Seriously, for a moment ...
I have come to treat these things like indicators ... they're useful markers, but should not be allowed to determine your life ...
If you're a Pisces, you know a Golden Rule is 'never fight your enemy on his terms' ... so you will wait, keep your cards close and your best poker-face on, and wait until all the defences are down ...
... I once had a reading from someone who described the two fishes in Pisces as like one silly little fish larking about near the surface ... and the other like Jaws, watching from a distance, cruising deep ...
... So I was giving a girlfriend a ride home, and she was desperately trying to 'wind me up' as they say, and extracting no response, tried all the harder, until her long time friend, sitting in the back, another Pisces, could stand it no longer... "For God's sake, woman, stop! Can't you see, don't you understand, he's not going to do anything now, when you're ready for it! He'll wait until you least expect it, and he won't be very pleasant ..." at which point I pulled over and threw him out of the car.
AS useful rule for life: "Never p**s off a Pisces." Take it from me. it's not worth it. Like the Mounties, we always get our man.
I bet Quahom could tell a tale or two ...
I am Pisces, my wife's Aries;
Her dad's Aries, her mum's Pisces;
Her grandad's Pisces, her grandmum's Aries...