Regardless, this man seemed to have a
passion for legally selling what grows naturally, something which experiments have shown to be relatively harmless, some would even say beneficial, to people who are, in the main, either experiental and peaceful.
Sounds like a little piece of 'heaven' to me -
In 2005, the UK Government decided to ban the sale of shrooms, and make them a class A drug.
The MDA catergorise drugs based on their levels of addiction, and of course, the number of recorded deaths by consumption.
Shrooms fell into neither category, no matter, they were banned and made Class A anyway.
Meantime, Gordon Brown, probable next PM of the UK, he went on record last week as saying that when it comes to smoking tobacco, it was a matter of personal choice.
Technically, it is tobacco and alchohol that should be a class A drug.
Both fit the criterea that are laid down by the MDA itself.
I wonder why there is this anamoly....