Stephen J. Gould

Kindest Regards again, Susma,
Susma Rio Sep said:
About devils, they are also angels, but fallen ones because they rebelled against God.
I am of the same opinion. In the context we had been discussing, of interaction of spirit with matter, it hit me that if "devils" are spirits, and spirits interact with matter, this would explain legitimate examples of possession. Not a subject I wish to further pursue, just a cursory observation in the course of developing the thought.

Actually, this might be a point to note that while I mentioned this connection between soul/spirit and matter (corporeal flesh body) interacting via quantum physics (mechanics?) as a developing thought in my mind, there are 2 things I must quickly point out. Firstly, I have been developing these thoughts for quite some time, at least ten years. And the second is that the first place I heard of the concept of quantum physics being used to describe "spirit" was not a "religious thinker", but was a "scientific thinker" somehow involved in the field of quantum physics. I don't recall the person's name, or even the specific context, but that particular article is what sparked my interest in the subject, at least as a spectator. I ate up every article I could find pertaining to neutrinos, I find it fascinating they can travel completely through the globe of the earth and keep on truckin'. This in no way makes me any authority on the subject, I am very willing to accept, that is why I would really like some input from one or two people who are more familiar with quantum physics, so I can figure out if I may be on to a rational line of pursuit, or if I'm only barking up a tree.

As to the resurrected body, yes it's a glorious one but still essentially a body biological and material, of blood and tissue.
I'm afraid we will have to agree to disagree for the moment, and I don't see any definitive resolution until the time comes.:)

Your musings about the spirit substance is most informative and contributes to my education. Thanks.
I appreciate the thanks, but I'm not certain they are warranted. I just enjoy making people, myself included, think.

My own position is that body and spirit was invented by thinkers so that things they can't use logic and mathematics on they consign to spirit.

Maybe the best thing is just to say that spirit as conceived by religionists is nothing but all in the mind.

Susma Rio Sep

I suppose a great deal hinges on who the "religionists" are. From my vantage, I see everybody as a religionist of one stripe or another, including atheists. So if "it is all in your head", well...

relevant to the evolution discussion ongoing are Dr. Goulds important points about the use of the term "theory" which differes between lay people and scientsists.
Jaiket said:
Vajraghara, great article. Have you read about the 'Steves' in memory of Dr. Gould?
Namaste Jaiket,

thank you for the post.

no, i've not read it... do you have a link to it?

have you had a chance to read Dr. Goulds explanation of the Median is not the Message, concerning his fight with cancer? if not, you may find it to be quite interesting:
Vajradhara i certainly dont have enough empirical knowledge to argue with u considering i am only 18. But in order for natural selection to occur the best characteristics of a species must be passed down to the offspring. This is survival of the fittest right? How can this occur when a system needs all of its proponents to function. Correct me if im wrong but this seems possible but very improbable. enlighten me please.
Namaste believer,

thank you for the post and welcome to the forum.

believer142 said:
Vajradhara i certainly dont have enough empirical knowledge to argue with u considering i am only 18. But in order for natural selection to occur the best characteristics of a species must be passed down to the offspring. This is survival of the fittest right? How can this occur when a system needs all of its proponents to function. Correct me if im wrong but this seems possible but very improbable. enlighten me please.
well... i would say that, perhaps, you could visit this link for a good primer on the subject:

this site should answer most of your questions in this regard.

generally speaking, for instance, Evolution does not indicate that the "best" characteristics of an organism get passed on, it is the traits that allow the organism the best advantange in it's particular ecosystem. i suppose that we could consider those to be "best" however, that wouldn't be terribly accurate.

think of humans for a moment... inside each one are virii and bacteria. depending on how diligent you are with your antibacterial soap, you will kill all the bacteria on your hands when you wash. however, if you don't wash for the full 30 seconds, minimum, rather than killing all the bacteria, you merely make them sick and, rather like humans, they develop resistence to the antibiotics... they "evolve" a defense against them.

these "superbugs" are especially viriulent and dangerous. there are several of them out there these days, with perhaps the most well known being VRSE and MRSA.

you may want to check out this link for some very sobering and, if i may, frightening news: