Thank you Scott for your kind words.
I have scant respect for the "concepts of human justice" espoused by the Western world. It was the West that bombed Iraq, Afghnistan, Lebanon practiced slavery, discriminated against blacks, which looked the other way when Muslim shrines in Iraq were bombed. Perhaps people forget the events of the prison of Abu Gharib, forget that the West destroyed Iraq on the pretext of "posession of weapons of mass destruction" and then said that nothing was found.
The West supported Saddam against Iran even though Saddam was involved in the most gruesome human rights atrocities in Iraq. They simply "looked the other way" while Saddam did what he wanted to as long as he remained an ally of the west.
The Bahais cry over the destruction of their center in Tehran. Go to Saudi Arabia where the Shiites were persecuted and the shirines of their Imams destroyed. Again, the West "looked the other way" as long as Saudi remained an ally of the West and gave them oil at lower rates.
China probably has the worst human labour rights record in the present age. But its fine for the West as long it can keep buying Chinese goods at a cheap rate.
For every case, you tell me about Iran, I can tell you 10 in Palestine.
So when I say, I have scant respect for human rights - I dont say I do not respect human right. I only scoff at the Western world's selective interpretation and implementation of it.
I believe in the human rights which were practised by the Holy Prophet of Islam and the Imam who followed him. They set standards which I believe the world should follow. Read the traditions of the Prophet and Imam Ali during their rule and see how not just men, but even women and children and also animals and trees enjoyed their protection. I believe in that school of thought. The West means nothing to me.
For long, I have mantained that the West practised double standards and will continue to do so till the time I see some change. I keep on seeing the US' statements on "human rights" violations in Iran and the fact the Bahais are being "watched" and "arrested." And I read that and say, "Sure, very good. But why are they not concerned about the millions in prisons in Abu Gharib and in Palestine."
I apologise for writing this long message. I did not intend to when I began writing it. But it is important to clarify, that I am not interested in entering a debate about human rights. The West has its own agenda which I believe is more politically motivated than driven by religion. My agenda is Belief and veracity of it in the light of the books of divinely inspired Prophets and Messengers. My arguments revolve around this only.
By coloring me as prejudiced or one who does not believe in human rights on a discussion forum does not affect me one bit nor does it help anybody.
Respectfully yours as always,
That was a very graceful tap-dance. Now do you or do you not think that the persecution of Baha`is for their religious beliefs is wrong? Simply take it on it's own without connectgion to any other issue. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it justice? Is it injustice?
I will happily grant that Europe has exploited and discriminated against their muslim guest workers and citizens and condemned them to long-term second class citizenship. I will happily grant that the second Gulf War was a mistake.
(By the way--simply as a positive note in the eyes of Baha`i's--the government of the Baathists had outlawed the Baha`i Faith years ago, in fact the short-lived United Arab Republic of Egypt and Iraq had stipulated that Egypt must also ban the Faith--the war restulted in the removal of that 'banned status' and for the first time in decades the Iraqi National Spiritual Assembly and all the Local Spiritual Assemblies are now legal and one can be a Baha`i in Iraq again and have what rights of citizenship are available to the members of other faiths.)