Everythig in a cosmic CD
Predestination and free will, the controversy is all in the mind.
Predestination means everything is already done and recorded in a cosmic CD. Who did that? If you believe in a personal God, meaning a God that is like a person as we know persons to be, equipped with choice and attached to his biases and whims, then God did it. And if you think deeper, then that CD is God Himself.
Free will means looking at the question not from the specie aeternitatis, but from the standpoint of here and now. You cannot see anything except in your mind from the mirror of eternity, but what you have and only that is time and place to act. If you choose to act or not to act, or to do this or that, then that is making choices; and that's free will.
Now, if you don't want to make choices and take the risks of making wrong ones, then you should repair to the monastery like Buddhist monks and nuns and Catholic ones, specially those guys in the Trappist monasteries. Then you will have committed hara-kiri before you even started living that life that the cosmos or God has given you.
Remember that if you make choices that turn out to be wrong or not the best ones, have the courage to change and do better next time. Just calculate everything so that at the end of life, if you don't get caught with an instantaneous death, unrealized in its coming, you can leave this world with the comfort of having also lived, having attained at least all your physiologically destined objectives.
Lucky for us today, we can get to know a lot of things, if we would open our minds and use our eyes and ears and think carefully. Make then informed choices for the best in life.
Susma Rio Sep