Breaking the Sound Barrier

Here's an interesting article I came acrossed on
What is a Sonic Boom? Can I See One?

Interesting Seattlegal. However even in a wind tunnel (with perfectly dry air), infrared cameras can catch the breaking of the sound barrier as "waves" or "layers resisting the object's approach, finally being pierced and placed behind the object exceeding the speed of sound.

The water vapor at sea level is simply allowing human eyes see what infrared cameras can see.

However, again, the lower the atmospheric pressure an object is passing through, the faster the object must move in order to break the barrier...that is true enough. But Mach speeds are generally identified as being at 14.7 psi, or sea level pressure (which is 750-760 mph). regardless of altitude or atmospheric pressure of a particular object and its velocity.

I'm reminded of the "invisible man" (Kevin Bacon)...not so invisible once sprayed with water vapor.


Have to laugh. There was a time that any faster than a horse was considered "break neck" speed, yet the Cougar can move at 70 MPH. Then, it was said that anything faster than 100 mph would kill a man, yet hawks dive at over 300 mph. Then they said attempting to break the sound barrier was impossible, because man and machine would shake apart, yet chinese missles of the old dynasties were flying true to their targets, over 2000 years ago, at over 800 mph. Now we say nothing can exceed the speed of light, yet particles of quasi matter are captured doing just that.

Breaking barriers is not a matter of if, but rather a question of "when". The "how" doesn't matter, it always seems to be figured out, and adapted to...



Oh, and God murmured (in chagrin), that there is NOTHING man can not accomplish, that he sets his mind to...
And am I mistaken or don't you live rather near the no-fly zone over the White House? Maryland has pretty busy air traffic doesn't it?
Security perimeter is Five miles...and you got to let me answer the first question...:)

Universal Hovercraft Had to try it myself, and getting me one of these.

Plus I shag rides with brother and uncles that let me take the stick where there are ailerons to role...:D :D :D
Hey, Joshua, did you know it is legal to buzz a cow but not a vehicle, structure, or human? You are off the hook! (When I used to give flight instruction, my students and I would get ... pretty ... doggone ... close ... to ... cattle as we practiced our simulated engine failures. I always reflected on how legal it was, even though it was so doggone dangerous.)

Oh, yeah, it is legal to buzz telephone polls too....
Y'all could probably guess what I got kicked out of the Civil Air Patrol for...nice thing is they actually asked me to resign so it wouldn't get written in my allow my application to the academy go through...but I stupidly pulled that so it never really mattered.

I helped a friend build a Quickie I took some lessons then and got to solo again...never did finish...

I'd say the concern for Q is not the DC fly zone...but Camp David's...You got into DC and they scramble, in when Camp David is occupied they launch sams.
Y'all could probably guess what I got kicked out of the Civil Air Patrol for...nice thing is they actually asked me to resign so it wouldn't get written in my allow my application to the academy go through...but I stupidly pulled that so it never really mattered.

I helped a friend build a Quickie I took some lessons then and got to solo again...never did finish...

I'd say the concern for Q is not the DC fly zone...but Camp David's...You got into DC and they scramble, in when Camp David is occupied they launch sams.

LOL, you take a wrong turn in the woods and they launch "agents" :eek:
Hey, Joshua, did you know it is legal to buzz a cow but not a vehicle, structure, or human? You are off the hook! (When I used to give flight instruction, my students and I would get ... pretty ... doggone ... close ... to ... cattle as we practiced our simulated engine failures. I always reflected on how legal it was, even though it was so doggone dangerous.)

Oh, yeah, it is legal to buzz telephone polls too....
"buzzing" aircraft carriers isn't exactly smiled upon either (even though they are "Cows"...):rolleyes: :D
Y'all could probably guess what I got kicked out of the Civil Air Patrol for...nice thing is they actually asked me to resign so it wouldn't get written in my allow my application to the academy go through...but I stupidly pulled that so it never really mattered.

I helped a friend build a Quickie I took some lessons then and got to solo again...never did finish...

I'd say the concern for Q is not the DC fly zone...but Camp David's...You got into DC and they scramble, in when Camp David is occupied they launch sams. and Rutan? Say it isn't so! lol (sobpmprofl)...You gotta know Hugh Baker from Nasa too!

well I'll be, small world indeed.


Rutan made the kit. This friend rented space behind my house to put his trailer. He bought the kit, we cut the foam shapes, stuckem together and fiberglassed....this is sort of the royal we...he got me when he needed another hand, 99% he did himself.

If you look at the shape of the wings and the location of the wheels it is really like an umop episdn leaf spring...cushioning landings and takeoffs...and when he stalled the bugger and in panic would not push the stick back forward, he 'glided' straight back down to the earth. Smashed hard enough that it crushed the entire bottom of the plane evenly, shredded the prop down to less than 2' long, but the spring wings held up...and he survived with only a bruised ego!

This guy had learning disabilities, could never pass the written on a pilots test...but could build an airplane...and convert a 440 engine to generate electricity with enough profit to have the utility company pay him every month!!