A Theosophist in Southern California

Well, I guess we can just get into it: Do you think Jesus has the power to take away your sins?
Must relate this is me... Jesus showed me the way. I don't need a preist or a rabbi to read for me, interpret for me, or save me. Jesus is my elder brother and saviour and showed me how to save myself....from myself. My sins don't need to be taken away...they need to be rectified by my thoughts, words and deeds.

I wrong you...it is upto me and you to make ammends, or you'll be bad mouthing me and it'll come back to get me. This could be Acme Big Corp. and John Q. Public as well as you and me...what comes around goes around...words and thoughts put the universe in motion...physically and metaphysically.

You said,

"...Jesus ... showed me how to save myself....from myself."

--> That is a very accountability-friendly statement, and is very much in keeping with the idea of karma.

"My sins don't need to be taken away..."

--> This, too, is a karmic orientation.

Now, we can get into some of the stickier topics. Is Jesus the only way? Can a good Buddhist or Hindu get to Heaven?
I am very much looking forward to experiencing this someday.

Nick...one should always be careful of what one looks forward to/hopes for.
I'm pretty sure that I've gone through this, and some of it was some pretty scary stuff. So much so that I had to work out some flashback/PTSS stuff. Just like reactions to combat in a way I suppose. OK now, but rocky for a while.

You see, such events are non-linear in their nature since they come from outside of the self. They tend to put the normal and linear ways that our brain and its intentionality performs into direct conflict with non-linear events and the intentionalities of others. Is it a good thing ? I don't honestly know...but it sure is different.

Now, we can get into some of the stickier topics. Is Jesus the only way? Can a good Buddhist or Hindu get to Heaven?
imo, of course. Would we expect any less from a loving G-d? Much like my belief in reincarnation, there is no way a loving and forgiving G-d would create someplace like hell and expect us to get it right in one lifetime.
Theosophy teaches that, at a higher level (far above the physical level), we will be able to have discussions merely by transferring thoughts. It has been described as throwing a thought at someone like a lightning bolt and they catch it. Words and vocabulary are not used, just pure thought. I am very much looking forward to experiencing this someday.
I used to answer my sisters questions all the time...one's that she hadn't yet asked and was just formulating in her mind. It really pissed her off. Half the time I swore I heard her ask and half the time I just felt like telling her something. Synchronicity happens so often that what you are discussing seems to be the only thing to account for it.

You said,

"Nick...one should always be careful of what one looks forward to/hopes for."

--> Oh, this is one thing I do look forward to.

"I'm pretty sure that I've gone through this, and some of it was some pretty scary stuff."

--> The stuff I am talking about is at several levels above what is possible for people who still inhabit a human body. For those of still in a physical body, we have to be careful.

"You see, such events are non-linear in their nature since they come from outside of the self."

--> I believe there are high levels of consciousness where differences between linear and non-linear disappear. I also believe the day will come where the separateness between you and I (and every other being in the universe) will disappear, removing any problems of what is self vs. beyond self.

I am very much looking forward to the day when our physical, emotional (astral), and mental limitations have been removed. Think of what we will be able to get accomplished!

I must say, your responses sound like they are coming from a non-Christian. Is Jesus merely a role model, merely a teacher (without "superpowers")? This is very much how Buddhists see Buddha, so I am wondering if you have the same relationship with Jesus.
I must say, your responses sound like they are coming from a non-Christian. Is Jesus merely a role model, merely a teacher (without "superpowers")? This is very much how Buddhists see Buddha, so I am wondering if you have the same relationship with Jesus.
Superpowers... No I don't believe in miracles and I believe it is all a miracle. Jesus said we could do as he and more than he. He accessed his true nature as we can as well, should we decide to follow in his footsteps.

I don't think Jesus ever asked us or expected us to worship him, rather follow his example and learn from him. I don't believe he requires us to put him on a pedestal and is chagrined that we leave him on the cross. Now I get this a lot from some Christians, you also think one who follows and studies the life and lessons of Jesus is not Christian? My relationship with Jesus and G-d is one of a happy family...Brother and Dad...playing and learning together...

I must say, you are much further along the Path than I first thought.

I may have asked this before, but do you believe in both Heaven and Nirvana?
--> I believe there are high levels of consciousness where differences between linear and non-linear disappear. I also believe the day will come where the separateness between you and I (and every other being in the universe) will disappear, removing any problems of what is self vs. beyond self.

I am very much looking forward to the day when our physical, emotional (astral), and mental limitations have been removed. Think of what we will be able to get accomplished!

NICK... I'm with you on the not having a body thing. There are lots of times when I wished I didn't, especially when I look in a mirror. I see what you're getting at though, but it's a little too utopian of an idea based upon my actual experiences. Spock would have called it a "mind meld" and I agree that opens up, all sorts of possibilities. A universal loving consciousnes is the goal...and I would probably define that as G-d.


You said,

"There are lots of times when I wished I didn't, especially when I look in a mirror."


"I see what you're getting at though, but it's a little too utopian of an idea based upon my actual experiences."

--> Please describe the referenced experiences.

It is a key Theosophical teaching that there are many, many levels of consciousness. We are here on the Physical Plane, next is the Astral Plane (where we actually go while we are asleep and dreaming), next is the Lower Mental Plane, next is the Higher Mental Plane (usually referred to as Heaven, the blissful resting place between incarnations). On and on it goes.

Theosophy teaches of many higher planes than even these. How many higher planes do you see?
As Ive posted elsewhere here, I've done some writing over the years, and the process always is initiated by moments of "AHA" that just come out of what's around us all. You know you didn't think it up as a package. How did it get that way, so understandable and ready for prime time?

It's happened to me often enough over the years that I know that it's not a fluke. How many levels ? I don't think it's an out of the ordinary experience, and probably not so much different from what any number of working creative people experience when applying their talents.

A lot like improvisation in music situations. Things just happen. But as the Beatles proved, it can be effectively shut off when outside observation is imposed upon the situation. Basic quantum physics.


A Theosophist is someone who studies Theosophy. Theosophy is:
  • a collection of religious and philosophical teachings that view humanity as constantly evolving to a higher level
  • a philosophy (or "path") by which we can raise ourselves to a higher spiritual level
  • A collection of religious and philosophical teachings (called the Ancient Wisdom) which has been periodically re-released down the centuries.
Theosophy embodies a view of the universe, including theories on the origin and mysteries of the universe.

The Theosophical Society is a world-wide organization which studies a set of religious and philosophical ideas, and tries to show how these beliefs are common to all religions.

The Theosophical Society was founded in New York City in 1875, and today there are groups in some seventy countries. 30,000 people around the world call themselves Theosophists. Members (and non-members) have the opportunity to join in local discussions, study sessions, lectures, and self-study. Theosophical libraries, bookstores, study-centers, and retreat-centers are available.


My landing this morning was less than average. (I kind of "clunked" it in....)

Wow, I have to check into Theosophy. It sounds like something I would enjoy being a part of. Google, here I come.

By the way, sorry for the late response. Things have been busy at work.
Nick, I have been looking over your site.
I like it.
One sugesstion though, you might want a feed back section and a "FAQ"(frequently Asked section) for beginners.

Overall I like the content so far. It is nice to see someone involved in an organization that is tring to unite humanity.

Still reading though.

I think this material will take a while to absorbe.:)

Just to let you know, I have book marked your site.

Peace and 1 love.