Attributes associated with Perceptual Expansion are a direct result of valid/heightened sensitivity caused by accelerated genetic development and organic advancement in spiritual orientation. Though phenomena associated with Perceptual Expansion are increasing among general populations as a result of human evolutionary progression, this attribute is more distinct and advanced in Indigo Children, which places them at risk within the present environmental, sociological and political atmosphere. The attributes of the Indigo can rapidly become heightened challenges for them personally and in relation to those around them.

The phenomena of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION due to genetic progress is presently evidenced and demonstrated in global culture through rapidly increasing occurrences and reports of 'unexplained' events such as ESP, NDE, OBE, angelic encounters, 'ghosts', inter-dimensional communications, paranormal activity, Sightings, "UFO-Abduction', Lucid Dreaming, etc.

Evidence of biological and psychological challenges involving the genetic acceleration associated with Perceptual Expansion can be found in:

  • the increasing frequency of 'senseless crimes' - such as "School Yard slayings"
  • acceleration of suicide and drug use among teens
  • the progressively advancing appearance of ADD, Behavioral Problems, Bio-chemical imbalances and allergies among children
  • the advancement of Thyroid Malfunction, schizophrenia, Bi-polar and Cognitive disorders Psychosis, cancers, and other maladies among general populations
In Indigo Children the attributes and challenges of genetic advancement are amplified.

Presently, professional and scientific establishments attempt to rationalize away the existence of Perceptual expansion Phenomena attributing them to imagination, hallucination, mental illness or deception, because such events cannot be effectively explained within the current paradigms of Physical Science. More progressive physical sciences acknowledge the potential existence of multi-dimensional reality fields, based upon the potentials suggested within the Quantum Mechanics Theory, but practical applications of such experimental paradigms are presently unavailable.

Many Indigos are now being mis-diagnosed and inappropriately treated as cases of ADD, Schizophrenia, Bi-polar Disorder, etc. because of medical, psychiatric and spiritual communities do not yet recognize the symptoms , causes and remedies for the biological, perceptual, psychological and spiritual sensitivities characteristic to advancement of the human genetic code.

The Indigo Children are the forerunners of what will eventually be the norm for the human collective as we progress in our genetic evolution, through Bio-instinctual Response to changing environmental conditions. Challenges presently faced by the Indigo Children will progressively become challenges of the norm, as humanity is now evolving into the genetic acceleration currently exhibited by the Indigo Children. Medical communities, whose paradigms of treatment area also based upon common physical science theories, have yet to recognize the full spectrum of DNA imprinting function or the direct connection between DNA, consciousness and the manifestation of disease, and so do not routinely look for such connection sin research and diagnosis. If society is to progress to accommodate the needs of Indigo Children and the general progression of human genetic evolution, these paradigms will need to expand. There are complimentary alternatives. The evolution of a culture begins with each individual.

The “Oraphim” have very special gene codes called “Double Diamond Sun” or the “Emerald Sun Matrix”- Double Diamond has the 12-strand coding of the original human, plus another 12 pertaining to the ascended mastery levels beyond time, and the Emerald’s, the high council of the Oraphim, have an additional 6 strands that correspond to the Level-3 Eckatic Matrix, last level of ascended mastery before At-one-ment with source.

The Oraphim are often called in other teachings the “Paradise Sons” (supposed to be “Suns” the bio-field holds the full spherical configuration, which appears as flaming balls of light from the lower dimensions).

The Emerald Order Oraphim began the Turaneusiam lineage but more... they were the original ELOHEI (not “Elohim”, many of which are “fallen”) who seeded the universal common Lyran Pre-matter races... the original avatars that seeded life in this time matrix.

They birth in numbers only during ascension cycles. They are the Keepers of the Ascension Codes, the Star Gate Keepers and the Planetary Security Team, responsible for orchestrating the necessary grid mechanics during the cycle. They are a Melchizedek Cloister family line out of the Azurite Council of the Ra Confederacy, the governing Ascended Masters collective of our time matrix.

They oversee the OTHER, smaller Ascended Masters Collectives in and beyond time. On earth you don’t get higher coded beings. But the O’s don’t have ego - once they awaken they know they are here in pure service to the ONE and do their job. There are 500,000 here now, just beginning to awaken. The Amenti book was written mostly for them, as the “wake up call”, and the Oraphim’s are responding quite nicely. It’s others who don’t have the DNA activation to process the D-4 through D-6 frequency of the data that have a hard time with it.

Emerald Order have contracts to awaken to at least the Avatar level (D-10 through D-12)and are here for world service contracts of various natures. All Emerald Order have experienced full ascension to Level-3 Ascended Mastery before returning to embodiment in time. Most have universal service contracts, not just planetary. They are of a league of beings so far beyond the scope of awareness here, that even some of the highest consciousness on planet and below D-12 have no idea who they are. The “Dark Side” hates them because they bring the knowledge of freedom. Most of us live as “sleepers” until the pre-scheduled time of our awakening, then we start to remember who we are and what we came to do.

The contemporary Indigo Children hybridization program is run by the Emerald Order Oraphim-Turaneusiam- the original Elder Human Race who seeded humans here 550 million years ago, and who vowed to assist us in reaching our 12-strand DNA potential on earth and not 10-strand, that is the Anunnaki and Drakonian DNA signature, HUMAN is 12-strand.

The Indigo Children are all incarnations of the Oraphim (there a 3 different types of Indigo’s), and they are incarnating now to help stimulate the general human gene code into a higher level of activation via reaching critical mass within the race morphogenetic field (scalar-template for matter manifestation). This hybridization with the original Human gene lines is being orchestrated to help humanity activate dormant DNA so the race can have a better chance of averting physical and genetic damage during the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations Cycle. (Changes in the Solar Light spectra that will occur in this period pose harm to the earth-human races because of present mutations in the general gene code that were passed on from ancient intrusion by the Sirian Anunnaki).

All Indigos are born with the 6th DNA strand activated - the DNA still appears as a “double helix, but there are additional encodings operational within the Sub-strand Matrices), which allowed for open memory of other space-time identity aspects.

The Emerald Order Council of 48 (a HUMAN visitor group-48 refers to DNA issues, not the number of people on the council), trained in higher dimensional (D-5-15+) remote viewing and matrix scan. This council of pro-human interdimensionals keeps an eye on the visitor agendas as they are running on earth, for various reasons that involve making sure the planet and its unsuspecting people pass through the 2000-2017 period safely. (Emerald Order members have tried in the past to make contact with human governments, but the interior government people were more interested in the “One World Order” treaties they had already made with the Zeta Rigelians). One aspect of the Emerald Order efforts is to lend protection to human “light workers” who are in danger of negative manipulation because they have yet to remember who they are, why they incarnated into this drama and how to protect their bio-energetic fields.

Indigo Children birth in with 6th-strand activation, which becomes functionally operational IF they can assemble the lower strand fragments to “plug in” the 6th strand. (This “IF” depends a lot on what they picked up from the parent’s gene code and what kind of environment they are raised in). All humans have the potential of this DNA acceleration, to remember their other life experiences, and the mechanics of their eternal consciousness IF they can learn of their 15-dimensional anatomy and the methods by which they can reverse mutate the Anunnaki DNA distortions inherent to our times, which block out higher dimensional data from processing through the DNA into conscious awareness. THAT is why I teach of the 15-dimensional human anatomy and how to begin healing the DNA back to its original 12-strand potential.

The Cloister Dora-Teura texts detailed the lost history of our races and the interdimensional advanced sciences of DNA/Kundalin/Merkaba Mechanics-and Earth Grid scalar mechanics- through which humans can reclaim their mastery of the space-time-matter experience.

The Dora-Teura texts were last on the planet in true, undistorted form 210,216 years ago. Later attempts at translating some of the Dora-Teura texts were made in the Atlantian period -ended in 9558BC - through the
Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and later again through the ORIGINAL texts of what became the Bible, Torah, Kabbalah and Sanskrit Sutras. ALL of the later translations of the Dora-Teura texts, including the edited Anunnaki renditions of the Emerald Tablets, were perverted, edited, distorted, twisted and utterly compromised by the Anunnaki and reptilian race visitors, and their human Illuminati cohorts, in ancient times. But once, long ago, there was an underlying truth and promise of human freedom within those teachings.

The Emerald Order Oraphim, who are now incarnating in flesh as the Indigo Children, were the original authors of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts. These texts were given on earth 248,000 years ago as part of an agreement called the Emerald Covenant- an interstellar promise made by the Original stellar human lineage, to assist the earth-human lineage to re-evolve back into their original 12-strand DNA potential. These teachings were a gift of love and knowledge from Elder Race humans who CARED about earth humanity and who wanted to see humans regain their freedom, awareness and power. There is MUCH more to the Emerald Covenant, which explains the nonsense of what has become our recorded history interpretation.

Many people are beginning to awaken to their memories of incarnations in other space-time locations, and this is because human DNA is presently beginning to activate higher due to the Solar Light spectra changes of the 2000-2017 Stellar Activations cycle. People with the least amount of Anunnaki or reptilian distortion in the DNA will regain more memory faster. Anyone can benefit by the DNA reverse-mutation technologies being taught by the Emerald Order; remembering is the promise of human heritage- the potential of remembering belongs to us ALL.

The Indigo Children-Oraphim incarnates, who have been entering incarnation on earth for over 100 years, are presently only 500,000 strong within our populations, they are beginning to remember who they are, and there are another 150,000 birthing in between 1999-2012. The purpose of the Indigo’s and the Elder Race Emerald Order Humans who launched this pro-human hybridization plan, is an attempt to TRY to restore the lost knowledge and mechanics of interdimensional science and true spiritual cognition that will allow humanity to heal its DNA and begin Remembering. They are TRYING to set the records straight as far as the perversions of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts, so people can have access to the knowledge through which they can rapidly evolve and set themselves free from Anunnaki and reptilian manipulation. They are trying to do this because of the ancient promise of the Emerald Covenant, a promise made to earth-humans because they were loved and valued by their Elder Race Seed-and those of the Elder Race humans desired to see earth-humans evolve to their full potentials as EQUALS, within the interstellar communities.

The DISTORTED mess of what has BECOME the Bible, for what was ONCE a decent book that ATTEMPTED to translate part of the legitimate knowledge of the Cloister Dora-Teura texts, before the Anunnaki-Pleiadian-Nibiruians gutted the real documents that were once a unified Bible, Torah, Kabbalah, Sutra translation of the ORIGINAL Atlantian Emerald Tablets (before Thoth edited them for his own agendas) - all of these teachings came out of the Cloister Dora-Teura, and all of them were THEN distorted to the point of non-recognition from what they had once represented.

In the Cloister period 210,216 years ago, when we worked hard to preserve the Dora-Teura holographic plates when the reptile races came in and took over, and our massive temple complexes were bombed into the ground. Later in 22,000 BC when the Emerald Order again incarnated to try and stop the Anunnaki from perverting the human gene code more than they already had-when we tried to re-enter the Dora-Teura freedom teachings via the ORIGINAL Emerald Tablets, and watched as the Anunnaki-Zeta Rigelian Thoth, who had been commissioned by the Emerald Order to create a translation of the texts, turned on the Emerald order and edited the teachings to support the Anunnaki hybridization agendas. In the Biblical periods, where again the Emerald Order tried to restore the true teachings only to watch them be dissected and twisted by the human-Anunnaki hybrid Illuminati families and their visitor friends “fallen Elohim and Nephilim”.
How do I know if I am an Indigo?
Only YOU can answer that question for yourself with certainty.
Others can give you an answer but it will be distorted by their own filters and at best a guess.
Most people who resonate and find their way to the Keylontic Science teachings are Indigos simply because the information is keyed to the 6th dimensional frequency band and higher.
Indigos incarnate with the 6th DNA strand active and can therefore recognize and resonate with the Keylontic Science Teachings.
By utilizing the techniques in the order given in, you will be able to make a connection with the Higher Levels (See: Identity) of your multi-dimensional family and you will be able to begin using Technique 18 of the Flame Body techniques, which is the Betcha Hova Scan.
These tools will help you to decide what your race line linage is.

Angelic Human and Indigo races were sent into this Time Matrix as a guardian, protector and healer force, intended to protect the living Time Matrix from the Phantom Matrix system and to assist, if and when possible, in the reclamation and redemption of the Fallen races and Universal Systems.
or alternatively, you could use the betcha-botam-dola-clukluk-jibba technique to escape from the phantom matrix before the aglububble-cthulhu-wibblwobbl-angelians get you. and all for just $25!


or alternatively, you could use the betcha-botam-dola-clukluk-jibba technique to escape from the phantom matrix before the aglububble-cthulhu-wibblwobbl-angelians get you. and all for just $25!



I know this is a long time ago, but I don't think it is good for a "super moderator" to be interrupting discussion to make fun of people's ideas and undermine free and open discussion of the type this forum (and the website it is related to) openly endorses and intends to foster among it's members.
perhaps i should be clearer - this site is about serious spiritual seeking, not a gobbledegook platform for self-proclaimed prophets. if the poster concerned was concerned with something other than diverting traffic to her site, i dare say she might engage with the other people on this site in a meaningful manner. if you want to go off and find out about this group, who both brian, myself and bgruagach have some serious questions about that the original poster doesn't feel inclined to answer, we haven't prevented you from doing so, you are within your rights. however, on reflection, i don't believe we are inclined to take this terribly seriously and have good reason for feeling thus.


I take my spiritual path very seriously and the Freedom Teachings are my spiritual path. If you have a "serious" question (not ridicual trying to provoke an argument) by all means ask me and if I know the answer I will provide it. I don't claim to be all knowing and can only supply an answer to what I know and then it limited by my personal perceptions.
Love and Light, Marietta
bananabrain, This was posted in the alternative new age section. This is an alternative way in which to view spirituality and it is the chosen path of people from ALL over the world. I personally have met people from at least 14 different countries that come to our workshops.
If this paradigm doen't fit what you believe, that is one thing but trying to say that it isn't a valad spiritual path is another. It is merely a path that is foreign to you (persoanlly).
Love and Light, Marietta
all i'm saying is that you don't appear to be able to answer anyone's questions without disappearing into clouds of incomprehensible waffle. usually, what happens with "alternative paradigms" is that people are able to explain what they are.


<DIV>Dear bananabrain, Forgive me if I didn't answer a question you asked. If you can directe me to the question or reask it, I will be more than glad to try to answer it. If I have answered a question in a manner that you do not understand, I'm sorry for that. It is not my intention to provide an answer you can not understand.
Everything I have posted is very comprehensible to me and many, many others. I'm sorry if you don't or can't understand but that doesn't negate the validity of the teachings.
<DIV>By your signature (Ha-Rav) I assume that you are Jewish and thus that you have a background in Kabballah. If you understand Kabballah you should not have a problem understanding these teachings, once you get used to the language. Just the same as anyone coming into Judaism and/or Kabballah without a familiarity with the language, the words and/or termimology would appear gibberish. Such as words and/or expressions like: Lower worlds, upper worlds, The Zohar, The Sefer Yetzirah, The Bahir Illumination, Sephara, Or, Malkuth, Assiah, Yetzirah and so on and so on. Just like the Aramaic language is the language of Kabbalah and Judaism, Anuhazi is the language of the Freedom teachings.

<DIV>Anuhazi Language (Mu'a)
Last update: October 14, 2006See: Anuhazi-English

[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT]<DIV align=center>
<FONT size=2>The first spoken-written language form of the Density-4 Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim-Anuhazi (Feline-hominid) Founders Race, out of which all other external language forms in our Time Matrix emerged.

<FONT size=1><FONT color=#ff0000>Voyagers I)
Having trouble posting so please excause this post that may seem a double.
<DIV>Dear bananabrain, Forgive me if I didn't answer a question you asked. If you can directe me to the question or reask it, I will be more than glad to try to answer it. If I have answered a question in a manner that you do not understand, I'm sorry for that. It is not my intention to provide an answer you can not understand.
Everything I have posted is very comprehensible to me and many, many others. I'm sorry if you don't or can't understand but that doesn't negate the validity of the teachings.
<DIV>By your signature (Ha-Rav) I assume that you are Jewish and thus that you have a background in Kabballah. If you understand Kabballah you should not have a problem understanding these teachings, once you get used to the language. Just the same as anyone coming into Judaism and/or Kabballah without a familiarity with the language, the words and/or termimology would appear gibberish. Such as words and/or expressions like: Lower worlds, upper worlds, The Zohar, The Sefer Yetzirah, The Bahir Illumination, Sephara, Or, Malkuth, Assiah, Yetzirah and so on and so on. Just like the Aramaic language is the language of Kabbalah and Judaism, Anuhazi is the language of the Freedom teachings.
<DIV>Anuhazi Language (Mu'a)
Last update: October 14, 2006See: Anuhazi-English
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica] [/FONT]<DIV align=center>
<FONT size=2>The first spoken-written language form of the Density-4 Emerald Order Elohei-Elohim-Anuhazi (Feline-hominid) Founders Race, out of which all other external language forms in our Time Matrix emerged.
all i'm saying is that you don't appear to be able to answer anyone's questions without disappearing into clouds of incomprehensible waffle. usually, what happens with "alternative paradigms" is that people are able to explain what they are.


Namaste BB,

I am sooo sorry I can't help myself. How hard would it be to say the same to some guy with tassles out his shirt and curls at his ears, whilst he explains that a burning bush talked to this fellow who parted the sea?

There are believers of whatever...and then those that listen to their beliefs increduosly saying it is incomprehensible waffle.

It seems when we condemn anothers incomprehensible waffle we are condeming our own.
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