God is Triune

Jesus is the Messiah.. Prophet, King and Priest all rolled up into one.
excuse me, but i'm really not being disrespectful and i wouldn't want you to think so. i haven't said *anything* rude about jesus, that he was a liar or crazy. i've got a lot of time for the guy. he was clearly a great teacher but, needless to say, i cannot believe he was the Messiah, nor that he was any more Divine than each and every one of us. moreover, it is impossible for the roles of priest and king to be combined in one person, because priests are direct male-line from the tribe of levi and kings (who include the Messiah ) must be direct male-line from the tribe of judah. you can't be both at the same time - at least not without some theological stunt-work to cope withe the paradox. i don't think it is disrespectful of me to point out, in the nicest possible way, that a lot of your arguments are rhetorical and fly in the face of the plain linguistic meaning of the OT quotes you have referenced.

He claimed to be the Lord of the Old Testament.
actually, i think jesus himself put this rather better than i could: "thou sayest i am". in other words, it doesn't seem to me to be possible to differentiate between what his own meaning may or may not have been and the meaning imputed to him by generations of christian theologians. for example, i have shown elsewhere that the parable of the good samaritan takes on an entirely different dimension once you consider the issues of jewish religious law concerned, which actually appear to show jesus to be demonstrating a superior understanding of the halakhic issues concerned than those he criticises, the priest in particular - and good on him, it shows what a cool guy he was.

now, obviously it is not for me to tell you i know your own religion better than you, but you are actually trying to tell me the Torah, my own Text, says something it doesn't. you have made certain assertions about how you understand certain bits of the OT. i have shown you how they can be interpreted in different ways from those you automatically assume to be true. you have not responded to these, nor have you provided any evidence that supports your understanding other than opinion. this is because you are generally reading english translations of latin translations of greek renderings of aramaic conversations or hebrew texts. the aramaic phrase "bar nasha", for example, usually translated as "son of man", has many other contingent meanings to the theological reasons. for example, it can have the equivalent sense of "muggins here", as in "and guess what, muggins here got stuck with the drinks tab". i for one have found that an understanding of jesus' idiom makes him a far less remote and more human figure for me - now i can understand you not wanting to go down that road, but i'm just sharing how i approach your texts.

my questions should not be taken as malicious or provocative - they are simply an attempt to increase my understanding. it is a poor faith that resists challenge and questioning. i don't think you have anything to be afraid of, you're grown-ups with a great religious heritage, don't be such big girls' blouses. come on, chaps, you can cope with a bit of robust inquiry, i'd have thought.


Can I, as a Catholic, endorse bananabrain's comment that Jesus is in no way 'explicit' in the Old Testament? As Christians we can 'retrofit' and say 'Yes, he it was who was spoken of by the prophets' but no way can we say the prophets knew who Jesus was, nor that they had any idea of the Trinity.

Nor, therefore, do the Jews have an obligation, in that sense, to believe in or accept Jesus.

We might say that Jesus, as Logos, is the Wisdom of God, but He is the Wisdom of God PERSONIFIED, and that was never on the tongue of the Prophets. They prophesied a Messiah, and within that context Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses etc., were messiahs, they were, after all, annointed by God - as was David, Solomon, etc ... but they did not prophecy an Incarnation.

Isaiah's 'a child shall be born of a virgin' remains a mysterious prophetic utterance, but if the Jews speculated on an Incarnation, and thence a Trinity, from that verse, one might suggest they were pushing the bounds a tad too far?

thank you thomas, that's a far more tactful way of putting it than the way i did. except of course, that the word used is not, in fact, "virgin", but rather "maiden" - which does not imply technical virginity.


Hi bananabrain –

except of course, that the word used is not, in fact, "virgin", but rather "maiden" - which does not imply technical virginity.

I was asked this once ... my answer was, that in that time and culture, could one assume that a 'maiden' would be a 'virgin'? Could the two terms be synonymous?

Not posing this as a theologcial argument, nor a trick question ... but rather, I suppose, as a question of sociology? Like the old joke about the angel looking round Liverpool, scratching his head, 'where the hell am I going to find three wise men and a virgin?'

excuse me, but i'm really not being disrespectful and i wouldn't want you to think so. i haven't said *anything* rude about jesus, that he was a liar or crazy. i've got a lot of time for the guy. he was clearly a great teacher but, needless to say, i cannot believe he was the Messiah, nor that he was any more Divine than each and every one of us. moreover, it is impossible for the roles of priest and king to be combined in one person, because priests are direct male-line from the tribe of levi and kings (who include the Messiah ) must be direct male-line from the tribe of judah. you can't be both at the same time - at least not without some theological stunt-work to cope withe the paradox. i don't think it is disrespectful of me to point out, in the nicest possible way, that a lot of your arguments are rhetorical and fly in the face of the plain linguistic meaning of the OT quotes you have referenced.

actually, i think jesus himself put this rather better than i could: "thou sayest i am". in other words, it doesn't seem to me to be possible to differentiate between what his own meaning may or may not have been and the meaning imputed to him by generations of christian theologians. for example, i have shown elsewhere that the parable of the good samaritan takes on an entirely different dimension once you consider the issues of jewish religious law concerned, which actually appear to show jesus to be demonstrating a superior understanding of the halakhic issues concerned than those he criticises, the priest in particular - and good on him, it shows what a cool guy he was.

now, obviously it is not for me to tell you i know your own religion better than you, but you are actually trying to tell me the Torah, my own Text, says something it doesn't. you have made certain assertions about how you understand certain bits of the OT. i have shown you how they can be interpreted in different ways from those you automatically assume to be true. you have not responded to these, nor have you provided any evidence that supports your understanding other than opinion. this is because you are generally reading english translations of latin translations of greek renderings of aramaic conversations or hebrew texts. the aramaic phrase "bar nasha", for example, usually translated as "son of man", has many other contingent meanings to the theological reasons. for example, it can have the equivalent sense of "muggins here", as in "and guess what, muggins here got stuck with the drinks tab". i for one have found that an understanding of jesus' idiom makes him a far less remote and more human figure for me - now i can understand you not wanting to go down that road, but i'm just sharing how i approach your texts.

my questions should not be taken as malicious or provocative - they are simply an attempt to increase my understanding. it is a poor faith that resists challenge and questioning. i don't think you have anything to be afraid of, you're grown-ups with a great religious heritage, don't be such big girls' blouses. come on, chaps, you can cope with a bit of robust inquiry, i'd have thought.



What would you consider Melchizedek then? He was a priest of the Most High G!D AND the king of Salem and He is certainly what we consider a "type" of Christ. He didnt have a geneology no parents to speak of and was a priest continually. I know that means something to ya'll.

In Psalms we read "The Lord has sworn And will not relent, "You are a priest forever According to the order of Melchizedek."

Even Levi paid Melchizedek tithes in a sense through Abraham.

Jesus said this ins Luke 24:44 "Then He said to them, "These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me."

or what He said in the book of John "For if you believed Moses, you would believe Me; for he wrote about Me."

What would He be talking about? and that wasnt just a "thou sayest I am"
Thats a good sign, I feel. It shows that you're human and not as smart as good. Thats a humbling and good thing! As for what Thomas was saying. He was talking about modalistic monarchianism or Modalism. Its a hersey that states God isnt Triune, but instead becomes different modes at different times, e.g, God became the Son in redemption and them became the Spirit in regeneration, and then changed back into the Father. Thats not Bible. The Bible states that God has always been what He is - Triune in nature but One in essence.

As a Trinitarian, can you define the difference between essence and substance; and between distinct and separate. (I got told off on another forum by an irate Trinitarian who said I was ignorant and confused the words. If you can help me understand, then I can go back and show him how clever I am!) :D

While the form of modalism you describe may represent the thinking of some, it does not describe those who would identify themselves as Oneness believers today.

I am usually called Oneness, but I do not identify with any denominational group or creed. The attributes of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are roles or offices of God, just as I am a father, a son and a human being. I am all three simultaneously, but I am only one person. (My saying that would have got me burnt a few centuries ago!)
In addressing this question of the Triune nature of God, we can do no better than consult the Divine Wisdom:
Among the Church dogmas which have most seriously suffered of late at the hands of the Orientalists, the last in question -- stands conspicuous. The reputation of each of the three personages of the anthropomorphic godhead as an original revelation to the Christians through Divine Will, has been badly compromised by inquiry into its predecessors and origin. Orientalists have published more about the similarity between Brahmanism, Buddhism, and Christianity than was strictly agreeable to the Vatican. Everyone knows the Christian dogma of the "three in one" and "one in three"; therefore it is useless to repeat that which may be found in every catechism. Athanasius, the Church Father who defined the Trinity as a dogma, had little necessity of drawing upon inspiration or his own brain power; he had but to turn to one of the innumerable trinities of the heathen creeds, or to the Egyptian priests, in whose country he had lived all his life. He modified slightly only one of the three "persons." All the triads of the Gentiles were composed of the Father, Mother, and the Son. By making it "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," he changed the dogma only outwardly, as the Holy Ghost had always been feminine, and Jesus is made to address the Holy Ghost as his "mother" in every Gnostic Gospel.​
This is compiled from the writings of H.P. Blavatsky, and taken from an article entitled, `The Trinitarian Idea,' found online here.

One of the most basic assertions of the Wisdom Religion, which is nothing but Esoteric Christianity, pure and simple (stripped of various superstitions and theological impossibilities), goes as follows:
Life we look upon as "the one form of existence," manifested in what is called matter; or, as in man, what, incorrectly separating them, we name Spirit, and Matter. Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the soul on this plane of existence, and soul is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit, and these three are a trinity synthesized by Life, which pervades them all. Spirit and Matter are to be regarded, not as independent realities, but as the two facets or aspects of the Absolute, which constitute the basis of conditioned Being whether subjective or objective. (ibid, emphasis added)
What this leads us to - gradually (as Revelation does not always occur in some kind of storybook epiphany) - is a recognition of a parallel between Spirit and Father, between Soul and Son, and between matter and MOTHER - or MATER ... i.e., "the Holy Ghost/Holy Spirit."

There is precious little wiggle room here. IN HIM we live, and move, and have our being ... yet "HIM" might better be rendered HER if we acknowledge the material world(s) as this, feminine aspect of the Trinity.

Or are we still struggling to keep God separate - EVER Transcendent - and NEVER immanent? Which ASPECT of the Threefold, or Triune nature is it, which is IMMANENT, if we find ourselves inclined to aquiesce? Surely it is not (primarily) the 1st Aspect, or `Father.'

No, we will soon be chasing our own tails, ouroboros-like ... until we can see that the IMAGE in which we have been created is THE SON, or 2nd Aspect. Here, it is UNITY which characterizes, and not separativeness, or division (read, divisiveness).

You don't have to a Gnostic, or the least bit gnostically inclined, to look around and SEE the materialism - simply as an objective observation of our present human condition, rather than as a judgment, or value statement. We struggle with life in the world. We struggle, and suffer the birth pangs - collectively - which every human mother undergoes ... as the New World is gradually birthed into being.

The Son, or Consciousness, has been many, long ages in its evolution - and we are FAR from enlightened ... but as we begin to mature, the FATHER (1st Aspect) opens His arms to the Prodigal, and welcomes us Home. This is true for the INDIVIDUAL Human SPIRIT, which is what Christ means in this lesson, and it is also true of God the Father, Transcendent, at Whose Throne Humanity bows down in gratitude and in Adoration - if only Spiritually, and inwardly speaking, as of yet.

It is when we insist on separating these two expressions of the 1st Aspect ... that we err, and just to that extent which we insist on separating them - even as we likewise err when we deny the Christ in ourselves, in our brother(s), in our neighbor's heart, or in all of Humanity. True, the error of the slippery slope would have us believe we have already reached the apotheosis of human spiritual potential, or achievement - when any level-headed FOOL can look on, and acknowledge this to be poor judgment.

We are equally in error if we fail to see the Christ within, and BEAR WITNESS TO (HIM), when we meet our fellow souls. If you can't see it, and experience it, and KNOW IT (Him) to be there ... then as yet you do not "see clearly." And this makes it AWFULLY easy, and convenient, and justifiable, to slaughter - even in God's name - when Who and What you kill, is God, and is Yourself. A body divided against itself ... failing to acknowledge Whom and What is at its HEART ...

... should not be surprised, when Nature (God's more material Aspect) begins to clean House. But so much for a few sweeps of the proverbial broom, we have insisted on a tabula rasa - and we shall soon HAVE ONE!

So much for chatty little theological discussions. If we have three days left, just think how much we could accomplish! :)

And if it is three months, or three years, so much the more! ;)

Having heard the familiar blessing in Lutheran church for so many years, I can only bring to mind the words (and intent) of the Aaronic, or Priestly Blessing, and wish this for all at CR, and everywhere.


Hi Mee –

Remember that He was accused of blasphemy on more than one occasion,

yes , and wrong thoughts lead to wrong things happening . it seems they did not listen to what Jesus told them .
do you say to me whom the Father sanctified and dispatched into the world, ‘You blaspheme,’ because I said, I am God’s Son?John 10; 36
Jesus said to them: "My food is for me to do the will of him that sent me and to finish his work John 4;34
Hi Zagreus -

The problem with the idea of an over-arching 'Wisdom Religion' is, where is it to be found? Where is its revelation, its data, its foundation ... where is it to be found whole and entire to to itself?

So you say:
One of the most basic assertions of the Wisdom Religion...
Where is this assertation to be found?

which is nothing but Esoteric Christianity, pure and simple (stripped of various superstitions and theological impossibilities),
Where is that assertation to be found?

You cannot use the text of any single tradition to affirm the idea of an over-arching tradition which necessarily supercedes it. This is a philosophical sleight-of-hand.

But to continue:
Life we look upon as "the one form of existence," manifested in what is called matter;
OK. A sweeping generalisation, but OK.

or, as in man, what, incorrectly separating them, we name Spirit, and Matter.

Matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of the soul on this plane of existence,

and soul is the vehicle on a higher plane for the manifestation of spirit,
getting a bit fuzzy there ... but skipping the inconsistent argument, OK

and these three are a trinity synthesized by Life, which pervades them all.
(My emphasis added)

Careful here - you now propose a triune – matter, soul, spirit - which is subsequent to, and synthesised by Life. So in fact you have proposed a quaternity: Life, Spirit, Soul, Matter ...

This is the Trinitarian bit:
For Life to synthesise matter, soul, spirit, there must be first of all an Indwelling Principle in Life itself, independent of all that is subsequent to it, to which matter, soul and spirit are subject and which is formed and ordered accordingly – the Principle by which the three are synthesised.

The Christian Trinity is the Mystery of that Indwelling Principle, not a doctrine of subsequent and subsistent relation, which all other triunes are and this is where your argument confounds itself. A confusion of level.

This is where your 'Wisdom Religion' misses the mark by a country mile, and so the insistence that it is "nothing but Esoteric Christianity, pure and simple" is laughable, because it is neither Christian, nor esoteric – it's not even Christian esoterism.


Why does Theosophy continue to miss this mark?

I think it is not difficult to see, in this attempt at syncretism, a preconditioning assumption, that the Trinity of Christianity must say the same thing at all levels, and at all times, as every triune that occurs in every other system. That is axiomatic to the idea of HPB's Theosophy...

... but it is not proven, it is assumed

So the 'proof' is predetermined by the method, which is to compare and cross-reference, and when something does not cross-reference, it is thereby wrong.

In such fashion then, a 'Wisdom Religion' must explain every aspect of every individual tradition, and therefore necessarily posit itself as the only authoritative commentary on all of them.


As a Trinitarian, can you define the difference between essence and substance; and between distinct and separate. (I got told off on another forum by an irate Trinitarian who said I was ignorant and confused the words. If you can help me understand, then I can go back and show him how clever I am!) :D

While the form of modalism you describe may represent the thinking of some, it does not describe those who would identify themselves as Oneness believers today.

I am usually called Oneness, but I do not identify with any denominational group or creed. The attributes of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are roles or offices of God, just as I am a father, a son and a human being. I am all three simultaneously, but I am only one person. (My saying that would have got me burnt a few centuries ago!)

I think I would say that essence and substance are the same and distinct and seperate are the same. God is ONE in essence or substance, but eternally exist as three distinct or seperate persons. I think this can be best summed up in the Westminster confession of faith:

"In the unity of the Godhead there be three Persons of one substance, power, and eternity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost. The Father is of none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the Father; the Holy Ghost eternally proceeding from the Father and the Son."
The problem with the idea of an over-arching 'Wisdom Religion' is
Don't you love it when a reply begins with such a statement as this?

What does this say about our pre-conceived ideas? About our assumptions? And about the frame of mind with which we approach a subject?

Do I really need to read your post any further, Thomas? I have not yet, but inasmuch as you took the time to reply - I only owe you the courtesy.


Thomas said:
where is it [the Wisdom Religion] to be found
It is found in the teachings as to morality within ALL the world's religions. Specifics differ; the essential message does NOT. We can quibble over phraseology, and we can even highlight valid points about soteriology, metaphysics, cosmology & anthropogenesis ... but it is more difficult to show that Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path has nothing to do with The Golden Rule, than that these are not simply two different expressions of One Sublime Wisdom. That `Love is the Law and the Life' - may be the simplest expression of this Wisdom, if somewhat platitudinous.

This Wisdom, in terms of a Doctrine to be studied, concerns itself with Humanity's Relationship with the Divine: specifically with assisting the former to develop and deepen said relationship with the latter, to the point of increasing Unity ... thoroughly enough that we can cease to crucify our Saviors and persecute our Prophets. Show me a tradition where this has not occurred, and I'll show you a $3 bill.

Where is its revelation, its data, its foundation ... where is it to be found whole and entire to to itself?
It's Revelation is in EVERY World Religion (for each is a partial expression) - fully so in NONE, yet with ALL OF THEM as its foundation. It can be found in its entirety only within the Bosom (and Mind) of God.

To suggest that any one World Religion is a COMPLETE expression of God's Wisdom, Love and Purpose ... is rather absurd and foolish. It shows either our extreme shortsightedness, on the one hand, or our tenacity in maintaining human-made dogmas on the other ... or both. But that is all.

What we CAN say is that Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity, Zoroastrianism, or the ancient, Mystery Traditions of Greece, Egypt, even Ancient Atlantis ... were complete Revelations, and RELIGIONS, for the people of a given region, culture and world period (e.g., Zodiacal Cycle, as Taurus - the Bull, Aries - the Ram/Lamb, Pisces - the Fishes/Oannes, Aquarius - the Water-Bearer, etc.).

And what do we do with this recognition? Well that is up to us! If we are Muslim, then I would imagine we continue to recognize God's Revelation and presentation of [Himself] via Muhammad. We may call God `Allah,' and yes, we can study the history of Islam, but let us not, in our VANITY, even dream that God did not reveal Himself to the people of 7th Century Arabia!

Likewise, if we are Christian, then I think it up to us to learn how to celebrate Christ's Revelation of God's Love for us - and God's desire that WE ALSO learn how to Love one another, and CARE for one another ... both spiritually, as well as materially. St. Paul, if perhaps placing wrong emphases pre-conversion, was rather keen to point out the importance of this "Charity" in some of his Epistles. [Yet just LOOK at how we have dumbed this term down in our failure to embody it!]

Advocates of the Wisdom Religion do not point to a specific text, or approved, conveniently "sanctioned" corpus of teachings, and say, this is Revelation ... while casually - and again conveniently - dismissing other would-be scriptures as "not of God," not important, and NOT Wisdom. What hypocrisy! What ignorance!

Should a Christian necessarily pick up the Koran, the Bhagavad Gita, or the Book of Coming Forth by Day (Egyptian Book of the "Dead") ... and embrace this with the same reverence and significance as the New Testament, or Holy Bible? Well that is up to YOU! Only YOU can decide, if something speaks to you, or if you have the interest in comparative religion ... and perhaps if ceratain parallels strike you - as more than coincidence, or as having merit on their own, despite being from the Buddhist Sutras, etc.

For some people, such a prospect is overwhelming, while for others - such as yourself, Thomas - comparative studies is not a difficult thing, or is not a new (if still a somewhat novel) concept. But for those who have never looked past, or outside of the pages of, the Holy Bible, I submit that there is other Wisdom, authored by the SAME God, in ages prior as well as more recent - than the `Christian Era.' Again, WE must decide, each of us, what we will examine - and it is up to each of us to determine what speaks to us most clearly as `The Wisdom of God.'

`Bhagavad Gita,' notice, means Song of the Lord. WHAT Lord? WHAT Song? The Word? Oh no, we CAN'T think of such a thing! For that is Christianity, and that is a "unique expression," and there can be NO comparison!!! :rolleyes:

None, of course, if you so choose. YOU make this distinction, while another man sees the parallel. Sri Krishna, the Flautist, could be said to be singing the worlds into Creation ... via His Flute; or yet Vishnu, as depicted in the artwork of the Vaishnavas, dreams the Universe(s) into existence. As Cosmos, indeed - UNI-VERSE, ONE-WORD. One Song, One Lord. As Galaxies, Universe(s), then perhaps notes in a symphony, or instruments in an orchestra. [A quote from G.K. Chesterton, from the link I just pasted in:
But now a great thing is in the street
Seems any human nod
There shift in strange democracy
The million masks of God.​
Or was Joseph Campbell just a crazy old quack??? :confused:]

But those who cannot read beyond the printed pages of (a) book ... will not acknowledge this. There is no underlying truth, no Divine Revelation, and NO POSSIBLE CONNECTION between these utterly different expressions of HUMANITY'S search ... save where - by God's Good Grace and our extreme good fortune - the last 2,000 years has opened the door to Salvation via Christ Jesus.

And this, because of the exclusionary nature of the dogma (which is NOT of God, and which was NOT presented by Christ Jesus), is the BIGGEST SHAM which has ever been foisted upon an unthinking Humanity ... by an ecclestiastical authority - since the triumph of the Dark Forces in Atlantis, over a million years ago.

But read carefully what I have said. While defending a `Wisdom Religion,' and saying that each & every world religion is like a petal of this One Flower, I have NOT said that each religion is INcomplete, in & of itself! And this is what you will HAVE me say, before it is all over, Thomas. WATCH

You will say that I suggest Christianity is INCOMPLETE. Yet I do NOT. You will straw-man my indications, and make me out for a syncretist!!! Yet I do not suggest Humanity is close to the Synthesis of World Religions (into One) ... as that is many centuries away!!! I say, they have ONE ROOT (which is timeless, and ultimately Transcendent]. And so we are back to FOUNDATION, and on this point at least, you did enquire.

So I say again, what else could be the Foundation of the Wisdom Tradition if it is not the Heart of Deity, and also the MIND of God, as well as the inscrutable PURPOSE of Divine Will (inscrutable Ultimately speaking, but not insofar as we are told to SERVE God and also to LOVE one another as Brothers, thus also to SERVE one another in Spirit)?

And in these, you have your TRINITY, your Triune Deity, in whose "image" we have all - individually and collectively - been given life. :)

Thomas said:
Where is this assertation to be found?
The assertion that Life pervades the trinity of Spirit, Soul and matter ... can be found in The Secret Doctrine (Vol I, pg.49). This, of course, is a reiteration in clear, intelligible terms, of what is taught in every ancient tradition - with greater or lesser clarity, but increasingly the latter as doctrines & practices change (devolve) over time. The Buddha knew His Dharma would fade - in terms of how well Humanity could & would uphold even the exoteric indications, let alone the Eso-teric!

Christ indicated the same, relative to Christianity (why else a 2nd Coming?). And Sri Krishna tells us this:
When goodness grows weak, when evil increases, I make myself a body.
In every age I come back to deliver the holy, to destroy the sin of the sinner;
to establish righteousness. --(paraphrased, from The Bhagavad Gita)
But of course, my quote from the earlier post, plus the article it is excerpted from (linked HERE), says much more of the Triune Nature of God as taught by other world religions ... and parallels with Christianity's `Trinity' Doctrine.
Zagreus: which is nothing but Esoteric Christianity, pure and simple
Thomas: Where is that assertation to be found?

Let's see, if the Wisdom Religion has its foundation "in the Heart, Mind and Will of God," which is what everyone from the Platonics & Neo-Platonics, to Eastern Teachers & Medievalists, and Perennialists of every day have said ... then I think that to say `Esoteric Christianity' is identical with `the Wisdom Religion,' though perhaps a bit over-enthusiastic, is still essentialy correct.

To wit: Christ's Teachings and indications - demonstrated for us both practically, and epically ... or achetypally, in Symbolic form - divorced from superstition & pure lip-service, is THEOS-SOPHIA, the "Wisdom of G-D." This I have long known with my heart, even before my mind or brain had ever HEARD the word `Theosophy.' Yet it is easy to confuse the Whole for one of its many expressions, such is the Beauty and wonder of many of them ... and thus we end up exalting a single part above the Parent Whole.

That Whole is nothing that any of us "has in a box," though some of make out as if we do. So meanwhile, as we're picking motes, and busy trying to knock over one another's philosophy or spirituality ... nothing changes under the Sun, so to speak. Except, speaking of the sun, incidentally, the planet gets a little bit hotter, and our future grows a little bit more questionable. :(

Thomas said:
Careful here - you now propose a triune – matter, soul, spirit - which is subsequent to, and synthesised by Life. So in fact you have proposed a quaternity: Life, Spirit, Soul, Matter ...
Thank you, for perhaps as a first, at least taking the argument - or the logic behind it - seriously. It is not my own philosophy I am defending, except by way of adoption ... though the Quaternary is again, common to all World religions, as the Septenate, the Ten, the Twelve, and so forth. So at best, I can again quote from the original article I linked:
Say the Kabalists: "The Deity is one, because It is infinite. It is triple, because it is ever manifesting." This manifestation is triple in its aspects, for it requires, as Aristotle has it, three principles for every natural body to become objective: privation, form, and matter. Privation meant in the mind of the great philosopher that which the Occultists call the prototypes impressed in the Astral Light -- the lowest plane and world of Anima Mundi. The union of these three principles depends upon a fourth -- the LIFE which radiates from the summits of the Unreachable, to become an universally diffused Essence on the manifested planes of Existence. And this QUATERNARY (Father, Mother, Son, as a UNITY, and a quaternary, as a living manifestation) has been the means of leading to the very archaic Idea of Immaculate Conception, now finally crystalized into a dogma of the Christian Church, which carnalized this metaphysical idea beyond all common sense.​
Here, then, is your Quaternary. Is Christianity guilty of inventing an ultimate fourfold deity, rather than a Threefold? That's not how I see it. The Absolute expresses Itself, Phenomenally, as the Triune Deity, yet Noumenologically It remains UN-changed ... and thus "expresses" isn't the correct word at all - but for simplicity's sake, it conveys the idea. Let's not begin our straw-man argument on such poor footing, Thomas!

Yet, I see that it's too late. You have already so attempted one, and before I lose the entirety of this post, I'll get this out there, then follow up with a refutation of your straw-man attempt ... rather simple, at this point.

Thomas said:
The Christian Trinity is the Mystery of that Indwelling Principle, not a doctrine of subsequent and subsistent relation, which all other triunes are and this is where your argument confounds itself. A confusion of level.
No, Thomas. Allow me to clarify. The Divine Wisdom posits JUST THIS SAME Mystery as does Christianity. It is a case of the kid with the lollipop, except that we only think we can yank the lollipop away from the other kid. That MYSTERY is not subject to qualification, massaging and manipulation - either via, or at the hands of, Catholic authorities, or Theosophical.

You see? None can claim this Mystery for his own, save for the acknowledgement - a tautology of sorts - that it EXISTS FOR ALL. True, we can build a religion around it. ;) Yet it is the same `Mystery,' whether we call it GOD, Brahman, TAO, or LIFE (as Theosophists prefer, thereby avoiding anthromoporphization - {Hey, a syllabic septenate!}). TAO will do just fine, and in ancient texts, we find it referenced in COUNTLESS ways. It has always been symbolized, outwardly, as the SUN (Sol Invictus!) ... yet the Ancients knew that the Golden Disc only veils the "Hidden God," as we see in the Hindu Gayatri:
"Unveil to us the face of the true spiritual Sun,
hidden by a disk of golden light,
that we may know the truth and do our whole duty,
as we journey to Thy sacred Feet."
Thomas said:
Why does Theosophy continue to miss this mark?
As I have just pointed out, it is not Theosophy which misses the mark, or at least, no more so than Christianity. Neither is a perfect expression, as both are but human efforts to bridge the experiential gap between our outer, phenomenological consciousness ... and (THAT of) the Divine. Both fall (and as yet, fail) under the category of attempts to `bind us back' to Godhead (wouldn't the term, `Godheart,' serve better?).

We may only speak of the latter, the DIVINE (Consciousness), as already PERFECT in Realization. What I have often tried to suggest, though only to see such an idea shot down again, and again - usually thanks to semi-skillful straw-manning - is that Deity does express as Perfectly as is possible, for Deity ... given the very NATURE of the worlds in which we live, and move, and have our being.

The ancients spoke of the "Imperfect Gods," vs. the "Perfect Elohim;" it's just not in vogue it seems. Could it have anything to do with the fact that Earth, as yet, belongs to the former category? And to the fact that Humanity - and even the whole of the Planetary Life (in Whom we live, and move ...) - is undergoing a great, Expansion of Consciousness?

As a student of the Wisdom Teachings, I say yes. And what this means, in terms of the Trinity, is quite significant. Whereas the Eastern Avatar, the Buddha, brought to us before the LIGHT - anchored in the East, yet for ALL of Humanity ... so the Western Avatar, the Christ, brought for us the LOVE - anchored in the West, but likewise for all of Humanity.

These are the 3rd, and 2nd Aspect of the Trinity, respectively. It matters not if we know them as Trimurti, Trikaya, Tripitaka, Triad, Triune Deity, `Three in One,' Threefold Divinity, and so on. If our belief is that God has a threefold expression, then it will be easier to recognize that Christ's Aquarian Role is different than His Piscean Role ... not because LOVE is no longer a part of the Divine Emphasis (or Light, similarly so) - but because the WILL, or Purpose of God, is what is now being made manifest to our GLOBAL Society.

Christianity may own the historical Jesus, and may serve Her Brothers worldwide, by helping to show the Unity-in-Action which Christ Jesus preached before. What she cannot do, is claim the World Teacher as coming exclusively to small, privileged group of "faithful." This epithet, and the idea of loyalty, spiritually speaking, has an esoteric significance ... and there are those who will make signficant spiritual progress, in the present, even subsequent, lifetime - owing to the presence within the world today of a WORLD Teacher. This is ever the case, whether it is a Buddha (Christ's future office), or a Bodhisattva (His current one).

We KNOW that there is a Divine Center, corresponding to the 1st Aspect, or WILL of God, which relative to our little planet - and to Humanity - is called by many terms, across the world. It has been called Shamballa, or Shangri La, in the East, where it is known as a state of mind, consciousness, or Being - and not a place. It is not unrelated to the Highest Heaven of Christianity, referenced in Revelation, and called by Christ, "the Father's House." It is the "Head Center" of the Planetary Logos, though only in terms of His physical body - which contains our Seven Planes ... but this only has meaning for the esotericist. In simplest terms, it is the Purpose, or WILL of G-D.

What might any one of us KNOW of this Ultimate, Inscrutable Will? Again, only that it includes Loving, Selfless Service ... with respect to ALL members of the Human Family. We know that it is BEYOND Unity - for in Unity, there is still recognition of Distinctions, even though separativeness and division is increasingly resolved/harmonized. Purpose, or Will, connotes SYNTHESIS.

And yes, to the Western mind, even to one which has been submerged in a partial Samadhi/Satori ... Synthesis may still seem frightening, unappealing, or even impossible. It is objectionable, only because we cannot fathom how God's consciousness can somehow TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION or ACCOUNT, each and every ONE of us ... yet ALSO be WHOLE.

But is this not so?

I have to get off this box now. But however foolish, I am, at least, smiling. :)

One of us may cordon off a great deal, and relegate it to this category over here, which we call `Mystery' (or `the lesser mysteries,' if I may be so bold) ... while yet another says, aha! - this is something I am familiar with!

But we may be assured that for as many of us as there are to understand the mysteries ... there are also that many ways to Know them! Yet all as part of the Divine Expression, HOW MANY Mysteries are we really talking about?

I do not mean that this is purely subjective, BUT HOW ELSE can anything I am even intimating be suggested, I begin to wonder (?). After all, that which doesn't agree with one's canon, or catechism, is apt to get swept under the rug without even a cursory glance. Here, where at least it has the opportunity to come into the Light of Day (as a thousand million additional opportunities - let us LOOK AROUND), we find that AT BEST, my faulty & incomplete presentations will be subject to the usual criticisms, sophistry and casuistry!

Quoting from the famous Maha Chohan's Letter of 1881 ... "Between degrading superstition and still more degrading brutal materialism the white dove of truth has hardly room where to rest her weary unwelcome foot ..."

He goes on to say, in summing up His letter:

"The true religion and philosophy offer the solution of every problem. That the world is in such a bad condition, morally, is a conclusive evidence that none of its religions and philosophies, those of the civilized races less than any other, has ever possessed the truth. The right and logical explanations on the subject of the problems of the great dual principles, right and wrong, good and evil, liberty and despotism, pain and pleasure, egotism and altruism, are as impossible to them now as they were 1880 [or 2007] years ago. They are as far from the solution as they were; but to these problems there must be somewhere a consistent solution, and if our doctrines will show their competence to offer it, then the world will be the first to confess that there must be the true philosophy, the true religion, the true light, which gives truth and nothing but the truth."​
Thomas said:
I think it is not difficult to see, in this attempt at syncretism,
Yes, indeed, and here we see - as I rightly predicted - the familiar charges, leveled against us again ... which only demonstrates that you are talking past me, and not TO me. For if you had listened to one word I had said, regarding what Theosophy teaches, what I believe, and what I advocate ... you would know well by now, that I argue for a common ROOT, underlying all world religions.

Thomas, you make it sound as if I am somehow suggesting that every single leaf of the tree of world philosophies and faiths (or at least its major branches) ... was fast bending itself toward one another, in some kind of gnarly (sic!), contorted, preternatural effort ... to abolish heritage, and HOIST a new flag, with foresworn allegiance.

If this is the image that you have allowed to crystallize in your heart and mind, either with regard to Theosophy, or the Sophia Perennis, then I only hope it may be swiftly - though voluntarily - shattered. For it is an abomination.

But as I say, I have never indicated this, as I think the idea is patently offensive on its very basis. To advocate for Interfaith dialogue, exploration of respective Faith Traditions, and even practice a form of Syncretic Religion that one has deigned APPEALING to oneself, of one's own accord ... now that is another story. But that is not Theosophy, nor esotericism per se, and it is not what this thread is about.

In the end, the exoteric side of things will appeal to most folks here - especially as this isn't even the Liberal Christianity forum ...

I have merely wanted to indicate that there is another way to approach the idea of the Christian Trinity, or the notion of a Triune Deity (if we must be particular) ... and this I have done, even if I have been - as usual - misrepresented.

You would think, that as we begin to fathom the IDEA of the fractal ... even just visually, and mathematically ... a tiny little door would open somewhere - suggestnig to us that there may be Trinities within Trinities, each reproducing the pattern of an Ultimate Threefold Deity - though with increasing degrees of imperfection as the nature of the reflecting medium clouds the `Original.' You would think.

But we have a pat answer for that, a ready response, and that will be, "Oh Heavens, no, we can't allow for this! This is Gnosticism! And that, too, is on the "forsaken, heresy" list." :(

So again, the wave of the hand ...

Meanwhile, that fractal is still there. And Jacob's ladder goes up, as well as down. A Tower, did I hear? And wings of wax? Of course. Thus we have the function, office, role and Purpose of (a) Christ. Is this not infinitely impersonal, as well as intimately personal? I think it is both.

Purpose will mean little to me, while Christ's Love is not personal, at least in the application. And Purpose will mean nothing for Humanity, as a Whole, while Christ's Love cannot be understood (and experienced) to be Infinite, Impersonal. We usually only want one of these, but both are necessary for Revelation. {And that's why, I'm guessing, it's possible to stand so close, yet also remain so distant - so far away.}

But please feel free ... to dismiss my out-loud musings with the rest of it.

OK - a few things – this is my final communication with you, on these grounds:

I said:
Careful here - you now propose a triune – matter, soul, spirit - which is subsequent to, and synthesised by Life. So in fact you have proposed a quaternity: Life, Spirit, Soul, Matter ...

You reply:
Thank you, for perhaps as a first, at least taking the argument - or the logic behind it - seriously. It is not my own philosophy I am defending, except by way of adoption ...
OK, let's hear your defence...

though the Quaternary is again, common to all World religions, as the Septenate, the Ten, the Twelve, and so forth.
Indeed so, but that's not the point under discussion. Let's hear your defence...

So at best, I can again quote from the original article I linked:
Say the Kabalists: "The Deity is one, because It is infinite. It is triple, because it is ever manifesting." This manifestation is triple in its aspects, for it requires, as Aristotle has it, three principles for every natural body to become objective: privation, form, and matter. Privation meant in the mind of the great philosopher that which the Occultists call the prototypes impressed in the Astral Light -- the lowest plane and world of Anima Mundi. The union of these three principles depends upon a fourth -- the LIFE which radiates from the summits of the Unreachable, to become an universally diffused Essence on the manifested planes of Existence. And this QUATERNARY (Father, Mother, Son, as a UNITY, and a quaternary, as a living manifestation) has been the means of leading to the very archaic Idea of Immaculate Conception, now finally crystalized into a dogma of the Christian Church, which carnalized this metaphysical idea beyond all common sense.

... all very esoteric-sounding, but your defence misses the point again. I am not talking about becoming object – modes of manifestation – Christianity teaches the Doctrine of the Trinity, as Indwelling Principle – not the Indwelling Principle as it manifests itself outside of itself.

Here, then, is your Quaternary. Is Christianity guilty of inventing an ultimate fourfold deity, rather than a Threefold? That's not how I see it.
It's your argument, Zagreus, not mine. Now you're trying to implicate Christianity with the fault that is entirely your own.

The Absolute expresses Itself, Phenomenally, as the Triune Deity, yet Noumenologically It remains UN-changed ... and thus "expresses" isn't the correct word at all - but for simplicity's sake, it conveys the idea. Let's not begin our straw-man argument on such poor footing, Thomas!
Again and again ... you are talking modes of manifestation – you are talking of the phenomenology of the triune as manifesting principle, not the noumenon of the Indwelling Principle – which I am arguing.

I said:
The Christian Trinity is the Mystery of that Indwelling Principle, not a doctrine of subsequent and subsistent relation, which all other triunes are and this is where your argument confounds itself.

You reply:
No, Thomas. Allow me to clarify. The Divine Wisdom posits JUST THIS SAME Mystery as does Christianity ...

At which point I almost fell off the chair. If such is the case, why the abuse heaped upon the Christian Doctrine, to wit:
"Athanasius, the Church Father who defined the Trinity as a dogma, had little necessity of drawing upon inspiration or his own brain power; he had but to turn to one of the innumerable trinities of the heathen creeds, or to the Egyptian priests, in whose country he had lived all his life. He modified slightly only one of the three "persons." All the triads of the Gentiles were composed of the Father, Mother, and the Son. By making it "Father, Son, and Holy Ghost," he changed the dogma only outwardly, as the Holy Ghost had always been feminine, and Jesus is made to address the Holy Ghost as his "mother" in every Gnostic Gospel."

and later:

So Orthodox Christianity is "the BIGGEST SHAM which has ever been foisted upon an unthinking Humanity ... by an ecclestiastical authority - since the triumph of the Dark Forces in Atlantis, over a million years ago."

And are we to take this as a critical reading of Orthodox Christianity?
Suffice to say I find it ill-informed and abusive.

Generally, however, you say:
Quoting from the famous Maha Chohan's Letter of 1881 ...
"Between degrading superstition and still more degrading brutal materialism the white dove of truth has hardly room where to rest her weary unwelcome foot ..."

He goes on to say, in summing up His letter:

"The true religion and philosophy offer the solution of every problem. That the world is in such a bad condition, morally, is a conclusive evidence that none of its religions and philosophies, those of the civilized races less than any other, has ever possessed the truth. ...

Suffice to say I reject this, I stand wholeheartedly against it, on behalf of Christianity and on behalf of every Spiritual Tradition that it denigrates – such wisdom it denigrates whilst at the same time it shamelessly robs and exploits those very traditions it ridicules to make its own point. Again and again the subtext of Theosophy is – it alone knows all things – everybody else is close, but wrong ... as you state with your analogy of religions being petals of the One Flower that your Theosophy purports to be.

On the one hand you say:
To suggest that any one World Religion is a COMPLETE expression of God's Wisdom, Love and Purpose ... is rather absurd and foolish.
So you can categorically state that your understanding of all the world's spiritual traditions is so deep and so profound that there is nothing contained therein that escapes your critical faculties?

then on the other:
But read carefully what I have said. While defending a `Wisdom Religion,' and saying that each & every world religion is like a petal of this One Flower, I have NOT said that each religion is INcomplete, in & of itself! And this is what you will HAVE me say, before it is all over, Thomas.

Allow me to repeat your words:
To suggest that any one World Religion is a COMPLETE expression of God's Wisdom, Love and Purpose ... is rather absurd and foolish.

To which I can only infer, by reading carefully as you advise, that none of the world's religions is complete in itself, they are complete if the refer back to the Foundation which resides not in them, but in the 'One Flower' – your Theosophy. Again, subtle and seductive in your serpentine argument, albeit metaphysically indefensible.


Thank you, Thomas ... at least you have tried. I do feel, somehow, that you have given it a more honest effort than in previous exchanges. It would be unfair of me to insist that you are being unnecessarily or intentionally obtuse, although how you can miss my point I am still not certain.

But yes indeed, I have tried to say that each world religion, or religious/spiritual philosophy, faith tradition, etc. is appropriate for the culture, nation or group of people under consideration ... while not yet in full possession of the Wisdom of God.

I would prefer if you did not insist on saying "YOUR Theosophy," since at least when speaking of Catholicism I do not say, "YOUR Catholicism," as if Thomas ___ cooked the whole thing up some Sunday afternoon when he was bored or on mushrooms. Indeed, at least I can acknowledge that Catholicism is a legitimate spiritual path, and whether as a petal of the Flower of Truth, or a spoke leading to the hub of the wheel ... I RESPECT your choice of Catholicism as a meaningful and valid PATH to Godhead.

Remember this one, Thomas? Where YOU presumed no less than what you accuse ME of presuming:
Thomas said:
So you can categorically state that your understanding of all the world's spiritual traditions is so deep and so profound that there is nothing contained therein that escapes your critical faculties?
How else would you be able to judge Theosophy as anything less than a "valid path?

And no, I have a very elementary understanding. I just argue that it does not take a rocket scientist, or a philosophical genius, but rather, no more than a willingness, and an openness, to meet and embrace the Heart of the world's Religions - God's various invitations for mankind to seek out a deeper relationship with God. The finer points, the teachings of the Wisdom Religion found in all spiritual paths and missing from none, only gradually reveal themselves to us as we devote ourselves.

It will not be my words which indicate that "all people are Theosophists and just don't know it yet" ... or that eventually, everyone will convert to this way of seeing things. But Thomas, will you not make it so, all the while insisting that we are all just Catholics, not yet having come to this realization? Such you have said, more than once.

And again, I cannot more directly EMPHASIZE that Theosophy is not a religion per se, or even a specific corpus of teachings ... than to quote HPB, who was in this case quoting Montaigne, when she said - regarding her Secret Doctrine:
"I have here made only a nosegay of culled flowers,
and have brought nothing of my own but the string that ties them."
What part of "nosegay of culled flowers," and BROUGHT NOTHING OF MY OWN ... save the string that ties them ... don't you understand, Thomas?

And as for trifling over subsequent & subsistent relation, modalities of being, and nice, multi-syllabic words like phenomenological & noumenological ... I'm trying to take two steps back here, and ponder for a moment.

The best I can come up with at the moment, is Are you serious??? :p :)

Thus ... Namaskara,

If God is Triune, then does each aspect of this Triune Godhead know everything that the other aspect knows?
If God is Triune, then does each aspect of this Triune Godhead know everything that the other aspect knows?

Yeah, they're all in choots. Be thankful that you dont understand the Godhead's mystery. If you could understand God that wouldnt make him much of a God.
I actually think cyberpi was trying to trick you. Silas.. Because Jesus before resurrection stated that only the Father knew when He would return.. So Im going to answer it beforehand.. Jesus Christ is resurrected and in heaven with the Father.. Now He knows when Hes going to return because Hes outside of time and cahoots with the Father ;)

I actually think cyberpi was trying to trick you. Silas.. Because Jesus before resurrection stated that only the Father knew when He would return.. So Im going to answer it beforehand.. Jesus Christ is resurrected and in heaven with the Father.. Now He knows when Hes going to return because Hes outside of time and cahoots with the Father ;)


Thanks! Isnt it good to be saved!?