Stoned Age Man?

...and the pusher-man (for that's what he was: a pusher of hallucinogens)....
was he a 'pusher'? Did he push drugs on unsuspecting souls? Since elementary schools I've heard of 'pushers' giving out free samples to get folks hooked and then having them as addicted customers to take advantage of... I've met dealers...folks filling the supply and demand chain...but never a pusher.
wil said:
was he a 'pusher'? Did he push drugs on unsuspecting souls? Since elementary schools I've heard of 'pushers' giving out free samples to get folks hooked and then having them as addicted customers to take advantage of... I've met dealers...folks filling the supply and demand chain...but never a pusher.

Good point, wil. He was not a pusher in that sense. Probably it would be hard to be a pusher of psychedelics, since they are not addictive. I've never met a crack pusher, but it seems like they must be out there.

I guess I used the word "pusher" because he was really enthusiastic about selling these drugs. He was quite a salesman, maybe that is a more accurate term. He was in his shop, not on a street corner, slipping people free mushrooms.
Regardless, this man seemed to have a passion for legally selling what grows naturally, something which experiments have shown to be relatively harmless, some would even say beneficial, to people who are, in the main, either experiental and peaceful.

Sounds like a little piece of 'heaven' to me - :)

In 2005, the UK Government decided to ban the sale of shrooms, and make them a class A drug.

The MDA catergorise drugs based on their levels of addiction, and of course, the number of recorded deaths by consumption.

Shrooms fell into neither category, no matter, they were banned and made Class A anyway.

Meantime, Gordon Brown, probable next PM of the UK, he went on record last week as saying that when it comes to smoking tobacco, it was a matter of personal choice.

Technically, it is tobacco and alchohol that should be a class A drug.

Both fit the criterea that are laid down by the MDA itself.

I wonder why there is this anamoly.... :rolleyes:
Hey, wow--they were legal to buy in the UK up until 2005??

Yes, of course.

Actually, there are many more that are still legal now, have you ever heard of Salvia? Peyote cactus is legal, as is Peruvian Torch Cacti, etc.
Thought I'd bump this old gem back up to the top with a quote from sex educator and worker Annie Sprinkle, writing on psychedelics and sex:

"People tend to link "sex and drugs" because both are condemned by society. Nevertheless, throughout the ages human beings have continually searched for more ecstasy, more sexual satisfaction, for solutions to their sexual problems, and for aphrodisiacs. Psychoactive substances have been used in most cultures because they can be keys to unlock the mysteries of life. Of course as each mystery is unraveled, a bunch of new ones appear. Both sex and psychedelics are ultimately about consciousness, about self discovery, and going beyond everyday reality to that magical place--somewhere over the rainbow, where we feel Divine and we experience some truth. Granted, both sex and psychedelic drugs are generally used unconsciously by most people.5 We need to work on that."
From an article entitled "How Psychedelics Informed My Sex Life and Sex Work"

What do people think about this idea of sex bringing about altered states of consciousness? Also, what about the idea of "sacred sex"? How is sexuality linked to spirituality?

Maybe I should have started a new thread for this.

Oh well. Feel free to talk about rock-n-roll as well. ;) :p
Well, I went to bed at 11 tonight, and woke up again at 3am, as I do, and thought I would just lurk a bit....
