boy shell be in for some sh** whenshe hits hell!
Iced Cafe au LaitI think Im going to hell
shes darksided shes following evil shes intop taoism I dont know what to do. I dont know what god wants me to do. I think Im going to hell
Taoists have no relationship with the Lord, hence no eternal life.
But religious (as oppposed to philosophical) Taoists do believe in trying to gain immortality! (not sure if they've managed it yet though!)
I dont know god isnt inspiring me to say anything right now.
she thinks im crazy when I witness to her. Im really worried about her soul. my dads too he is a hardened athiest.
That is what happens when you insist on posting on THE CHRISTIANITY PAGE! I am sure your views are more than welcome elsewhere.
I am talking in reference to his parents... They are NOT on a christianity or any form of religion forum are they?
Go with christ brah.
shadowman, you need to chill, man.
You are not going to help you parents cause by being an annoyance to them. It will just drive a wedge. I know you are concerned with their eternal welfare and your's as well, but it is counterproductive to harang them over and over with your questions and prodding. Don't let this thing push you away from you parents, please.
What you have to realize is that the people are so bent out of shape about hell that you don't realize the real reason for going there. It's not sin that sends you there, it's not having a real relationship with God that puts you in danger. It's not like purchasing an airline ticket to paradise. What God really wants is YOU. He wants to show you what real living is. Our sins are what keep us from enjoying the life God wants us to live. But all sin is is lacking the ability to love God and others properly. We fall short of that. What will help us is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God who will give us the power and teach us how to love. God will pardon our sins, but His ultimate purpose is not in saving you for salvation's sake, but to conform you into the image of Christ. If God in the beginning made Man in his image, then we have distorted that. God is in the process of restoring that. What Christ did was atone for our sins, but our part is to obey God that we can realize the potential in each one of us. God will help us in that effort.
I said all that to say this. If you aim to save you parents, it is only going to come from a relationship with God. You cannot save your parents anyway, but you can pray that God will work in their hearts, and your's as well, that they may realize the state they are in and come to God in a humble heart. the Holy Spirit's job is to convict people of their need for salvation. When you pray, I believe God will honor that. God can change people. He can change you. He's for sure changed me....for the better.
Watching too much Dog, The Bounty Hunter everytime you say brah I laugh