It will nice to know which "traditions" are accepted by the Bahais. And also more importantly, what are the relevant criteria for the same. As I had mentioned, there are 3 volumes of Beharul Anwar about the Mahdi which detail his genealogy, birth, occultation etc. Yet we are confronted with one tradition which appears in the footnote of volume 38 as a proof for the Mahdi. Why are the rest of these traditions in Beharul Anwar (probably more than 500) not accepted? Is it because they are contrary to the belief of the Bab as the Mahdi?
My reply:
Any time we discuss traditions they should be primarily available as sources for examination but there are some which apparently are accepted by Shiahs and used by them which Baha'is also have been aware of and which no doubt as a student you are also aware and among them are these:
When the Qa'im rises he will come with a new commission, just as the Prophet in the beginning of Islam called the people to a new commission
Ithbat al-hudat Vol. 7, p. 110.
I don't have direct access to these books and they are not that readily available so discussing them is "third hand" but considering the Hadith above it would seem that a new religion is implied in the above. We've discussed this previously.
As a student of the Bahai faith for long, I am not surprised by this as I myself have raised the issue of the books of the Bab wherein only "selected" writings of the Bab are available. The rest are labelled as alterations or forgeries.
My reply:
As a student of the Baha'i Faith for so long, you should know this is not the whole story... The priority for Baha'is has been to make available the Writings of Baha'u'llah... The Writings of the Bab are not all labelled as "alterations or forgeries" but it takes an involved process to make these available as translations... There were cases where some of the Writings of the Bab were intercepted by His enemies and altered and some were inerpolated by others...considering that even possessing such Writings could merit imprisonment or execution they were also not in the best of conditions having to be concealed in damp places or cranies in walls.
Secondly, the belief of the Mahdi in Islam , particularly Shiite Islam is not "cultural" as you have mentioned. It is an integral part of Shiite Islam. The Mahdi was spoken about by the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and then by the succeeding Imams. When you say cultural, you make it sound as if it was something that "just came up", which is not correct.
My reply:
It is cultural as defined as a religious movement when we are discussing the expectation of the Qa'im.
I could not understand what was the point about the books being available only in Farsi and Arabic and not that many in English.
My reply:
The issue is that the direct sources are not that available as above.
- Art
It will nice to know which "traditions" are accepted by the Bahais. And also more importantly, what are the relevant criteria for the same. As I had mentioned, there are 3 volumes of Beharul Anwar about the Mahdi which detail his genealogy, birth, occultation etc. Yet we are confronted with one tradition which appears in the footnote of volume 38 as a proof for the Mahdi. Why are the rest of these traditions in Beharul Anwar (probably more than 500) not accepted? Is it because they are contrary to the belief of the Bab as the Mahdi?
My reply:
Any time we discuss traditions they should be primarily available as sources for examination but there are some which apparently are accepted by Shiahs and used by them which Baha'is also have been aware of and which no doubt as a student you are also aware and among them are these:
When the Qa'im rises he will come with a new commission, just as the Prophet in the beginning of Islam called the people to a new commission
Ithbat al-hudat Vol. 7, p. 110.
I don't have direct access to these books and they are not that readily available so discussing them is "third hand" but considering the Hadith above it would seem that a new religion is implied in the above. We've discussed this previously.
As a student of the Bahai faith for long, I am not surprised by this as I myself have raised the issue of the books of the Bab wherein only "selected" writings of the Bab are available. The rest are labelled as alterations or forgeries.
My reply:
As a student of the Baha'i Faith for so long, you should know this is not the whole story... The priority for Baha'is has been to make available the Writings of Baha'u'llah... The Writings of the Bab are not all labelled as "alterations or forgeries" but it takes an involved process to make these available as translations... There were cases where some of the Writings of the Bab were intercepted by His enemies and altered and some were inerpolated by others...considering that even possessing such Writings could merit imprisonment or execution they were also not in the best of conditions having to be concealed in damp places or cranies in walls.
Secondly, the belief of the Mahdi in Islam , particularly Shiite Islam is not "cultural" as you have mentioned. It is an integral part of Shiite Islam. The Mahdi was spoken about by the Holy Prophet of Islam (pbuh) and then by the succeeding Imams. When you say cultural, you make it sound as if it was something that "just came up", which is not correct.
My reply:
It is cultural as defined as a religious movement when we are discussing the expectation of the Qa'im.
I could not understand what was the point about the books being available only in Farsi and Arabic and not that many in English.
My reply:
The issue is that the direct sources are not that available as above.
- Art