the virgin? mary, noah and adam...

I'm on a roll, let's see if I can get this out coherently:

Post-modern dilemma. This is how it seems to me. Information increases exponentially, and as the ability to communicate shrinks the world, it shrinks the amount of space within which all this information broadcasts. There is no lag, no latency, and all of the noise arrives at once, and constantly. It just gets noisier and noisier. One solution is to go universalist. Another solution is to strive for the conservative ideal of pristine origins. I don't believe that either of those approaches really works.

You can syncretise and go universal, but you lose all sense of specific origin. You can search for a pristine origin, but you lose all sense of immediate perspective. Plus, all mythos is now liquid, self-referential, and collaged beyond definition, so there's no way of back tracking up the flow chart. We're stuck in the fractal.


Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?
--T. S. Eliot