How much love is too much?

Horse ****. Humility is not groveling before the Lord...but standing tall, and when appropriate, bending knee and lowering one's head.

Well where does brokenness come into this Q cause we are suppose to come to him broken and give glory to him for everything.

I know I can do nothing without him.
Oh, so Jesus said neither one. Now are you going to repent for the false testimony? I am sorry I missed where 123 already called you on one of them.

I am happy to repent... what sin do you think I still need to repent for?
Honestly I can not say but from outside looking in Id say putting yourself on his throne to start with.
You're a much better than I. Why curse though?

Last time I checked "dung" was not a curse word...(lol), but it does express my sentiments. I simply did **** out of respect for any youths that might be reading...(shouldn't be so quick to judge).
Well where does brokenness come into this Q cause we are suppose to come to him broken and give glory to him for everything.

I know I can do nothing without him.

Just because one is broken, does not mean one walks before God with a "pity me" attitude. Humility is acknowledging our station in life, and our current status, not being an helpless vessel before the Lord...

...after all, God does not make "junk".


Honestly I can not say but from outside looking in Id say putting yourself on his throne to start with.
God's throne is heaven, correct? How is it that you think I place myself there?

Just because I don't ascribe to your Jesus = God belief does not mean I don't recognize, believe, love, and glorify both. I believe every miracle in the gospels, if that is what you are calling divine. However, I also read what Jesus tells me, according to MMLJ:

Mark 6:4 But Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
What bible did that come from Id really like to see that.
I know mine says Im sanctified through Christ not our spouse.

And actually those verses pertain to business deals, social circles, domestic and in worship all aspects of life.

1 Corinthians 7: 14 "For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy."



p.s. Neither Children, nor the marriage have anything to do with "business endeavors". God grants grace via sanctification because of one who believes, for those that have yet to believe.