Islamic toilets


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Southern Maryland
Something I didn't know is that, according to the following article, Muslims do not like using toilets that are facing Mecca. Is this true?

But the thing that got me in this article, assuming it is factual, is that Muslims consider bodily functions as sinful and unclean. I can understand the unclean part, but is it really sinful to do something that you really have no control over? Can you clear up any misconceptions about this?

Article here.
"Among the code of practice for using an Islamic toilet is the rule that an individual must relieve themselves as infrequently as possible, as Islamists believe the natural functions of the human body are sinful and unclean."​
Huh. Somehow I think this must be a distortion. Does Allah really want us to be anal retentive?

Okay, okay... more seriously now, I think the blog that this post originates from may be a bit (intentional understatement) biased against Islam, seeing how the subtitle is "Putting A Mark On The Manner Of Jihad" and it chronicles, by link, "Where Islamic Radicals Are Online" and the guy's e-mail address is "stopjihadblogger".
Huh. Somehow I think this must be a distortion. Does Allah really want us to be anal retentive?

LOL!! *bites bottom lip real hard....* Must, control, myself.... ugh.. Anyway, They do indeed have this "ritual cleaning" thing going on mainly for the daily prayer I think... In Ghusl and Wudu, there is a real strictness to their hygiene laws. Qur'an advises the muslims to uphold very top notch stadnards of hygiene and to stay as ritually clean as possible. This being the case most muslim bathrooms in the east are equipped with a water hose right next to the toilet... To, yes hose themselves down to maintain this ritual cleanliness. Toilet paper can be used if there isn't a hose... Anyway in more detail see the Qadaahul Haajah... (Or just wait for a muslim reply lol...)
"Among the code of practice for using an Islamic toilet is the rule that an individual must relieve themselves as infrequently as possible, as Islamists believe the natural functions of the human body are sinful and unclean."​
Huh. Somehow I think this must be a distortion. Does Allah really want us to be anal retentive?

Okay, okay... more seriously now, I think the blog that this post originates from may be a bit (intentional understatement) biased against Islam, seeing how the subtitle is "Putting A Mark On The Manner Of Jihad" and it chronicles, by link, "Where Islamic Radicals Are Online" and the guy's e-mail address is "stopjihadblogger".

All blogging aside, I found this article in Wiki in a similiar vein:

Islamic toilet etiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not my intention to make light of this matter. I'm simply inquiring about whether the article has some validity to it, blog or no blog. It would certainly be rather pecular that the One who created us and made us to function a certain way would also considered the same function as sinful. I mean, how would one who wishes to obey God get around this, ya know?
Also to remember that this law was passed when toilet paper and toilet seats were no such thing, these objects were not invented, so indeed you can see how in those days going toilet may have infact not been a clean thing to do... This is basic health issues now, but must have been a break through to stop diesase and such....

May want to look at the Quran... (same connection to that link you posted.)
5:6. O ye who believe! when ye prepare for prayer, wash your faces, and your hands (and arms) to the elbows; Rub your heads (with water); and (wash) your feet to the ankles. If ye are in a state of ceremonial impurity, bathe your whole body. But if ye are ill, or on a journey, or one of you cometh from offices of nature, or ye have been in contact with women, and ye find no water, then take for yourselves clean sand or earth, and rub therewith your faces and hands, Allah doth not wish to place you in a difficulty, but to make you clean, and to complete his favour to you, that ye may be grateful.

OH and...

"JAIL bosses are rebuilding toilets so Muslim inmates don’t have to use them while facing Mecca.

Thousands of pounds of taxpayers money are being spent to ensure lags are not offended." Clip taken from one of our English newspapers....

Isn't that great though? :) The warm fuzzy feeling it leaves... Having to pay for criminals... To have their toilets turned around... *sigh* good stuff.....
You seem to know quite a bit about this 17th? Were you at one time considering Islam or at least studied Islam?
But the thing that got me in this article, assuming it is factual, is that Muslims consider bodily functions as sinful and unclean. I can understand the unclean part, but is it really sinful to do something that you really have no control over? Can you clear up any misconceptions about this?

Bodily function are never sinful in islam. If God didnt made it controllable, how can he blame humans be responsible for it .That link gave me a good laugh . Muslims can go to toilets as much as they want or need to (diarrhoea??). Not facing Kabba is a part of etiquettes, if you pray towards it, that direction should bring some spiritual thoughts in your mind . For cleaning, paper, cloth, stone, anything available can be used, although water is the best choice.

In regards to the toilets facing Kaba, I also have read something about this.

In regards to the bodily functions being sinful, I think that this needs an explanation.

In Islaam, being clean is considered a part of faith. One cannot perform prayers if he/she just urinated, had sex, menstruated, defocated, etc. Islaam does not support the belief of these functions to be sinful (except if the sex is outside of marriage) but considers them as unclean actions (unclean for prayer). There are proper procedures that a person must take after each of these actions. Muslim is not to pray, hold the Holy Qur'an or enter a mosque without being physically clean.

After menstruation, sex, or ejaculation, a person must take a full cleansing bath in a certain way. If one went to toilet to urinate or similar, he or she is to wash the private parts really well to make sure there is no residue. If he/she must change clothes, so be it so. But after such an action, he/she must perform cleansing wudu before the next salat (prayer).

I hope this helps you. Muslims
No I have never been or wanted to be a muslim.. I just like a "grasp" of peoples faith culture and such... :) I study whatever... If I don't know about it, I at least want to know something about it.

"There is no knowledge which is not power"
All blogging aside, I found this article in Wiki in a similiar vein:

Islamic toilet etiquette - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is not my intention to make light of this matter. I'm simply inquiring about whether the article has some validity to it, blog or no blog. It would certainly be rather pecular that the One who created us and made us to function a certain way would also considered the same function as sinful. I mean, how would one who wishes to obey God get around this, ya know?

Thankyou that was a great laugh and to think I had no idea how to go to the toilet!!

Going to the toilet is not sinful for a Muslim. I am sure you are aware that Muslims face a certain direction when we pray so naturally we would rather not face the same direction when going to the loo - just respect. Cleanliness is a very big deal in Islam, particularly for prayer so this is what the fuss is about. Oh no shock, horror Muslims are clean - next critisism? lol. Having spent years using loo paper (as is the norm in europe) all I can say is thank you to whoever invented the bidet, really it is just so much cleaner.