What made god?

pfw said:
I'm finished with this thread-this is the second time I've taken one 'off topic' and I don't want to get a rep here...

If the thread was going off track, it was my fault, pfw, not yours.

Let me add that Silas has many good points to make at times, and of course, he is entitled to his opinions. I don't usually post comments like the last couple I've made here. Sorry about that. Maybe I'll interject some thoughts down the line on the subject, but not right now.

If the thread was going off track, it was my fault, pfw, not yours.

Let me add that Silas has many good points to make at times, and of course, he is entitled to his opinions. I don't usually post comments like the last couple I've made here. Sorry about that. Maybe I'll interject some thoughts down the line on the subject, but not right now.


On other threads I've had good experiance of Silas. I love nothing better than a good argument (meaning and exchange of views, opinions etc, not the nasty, shouty kind...). Part of the problem was also me- on a seperate thread an argument with Silas was degenerating into the shouty kind (appologies to Silas for that-it was mostly my bad there) & I'd just come from there to here... Love your 'I love it when...' thread btw.
Silas, I am sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything. It's just that as of right now, I have yet to solicit a call from anyone here in CR. There are a few folks with whom I communicate on a regular basis, but that's it so far. I did not want anyone to get the wrong impression. Nothing personal.

pfw--thanks for the comment and the post on my thread. Yep--that thread is a bright spot for me sometimes!

Angel--(your thread, right?) See? I have this "angry" side, too! Don't laugh....:rolleyes:

please explain this-because I think your saying God's own word isn't perfect here, which would seem to suggest it's ok to pick the interpritation you're most comfortable with rather than question and find the truth. (Abraham apears to have Questioned God frequently and come out from it ok, same with Moses and even Jesus in Gethsemini{I'll have to check spelling there}-which brings into question this whole Trinity thing...)

I guess ive gone in over my head with my comments but I didnt mean to imply that any interpretation goes. I meant that the perceived imperfections in the Bible are really just human imperfections related to time and space. But the essence of the Word of God would be a perfect form of guidance. Our(human beings) conception of perfection is also up for modification, so its hard for us to describe why the Bible would be perfect guidance.
I guess ive gone in over my head with my comments but I didnt mean to imply that any interpretation goes. I meant that the perceived imperfections in the Bible are really just human imperfections related to time and space. But the essence of the Word of God would be a perfect form of guidance. Our(human beings) conception of perfection is also up for modification, so its hard for us to describe why the Bible would be perfect guidance.

Ah, got what you mean now- wasn't sure so had to ask. Thanks.
This is actually one of my favorite things to try to think about.. I cant think about it because my mind is not capable of grasping the greatness and the wonderful mysteries of God..

God created time when He created his creation.. that was the beginning.. Before that.. there was no time.. so there was no beginning for God.. just like there will be no end.. Time was His creation.. :)

Isnt He just Awesome.