sara[h]ng;84682 said:
I suspect the bible thumpers can say the same of you...and your kind...
Arrogance gets no one anywhere.
Want to do some good? Reach out, otherwise keep your disgust to yourself.
That's prettymuch how life works, even for brainiacs.
Oh, look! I have a brain for science and I believe in Creationsim...figure that one out.
Let me tell you a little story. It is impossible to weld steel to steel in an environment that involves sodium chloride and H2O. Salt water corrupts the envelope where the weldment is taking place, the cooling of the steel by the sea water screws everything up as well, so trying to weld in sea water just doesn't work. It just doesn't happen...right? Guess again.
Anything is possible, under the right conditions. Nothing is impossible. You people think you know everything? You know everything about your fields of expertise, but nothing about the rest of life, it seems. Why do I say that? You keep slamming those who post (or maybe slapping down is a better term), Bible thumping. You hurt people, and you seem to enjoy it. So slick that no one can file a complaint against you, but still people reel from the audacity of your posts.
That really stinks.
Tell me how the Red Sea parted (it is actually feasable). You can't, for all your brilliance, you can't answer that question scientifically. But it can be answered, scientifically.
A 10 knot wind across one of the finger feeds of the lake blowing from East to West between two big stones or hills (or the reverse) would literally part the water and dry the bed within a few hours. The result would be a channel ten feet wide. the lake would literally be parted.
I think, you aught to be quiet, when it comes to Christians. You wouldn't want us dumb ass cross bearers to invade your scientific intellectual space, right? I mean, we might kick your collective butts with our (god forbid) intelligence, and beliefs.
It doesn't pay to be rude. It really hurts everyone involved.