Gnōthi seauton
The Secret and the Law of Attraction
As The Secret aptly points out, most people spend their time either thinking about what they don't want or noticing what they're already getting. Consequently, they keep attracting more of the same -- the same health issues, the same financial problems, the same relationships. But if you want to make real improvements in your life, you must spend more time thinking about what you desire, even if it seems to have no presence in your life yet. This change of mindset can be very challenging, but those who've successfully done it report amazing results.
... the personal stories in the movie really made these concepts sink in. Seeing real people get real results helped me understand that this isn't some abstract, new agey concept that should only be pondered during meditation. The Law of Attraction can be used to generate down-to-earth, practical results. That's the whole point.
"All that we are is the result of what we have thought." - Buddha
The Secret is an eye-opening, feature-length documentary on the Law of Attraction. This law states that we attract into our lives that which is in harmony with our dominant thoughts. Think positively about your health, finances, and relationships, and you'll attract positive results. Think negatively about these areas of your life, and you'll experience nothing but frustration.As The Secret aptly points out, most people spend their time either thinking about what they don't want or noticing what they're already getting. Consequently, they keep attracting more of the same -- the same health issues, the same financial problems, the same relationships. But if you want to make real improvements in your life, you must spend more time thinking about what you desire, even if it seems to have no presence in your life yet. This change of mindset can be very challenging, but those who've successfully done it report amazing results.
... the personal stories in the movie really made these concepts sink in. Seeing real people get real results helped me understand that this isn't some abstract, new agey concept that should only be pondered during meditation. The Law of Attraction can be used to generate down-to-earth, practical results. That's the whole point.