Never the "Twain" Shall Meet

Guess I'm not so alone on this journey. Thanks, Pax, Namaste. I think here of the lojong teachings of Tibetan Buddhism which essentially teach one to take within oneself whatever has distressed one and allow it to hollow oneself out to make less "self" and more room for "other." Is that not the other side of the coin of kenosis? No wonder I'm fascinated by the history of Nestorian Christianity. Injecting Buddhism into Christianity? Perhaps I'll burn in hell. May I burn brightly for the welfare of others. Though I do feel better after I ranted. :) earl
(chuckle) The "twain" shall never meet, due to the simple fact that there are those who refuse to adhere to set base rules. The converse is that there are those who refuse to accept anything but base set rules.

Where your Christian balance is with those that are just off of center (fence walkers need not apply).

Most who speak (write here) are just that (off center). A few are extreme (one way or the other), and unfortunately they cause the most problems.

Balance, that is what God wanted in the first place, for man. However, He made us quite capable of going full tilt in one direction or another (and He did that for a reason).

my 2c


I just wanted to stop in and thank you, earl for the link, and others, too, for the conversation. It is still sometimes a bit of a struggle for me to keep from drowning in the stormy seas upon which I have lived and traveled for much of this life. Thank GOD (and I mean that!) that even in the onslaught of wave after menacing wave, there has also been an inward sense of peace and assurance that Love will prevail, and that mercy is at the very center of God's will. If I cannot see this for others, how can I possibly believe it for myself?

I know that it may be difficult for some of you who were born into calmer seas to understand how frightening it can be to speak up the way I am learning to do. But believe me when I tell you that physical death is something I look in the eye every day. I live with this constant presence in a very real sense every moment. We all do, but for some, it is more tangible. So in every moment, I want to be found "InLove", and not busy finding reasons for myself or anyone else to be out of that Love. I may not ever be able to sort out all of humanity's various theological concepts, but by the graceful Spirit of a loving GOD, I can know what is worth knowing. And this is my lifeboat! :)

I may not ever be able to sort out all of humanity's various theological concepts, but by the graceful Spirit of a loving GOD, I can know what is worth knowing. And this is my lifeboat! :)


Amen! Me, too.
InLove, may you always know you are with God in all your joys and pains. You extend love and mercy to all. Could God do any less? If God were a woman in Texas, She'd be you.:) take care, earl
Thanks "Y'all"--be glad for all our sakes that GOD is much more...;)

I believe I've heard G-d speakin thru a woman in Texas before...

Always tough to know when G-d is speakin, comes thru so many faces and accents....

G-d does for us, what G-d does thru us...
And I've been led to believe that Oprah is G-d.

But of course I know better.
At least I've learned here that a certain woman in Texas who is love personified is one of the clearest windows I'll ever have enabling me to see that spiritual marvel first hand. G-d is truly love...and InLove you're it.
Cyber hugs and kisses from me to you my sister...

Oprah spelled sideways is Pharo.;)

Nawww, ya missed the point! Oprah, spelled backward is "Harpo" as in MARX BROTHERS!!!:D

uh, hope you know about the Marx brothers...or that just went over like a lead balloon...:eek:
"I wouldn't be a member of a club that would have me as a member".:D

I was more into Three Stooges...nyucknyucknyuck woowoowoo.
HONK...HONK...Harpo speaks !

A little known fact about the Marx Brothers is that after growing up on Chicago's south side, their family moved to the S.W. suburbs, which was then deep in the countryside near Summit, and operated a chicken ranch.

p.s. Summit is now the location of Chicago's sewage treatment plants. Maybe this all belongs in the "do do happens" thread. What a chicken bleep thing to say huh ?

It is reported that he only said one recorded word.

I can't remember what it was...
It is reported that he only said one recorded word.

I can't remember what it was...

"Honk, Honk!"

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]The year was 1936, and Harpo was attending the [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]premiere of "The Great Ziegfeld". While waiting to be [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]introduced, Harpo said to the M.C., "[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]You gotta do the [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]talking."[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow] They hadn't realized that the camera began [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]rolling a bit early and this was recorded. Then Harpo is [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]officially introduced and you hear him saying "[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]Honk, [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]honk[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]".[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]***********************************************************************[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]In "Monkey Business" in the scene when they were all [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]singing "Sweet Adeline" in barrels, some music experts [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]say they can hear a four part harmony, while others say [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]they can only hear three. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]There is a great debate over this one. [/FONT]​

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]***********************************************************************[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]Harpo's 1964 farewell performance when he uttered, "[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]Now, as I was about to say in 1907[/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]...." and went on and [/FONT][FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]on and on.... (LOL!) To the delight of the audience! [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,adobe-helvetica,Arial Narrow]***********************************************************************[/FONT]

Click Here To Hear Harpo Say "You Gotta Do The Talking!" And "Honk Honk!"
Well, actually it's my understanding that he gave all sorts of interviews ... so we mean, on film, as a Marx Brother?

From Wiki:
In Too Many Kisses, Harpo spoke the only line he would ever speak on-camera in a movie: "You sure you can't move?" Fittingly, it was a silent movie, and the audience only saw his lips move and saw the line on a title card.

Harpo is, and always will be, my favorite of the five.
Well, actually it's my understanding that he gave all sorts of interviews ... so we mean, on film, as a Marx Brother?

From Wiki:
In Too Many Kisses, Harpo spoke the only line he would ever speak on-camera in a movie: "You sure you can't move?" Fittingly, it was a silent movie, and the audience only saw his lips move and saw the line on a title card.​

Harpo is, and always will be, my favorite of the five.

Andrew, don't ruin the amviance...:rolleyes:

we were simply having fun, remenicing...:eek: