Ok, i really do not mean to offend anyone here, but if got a question about Christianity..
If it is a monotheist religion.. how come it associates Jesus with God...e.g. he is the son of God (to me i think God is above having a son)..
or even as somebody on another thread said.. God on earth..? if anyone can clarify this for me id be really thankful
and again im not attacking anyone, n wudnt mind being proven wrong. thnx
What part of you is you? Your body, your mind or your spirit? Answer I presume would be all three...
There are three parts to you, but all belong to one that is you. Without all three parts of you working together it is said that one is not whole. One whole yet three distinct parts of that whole.
We instinctively understand this as we apply it with every relationship we have. First we are attracted to the physical, then we get to know the mental, and finally we become accustomed to the spiritual of an individual. Or, we learn about the mental through writings or other media, then meet the physical and then learn about the spiritual.
The point is, there are three parts to each of us, which are unique to us as a whole. Each part is us, but the combination of the three is also us.
Hence God the Father is God, God the Holy Spirit is God and Jesus the Son of God is God. And they all combine to form God.
Ironically the "split" of the three personages to form God is strictly for man's benefit. To the rest of the universe there is but one, that is God. But the difference is what that God did for man (put on the mantle of humanity, suffered and allowed death to claim His coporial form, but not Him).
Of all the religions, only one has a representation of God on earth and in heaven and throughout the universe all at the same time (omnipresent).
As revered as Mohummad is, he can not lay claim to that, as he is not God, and his bones lie in the dust somewhere. Neither can Abraham, or Moses.
Only Jesus lays claim to defeating death, and showing the way to life everlasting within proximity to God the Father. No other religion claims that man can be with the Father, none. Paradise is about as close as anyone can get without Jesus (my opinion). Paradise and Heaven are two different Ball Parks...
I personally do not want first, second or third base. I'm batting for the bleacher seats in deep center field.
These are my own thoughts, and not subject to doctrinal scrutiny.
p.s. welcome to CR