

Q. What make's a religion "wacky"?
A. A belief in the supernatural.

...................................No wait, that won't do!:eek:


Well the Merriam-Webster dictionary says this is the meaning of supernatural and I tend to defer to dictionaries when it comes to such things.

1 : of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe; especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil
2 a : departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature b : attributed to an invisible agent (as a ghost or spirit)

So if scientology is wacky a lot else is too presumably.

Any of you ever taken the personality test? Thats always a blast.......

You always end up with a result that says you are some kinda of manic depressant.... and that YOU NEEEEEEED help..... pft.

Actually I ws suckered into what I thought was an employment offer in about 1972. I took their personality test, and was not what they wanted. When the guy informed me this was not real employment that a married man would find suitable, he never offered me the chance to pay for auditing.

Wacky is as wacky does. But you have to admit their are more intellectually rigourous systems of metaphysics than scientology.
But you have to admit their are more intellectually rigourous systems of metaphysics than scientology.


That was very tactfully put. There are also fewer rigorous systems for making an organisation a shed-load of money it seems.


Personally, I tend not to be much impressed by any religion that was founded
as the result of a wager (as to whether the individual in question could or could not found a religion).

And of course, the Baha'i scriptures explicitly rule out the possibility of this movement (or any other one originating in the past century or so) being God-sent (which excusion will continue for roughly 860 years more).


My view is that it is a 'man-made' religion*. It has no belief in God to speak of. It's more like E.S.T. on steroids with a desire to avoid taxation in my own particular opinion which actually pre-dates my becoming a Baha`i.

*Personal view, I don't think the faith has a particular 'official' slant on the question.


What religion isn't "man made"?.... lol.. Your religion was made by a man... So, like... Where is the line here?

Yes there is a belife in a Creator... Heard of the eight dynamics? I doubt so, so here is a video enjoy.

**EDIT** Sorry, it was someone helping to spread the misunderstanding of the 8 dynamics....

Here I shall type them to you....

1. Self (to be an individual body and mind.)
2. Creativity (family and activites... Future)
3. Group (to work and survive as a group.)
4. Speicies (for survival and harmony as mankind.)
5. Lifeforms (for protection and love of the plants and anmials....)
6. Universe (Or! MEST, Matter Energy Space Time.)
7. Spirit (the urge to surivive and thrive as spiritual beings)
8. Infinity (defined as inifinity it means to reach the level of being able to be with the Creator.)

These are the dynamics, and are also the symbology behind the 8 point Scientology cross....

The dynamics can be best represented as a series of circles, the centre number one and the rest a circle outside it as the ability grows you can expand out into the next circle and as you expand to the seventh circle, the one discovers the 8th circle the Creator.... :)

I don't think there's an official Baha'i position on Scientology per se...

I doubt though that a Baha'i can be a member of the Chruch of Scientology and still be considered a Baha'i.

- Art

Yes you can. :) The requirements are not that taxing to be a member of the baha'i.... Scientology can fit into it.... Again another example where I feel a major lack of misunderstanding..... :) The same kind of misunderstanding I had only hours ago. I think I am going to become CR's Scientologist researcher lol...
We believe that God sends Prophets to teach mankind, and that the major world religions, when they are revealed, are not man made.
Actually that "quote" is misdirected. In various sources its supposed to have happened at a convention, or a bar, or a family gathering. If you search on the quote without the scientology aspect then its easily attributed to George Orwell, a science-fiction writer that in 1938 wrote it in A Letter to Jack Common.

The Guiness book of world records awarded LRH two rankings. Most prolific writer (he wrote in many genres, not just scifi) and published in most languages. Since he willing his copyrights to the church its fairly obvious that he put more millions into the church than he could ever have gotten from it.

For those who are curious, here is an interesting site.
Scientology Myths - L. Ron Hubbard

Im an ex-scientologist. There are plenty of reasons to quit scientology. But 99% of what I see posted about it is crap. There really is no reason to sling rechewed garbage about it. As far as pushing strange beliefs, trying to get me to give more than I wanted, invasive to my personal life, and bugging me after I decided to leave... I had more trouble from the Baptists.
Just a note...

It's interesting that this thread has been "resurrected" ..

Alex above wrote the following:

"The requirements are not that taxing to be a member of the baha'i.... Scientology can fit into it.... Again another example where I feel a major lack of misunderstanding....."

In my personal view Alex as a Baha'i, Scientology does not "fit into" the Baha'i Faith...that is, I would think there would contradictions to be both a Scientologist and Baha'i at the same time but that's not an offical position just my take on it..

I've been a Baha'i a long time and have never met anyone who was practising Scientology in the Faith.

If you know of a Baha'i who is also a Scientologist I think it would be interesting but our beliefs are probably closer to revealed monotheistic religions like Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Since this section of Interfaith Forums is concerning the Baha'i Faith don't you think it would be more appropriate to have issues about Scientology and the Jehovah's Witnesses carried on elsewhere...?

We Baha'is have no offical positions on the subject...

- Art;)
Addendum to teh above:

I should add that some time ago during the lifetime of Abdul-Baha there were Baha'is who also held church membership but when Shoghi Effendi became Guardian of the Faith after 1921 the friends were asked to leave the churches. This was difficult for some Baha'is who were also ministers and depended on pensions from their church later in life but was nonetheless accepted and they formally resigned their membership in the churches.

In a letter dated June 15, 1935 the Guardian Shoghi Effendi clarified that Baha'is could not hold membership in non-Baha'i religious organizations. Baha'is cannot "accept membership in any non-Baha'i ecclesiastical organization."

Since Scientology is a "church" by definition then no Baha'i can accept membership in it.

- Art
True, one can't be both a Baha'i and a Scientologist. If one wants to know what the Baha'i Faith teaches, refer to the Book of Certitude, Gleanings From the Writings of Baha'u'llah, and other Books revealed by Baha'u'llah. We believe there have been three Messengers from God since Jesus Christ: Muhammad, the Bab, and Baha'u'llah. We believe there will be more in the future, but not until at least a thousand years after Baha'u'llah.
Interesting. I thought that Baha'i was fairly universal. Since Scientology is non-denominational (you can be any faith) I would think they were fairly compatible since they both willing to recognize the same messengers. Most of the messages certainly seem similar. I guess its like most of the other religions. You can be a Scientologist and something-else. But you often arent allowed to be something-else and a Scientologist.