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What is the will of God? What have you guys done? What has history shown of your works?
What is the will of G-d? What have you guys done? What has history shown of your works? How many Crusades and Holy Wars have been fought by people like you? How many bombs have blown up innocent bystanders by people just like you? How many atrocities like the Holocaust have been committed by people acting the in the name of G-d, just like you???

Back off...second warning. :mad:
The Christians that killed people in God's name or in Jesus' name are about as Christian as the Muslims that fly planes into building. Jesus emphatically tells His followers not to fight but to remember that vengence is of the Lord. As a matter of fact, Christians are told to die rather than fight. So again, those who call themselves Christians and kill in Jesus' name, do it agianst His will and therefore show that they are not His people, but instead decievers. Now as for your question..."what has Christians done?" Wow, where do I start? How about hospitials, arts, charities of all sorts, the red cross, education, the legal system, freedom and opportunities of many, etc., etc. The most important thing that Christians have done, continue to do, and will do, is bring the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. As the scripture says, "How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News" (Romans 10:15). Hope that helps!

So Mee, what has the JWs done for God? And, what is God's will according to JW theology?
The Christians that killed people in God's name or in Jesus' name are about as Christian as the Muslims that fly planes into building. Jesus emphatically tells His followers not to fight but to remember that vengence is of the Lord. As a matter of fact, Christians are told to die rather than fight. So again, those who call themselves Christians and kill in Jesus' name, do it agianst His will and therefore show that they are not His people, but instead decievers. Now as for your question..."what has Christians done?" Wow, where do I start? How about hospitials, arts, charities of all sorts, the red cross, education, the legal system, freedom and opportunities of many, etc., etc. The most important thing that Christians have done, continue to do, and will do, is bring the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world. As the scripture says, "How Beautiful Are the Feet of Those Who Bring Good News" (Romans 10:15). Hope that helps!

So Mee, what has the JWs done for God? And, what is God's will according to JW theology?

What have the JW's done for G-d? The same thing you mention: "The most important thing that Christians have done, continue to do, and will do, is bring the good news of Jesus Christ to a lost and dying world."

Now, as for "hospitials, arts, charities of all sorts, the red cross, education, the legal system, freedom and opportunities of many", so have Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus, Pagans and even atheists. So, I guess that means G-d works through all kinds of different people, huh?

The Christians that killed people in God's name or in Jesus' name are about as Christian as the Muslims that fly planes into building.
I think they might disagree with you, and then you can excommunicate each other.

A violent rabid fundy is a violent rabid fundy is a violent rabid fundy...

Who put the "mental" in fundamental? Where did the "fun" part go?
The Christians that killed people in God's name or in Jesus' name are about as Christian as the Muslims that fly planes into building.
FYI, Muslims also seperate themselves from the fanatical types that fly planes into buildings or strap bombs to themselves. The Imams I've spoke to repeat often that these are not acts of a practicing Muslim.
The Christians that killed people in God's name or in Jesus' name are about as Christian as the Muslims that fly planes into building.
According to you it wouldn't matter if a Muslim flew an airplane into a building or not, they're doomed because they are born Muslim. So I'm thinking, hell, if I'm doomed because I was born to be doomed, that means a couple of things. One; G-d ain't perfect, because he made me to be destroyed, and I haven't done anything to deserve being destroyed at the time of my birth. And two; if I'm doomed anyway, why not take out a bunch of hypocrits with me when I go?
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So Mee, what has the JWs done for God? And, what is God's will according to JW theology?
matthew 28;19-20 when people are taught by Jesus christ , they Go and make disciples of others , not by killing people or forceing them to believe , but they are taught to be peacable just like Jesus was . so what is the fruitage of Jehovahs witnesses, it is PEACE no matter where in the world , we do not learn to kill people , and we listen very carefully to what Jesus says, we do not allow the world and its way of doing things to influence us ,we are taught by Jehovah , because Jesus was taught by his father Jehovah, and Jehovah said to listen to Jesus . and you know what the world hates us for that. but we know that listening to Jesus is the way to go , as it leads to everlasting life John 17;3Gods will according to the bible is to Listen to Jesus , and we do just that.
FYI, Muslims also seperate themselves from the fanatical types that fly planes into buildings or strap bombs to themselves. The Imams I've spoke to repeat often that these are not acts of a practicing Muslim.

Thats great! But the facts still remain, their "holy text" says it is OK for them to kill for Allah. Jesus doesnt give Christians that right. The two religons are build of completely different precepts. Islam is built on the honor of Mohammad and therefore when someone shames him, Muslims get to fight for Him. Christanity is built upon the shame of Christ. Therefore, when people shame Him, its nothing new. We Christians just get to share in His sufferrings. Far be it from us to wear crowns of gold when our King wore a crown of thorwns. This world isnt our home - you dig?
According to you it wouldn't matter if a Muslim flew an airplane into a building or not, they're doomed because they are born Muslim. So I'm thinking, hell, if I'm doomed because I was born to be doomed, that means a couple of things. One; G-d ain't perfect, because he made me to be destroyed, and I haven't done anything to deserve being destroyed at the time of my birth. And two; if I'm doomed anyway, why not take out a bunch of hypocrits with me when I go?

People are doomed for their sins. God delcares that no one is good and God saves anyone who humbles themselves and admits their need for a Savior. If you or anyone cries out for help and recieves Jesus as Savior by repentance and Faith, you will be saved from God's righteous wrath. Why havent you accepted the claims of Christ upon your own life?
matthew 28;19-20 when people are taught by Jesus christ , they Go and make disciples of others , not by killing people or forceing them to believe , but they are taught to be peacable just like Jesus was . so what is the fruitage of Jehovahs witnesses, it is PEACE no matter where in the world , we do not learn to kill people , and we listen very carefully to what Jesus says, we do not allow the world and its way of doing things to influence us ,we are taught by Jehovah , because Jesus was taught by his father Jehovah, and Jehovah said to listen to Jesus . and you know what the world hates us for that. but we know that listening to Jesus is the way to go , as it leads to everlasting life John 17;3Gods will according to the bible is to Listen to Jesus , and we do just that.

I just want to make sure I understand you. You're saying you go around the world and preach in peace? Many religions do that. Buddhist, for example, preach in peace. What is the difference between you guys and them? Also, what has history shown of you? What have you done to God's glory. Were were you during the history of the early chruch? Where were you in the 1st century when Christians were being killed for their faith? Where were you in the reformation? Where were you in early America or early England or during the revivals, including both "Great Awakinings?" What do you guys do besides hand out tracts and witness another gospel? Dont mean to sound mean bro, I just really want to understand why you'd believe in this crazy JW theology when its so far from biblical to just a child like understanding.
Thats great! But the facts still remain, their "holy text" says it is OK for them to kill for Allah. Jesus doesnt give Christians that right. The two religons are build of completely different precepts. Islam is built on the honor of Mohammad and therefore when someone shames him, Muslims get to fight for Him.
Funny, I can point to Christians of established orthodoxy that disagree with you, many many times over, across nearly two thousand years. The facts still remain, their "holy text" says it is OK for them to kill for Jesus. Christians have interpreted the Bible to justify wars on numerous occasions. Rightly or wrongly is irrelevant, it has been done, by men of far more esteem than you.

Christanity is built upon the shame of Christ. Therefore, when people shame Him, its nothing new. We Christians just get to share in His sufferrings. Far be it from us to wear crowns of gold when our King wore a crown of thorwns. This world isnt our home - you dig?
Ah, superiority complex in combination with martyr syndrome, how ironic and silly. Which Bible do you get your interpretation from? It evidently isn't the correct one. You dig?
I did. Thats why I'm talking to you about it.
Apparently not, considering #1, you're not Jesus and never will be, #2, you don't live to his example, #3, your arrogant proselyzing is in direct defiance of the Code of Conduct for this site, #4, you're not talking to me, you are talking at me, the same as you are to everybody else, and #5, you haven't heard a word anyone else has said. Dollar to a doornail, you did not read the Code of Conduct, before or when I gave you a convenient link, and two dollars to a doornail you didn't look at either thread I linked for you either. Arrogance combined with deliberate ignorance, with a stiff dose of superiority complex and a light dusting of martyr syndrome...this couldn't possibly be the markings of a intolerant fundie, could it?

Once you get your head on straight, you will realize it is not the fundie point of view that is being criticized, it is the intolerance that is being criticised.

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