my experience with tongues...
I was involved with a xtian baptist/evangelical/pentacostal church for a while, many moons ago, and this organisation also believed that speaking in tongues was a sign that u had been baptized in the holy spirit... I was facinated by the whole tongues thing, and believed the tale in the bible about the pentacostal flame, etc, like most xtians do, although I had never witnessed ppl speaking in tongues, until I encountered this church... well, being a curious cat, I sat in their circle and listened to them pray in tongues, and was suprised to discover that I recognised about 70-80% of what they said, and I would not listen to one individual, but the whole group- and what I heard was a mix of european languages, some latin, some swahili, and a few words in sanskrit/hindi... what was curious, though was what the group said to me, in their admixture of tongues... it appeared that what they said was- they didnt really want me in their church, that I was a tramp, (I was homeless at the time..) but if I'd let jesus into my heart, I'd become okay, and they were all praying I'd become more committed to the church...
...I did not know whether between them they had concocted this speil for me to listen to, as they knew I was interested at that time in languages, especially sanskrit, or whether this experience was pure coincidence, and I was hearing my own fears, some kind of transference, etc, and so I shelved concluding until I had seen some more...
well, eventually, there came a day when ppl got baptised in spirit, by the pastor, and the flock, and they offerred it to me, but I wasn't buying, although a few ppl went for it, and I watched this young lad, about 18, who had aspergers, and was bang into jesus, be filled with the spirit by the pastor...
yet horror of horrors, it didnt work...
the lad was desperate to believe it was gonna happen, and then he'd be accepted by the church and god, and the spirit, etc, but no, no words came from his lil lips, even though he was trying his best to let the spirit in...unlike eveyone else, his condition meant even though he wanted to do it, he couldn't, cos he just couldn't pretend like that...
eventually the pastor spoke to him, loud enough for me to hear, and said- repeat after me, blah blah, babble, babble, which the lad did, and the pastor declared this a resounding success, which of course, ppl wanted to accept, as it tasted great in the mouth, but we were all left with a funny taste in our bellies afterwards...
Today, my belief is this.... yes, maybe the holy spirit came down and set fire to ppl's hair, and gave them the power to speak in tongues, but maybe like so much else in the bible, this itself is allegory.. rather than be able to use foreign languages without knowing what u say, maybe the holy spirit allows u to be good at languages that u study, maybe the spirit helps u pick them up quickly, so that u can go off and tell ppl the good news...