Tears Of A Clown

Too late to edit, but I'm not sure I posted the link I meant to post. That link looks like more of a retail site. So sorry--mods I understand if you need to remove the link. I do like the painting though--I thought there was more of them to view.

I know, I know--here I am apologizing again for something I'm not sure I did anyway. Oh well, most of the time I don't mind. :D

Yes I googled Palfi too....

Looks like an interesting character, clowns often do hide behind their makeup and their antics...isn't uncommon. Their clown character is often opposite or very different than their out of clown character. Rodeo clowns are a breed unto themselves. Such extraordinary atheletes that they've now established a rodeo clown contest that is conducted for prize money. They are awarded points for staying between the horns, doing backflips on/over the bulls, enticing the bull to run straight at them and then leaping over as the bull tries to gore them...

Me....a mob of birthday kids was about my limit of danger. It was funny when making balloon animals I always refused to make swords, I'd make guns though...if you gave kids a room full of swords a fight ensued and it wasn't long before it became kill the clown. Now if you gave them balloon guns they hid behind couches and chairs and had a balloon shootout... Truth be told I avoided the violent thoughts all together, unless a parent insisted...and they often did...but after making the guns..and collecting my check...I'd leave all the kids with a sword as I walked out the door. Thought maybe that would change parent's minds about the whole thing...
Mea Culpa on my clown comment... wil, you're one in a million.
Had to look up the latin...no worries...tons of people have issues with clowns...
I remember when I first looked up what "mea culpa" meant. I was tickled when I found out that it was Latin for "my bad". LOL.

Yeah, I know what you mean about the rodeo clowns, wil--but I can't help romanticizing about the old days of that particular lifestyle. I think many of them sort of fell into (pun-hehe) out of necessity. Some of them actually were pretty good riders and stuff. There's an old country song about Bandy the Rodeo Clown. Can't remember it all at the moment, but it is rather touching.

Anyway, wil--you're a trip, you know it? Like I said, I love clowns, now that I don't have to see those disturbing ones on my ex-teen's T-shirts anymore (nods to Angel ;)).

Wil: There is a great sense of security and strength behind the paint isn't there? ;)
Reality for me is that all the trouble stuff I did, I did behind this face. When in clown I had respect for 'clown code'...so as not to disrupt the fantasy for some child. However it is a useful tool.. at stadiums I sat in front row aisle seats with the season ticket holder standing there with his handsful of beer, soda and hot dogs and me saying it is my seat and HIS family agreeing with me...then when he was about to blow...I'd just move to another empty seat... Works the same at parades...and if you wanta make an illegal uturn or cross 3 lanes at a redlight....as long as you do it with your head out the window waving a plunger...nobody minds... clown perks...

Yeah, I know what you mean about the rodeo clowns, wil--but I can't help romanticizing about the old days of that particular lifestyle. I think many of them sort of fell into (pun-hehe) out of necessity. Some of them actually were pretty good riders and stuff.
Oh yes, most come from a rider background...only fairly recently have they come in from the clowning direction... Now when you talk reminiscing and rodeo....I really reminisce of the old cowboys...living in Nevada, driving the west, Montana, Utah, Idaho...you'd pick up cowboys hitch hiking...like migrant workers...goin from ranch to ranch for work. They'd hear through the grapevine who was getting a string of horses to break, or needed brandin or herdin help. They all dreamed of gettting the good job that they could stay at forever and all told stories of the best ranches and the worst. The oldest I picked up was in his 80's...headed to break another string... I really felt for him...this was in the 80's as well, he started doing it in his teens and it was all he knew...no family... He had time to get to the next place...we dawdled over lunch and then at the bar before I took him an hour beyond where I was goin...got to talk to him for hours...really wonderful memories he had...despite breaking most of his bones at one time or another...He actually looked forward to broken bones sometimes (some may have even been intentional) because while he had no insurance...it was part of the deal..and the house would put him up...and 'some pretty little thing' would take care of him...till he was well enough to finish his job or get back on the road...
Is that ICP, 17th? I was speaking with someone the other day about the dark carnival, lol.

Why yes, yes it is.... Good for you :)

Reality for me is that all the trouble stuff I did, I did behind this face. When in clown I had respect for 'clown code'...so as not to disrupt the fantasy for some child. However it is a useful tool.. at stadiums I sat in front row aisle seats with the season ticket holder standing there with his handsful of beer, soda and hot dogs and me saying it is my seat and HIS family agreeing with me...then when he was about to blow...I'd just move to another empty seat... Works the same at parades...and if you wanta make an illegal uturn or cross 3 lanes at a redlight....as long as you do it with your head out the window waving a plunger...nobody minds... clown perks...

Yeah that is pretty much what I ment..