If we were to do this on a larger scale?

I like this thought train. There is accumulating evidence that 'knowledge' is subject to a weird kind of synchronicity not just for us humans but for other species too. Such as laboratory rats in maze experiments in the United States that were somehow able to convey the maze route to another group in the UK. How?

I think the key to getting your head round it is to remember that on a fundamental level time and space are illusions, however vivid, and that all knowledge has, is and will always exist in a single point. We have ways to sometimes access in a non-linear mode all that was , is or has been. There appear to be a few tools that aid us in this, such as prayer, divination and perhaps some forms of dream.

Do I believe what I just wrote? Well all I will say is that I dont discount it as fantasy but I cant prove it either. But it would explain a lot.

My 2 1/2 cents

Hey, you are from Edinburgh too!


What part?
yeh I am :) from Leith, to be precise, a good stone throw from the Ocean Terminal. What about you?

Had a wee gawk at yer site... impressed!! Applied to join:)
yeh I am :) from Leith, to be precise, a good stone throw from the Ocean Terminal. What about you?

Had a wee gawk at yer site... impressed!! Applied to join:)

Tao, yes, I noticed. How? Did I send you the link? I didn't think so, mate! I checked my own profile here, and nope, it is not there, so....:confused:
Is it?

Sorry mate, I am so tired that you would not believe, I have signed you in anyway.
Tao, yes, I noticed. How? Did I send you the link? I didn't think so, mate! I checked my own profile here, and nope, it is not there, so....:confused:

Is it?

Sorry mate, I am so tired that you would not believe, I have signed you in anyway.
doh...yes it is.

What would happen if we did this on a larger scale?

Well we wouldn't be a stone's throw away anymore.

Spel chk? when did we get spl chk? Oh htat'll hepl me!
doh...yes it is.

What would happen if we did this on a larger scale?

Well we wouldn't be a stone's throw away anymore.

Spel chk? when did we get spl chk? Oh htat'll hepl me!

Is there a spellcheck available here? I am still as retarded as I was 10 months ago when it comes to computers, ie I still cant copy and paste here for some reason. And I know I cant spell :)
..... *thinks*


I got it!! By using anti gravity toys?

By definition, no devices involving anti-gravity effects could be considered to be toys in any sense of the term. Unless, of course, those using the devices were in some way mentally and morally deficient.

Which, for some reason, reminds me of Robin Williams' film titled, Toys.

Hmmmmm...I believe we've hit upon something here 17th.

uhh...no that is me that has issues...I don't know what caused spell check to work...but working it was...maybe something firefox was doing...or something my kids downloaded...but it was working everywhere...and isn't now..

maybe I should do this on a smaller scale.