Time/Space, What is That Like?


Excellent rundown on the phase change nature of alternative energy/mechanical realities. It's also interesting to note that electrical and mechanical engineers utilize theories and mathematical applications that routinely deal in six dimensional realities.That's been going on since a guy named Tesla invented alternating current theories and inventions in the latter half of the 1800's.

I still go with the notion accepted by many cosmologists and physicists of space/time being an undividable fabric that is warped and twisted by gravitational force into dimensions that are mostly incomprehensible. But theoretically it is conceptually possible for energies to jump form one place to others on the continuum. For instance neutrinos do it all the time and are transformable into photons.

Here's an excellent website that will provide any of you with endless amounts of information about this stuff if you're interested. It's mostly about a scientist named Thomas Townsend Brown who did much of the original applications research on time, electricity, and gravitics and their nature in the 20th century. It has been mostly hidden from us but is now beginning to come to light.



Excellent rundown on the phase change nature of alternative energy/mechanical realities. It's also interesting to note that electrical and mechanical engineers utilize theories and mathematical applications that routinely deal in six dimensional realities.That's been going on since a guy named Tesla invented alternating current theories and inventions in the latter half of the 1800's.

I still go with the notion accepted by many cosmologists and physicists of space/time being an undividable fabric that is warped and twisted by gravitational force into dimensions that are mostly incomprehensible. But theoretically it is conceptually possible for energies to jump form one place to others on the continuum. For instance neutrinos do it all the time and are transformable into photons.

Here's an excellent website that will provide any of you with endless amounts of information about this stuff if you're interested. It's mostly about a scientist named Thomas Townsend Brown who did much of the original applications research on time, electricity, and gravitics and their nature in the 20th century. It has been mostly hidden from us but is now beginning to come to light.



Hmmm, maybe I'n not weird after all, and you should see what I can do with a sine wave constant current High fequency submerged arc welding machine, but don't try running two of them at once on the same piece of metal...:eek: :D
Is it possible to reality-shift? I suppose that quantum physics points to this somewhat, and that is interesting and all--particle/wave, wave/particle--yet I am more intuitive than scientific.

It was intuition/inspiration built layer upon layer by a progression of scientists that give us the theories we now contemplate in turn. Intuition is perhaps the most important faculty of the human mind.

It could well be that the whole multiverse is a single point of energy vibrating so fast as to be everywhere in every time in every dimension, (as some will know I side with the multi-dimensionalists), apparently simulatneously. I think we all have the sense of being a part of something much much bigger, maybe that something is infinitely smaller but so fast as to give the illusion of being massive. That everything is you and you are everything. At your current point of vibration you are concerned with being in harmony, or in phase, with where you have been and where you will be, though in the super-reality these points are so close together as to be inseparable. Of course this implies that you are me and I am you and so on and so on down to every last particle in the multiverse. But sometimes you have some sense of where you are and will be, and have some sense of who someone else is and will be. Because you, after all, are also them...and sometimes you are even a dustmite, an armadillo, amonia vapour on Jupiter, a photon leaving some distant quazar......

Yet even if we could prove that idea fact what would we do? Of course we would ask what created this super-particle, are there more of them, what is the greater space they exist in composed of. Dont you just love infinity!!

It was intuition/inspiration built layer upon layer by a progression of scientists that give us the theories we now contemplate in turn. Intuition is perhaps the most important faculty of the human mind.

It could well be that the whole multiverse is a single point of energy vibrating so fast as to be everywhere in every time in every dimension, (as some will know I side with the multi-dimensionalists), apparently simulatneously...TE

There are those that consider a singularity, as the pre-cursor to a "Big Bang". Afterall, with all that energy being absorbed, eventually it has to go somewhere...:confused: ;)


I agree with that Q.

I think the current sway is toward the idea that a singularity absorbs energy then ejects it. Like its belching huge jets of matter to release some of the pressure contained within. There is now substantial radio telescope data to support this as a fact, at least for the variety of black hole found at galactic cores and which we call 'supermassive'. See link: Supermassive Black Holes

To me, my intuition, unsuportable by any evidence, black holes do not only eject from where they are positioned in space/time but are each the creator of a new universe in a folded dimension unobserveable by us. Not an original idea by any means but my gut instinct is that its right. And I had that gut instinct 30 years ago too when I was first learning about our vast universe and the physics that govern it. It is possible that the created universe is like ours, but maybe its not, my intuition dont stretch that far. But since its ejecting the 'stuff' its absorbing, and I believe that this stuff is saturated with the coding for life, well I will leave it to your own imagination...

I think creation is the pervasive constant, that each creation give the idea of what could also be created and so it is... and so on and so on and so on. Like Douglas Adams said about probability, if you can think it it is, somewhere, happening.

Its also why I have little time for organised religions. God, the creator, the designer, the programer, well that entity is just far too massive to be contained or understood in some book we can write. And all the extant books dont even come close to begining to understand Gods what He does best. Create. Yeh the Bible begins with Genesis, but after that the point is lost and it all becomes selfishly about man. But thats because it a book written by men about men.

I'l stop now. I 'm on my 3'rd glass of a particularly fine cabarnet sauvignon and I dont want to end up offending anyone when I'm feeling so fine :p


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lol....Last time I posted after this much to drink I ended up having 2 posts deleted and led to a 10 month absence of emabarresment...

Have vino...will travel :p
lol....Last time I posted after this much to drink I ended up having 2 posts deleted and led to a 10 month absence of emabarresment...

Have vino...will travel :p

Laugh and the world will laugh with you...:D

Enjoy your day!



oh yeah, watch out for the morning after...