Nick the Pilot
Well-Known Member
Theosophical Hierarchy
Here is an explanation of the steps in the Theosophical Hierarchy.
First comes the Absolute.
Then comes the Father-Mother-Son Logos.
Now for the rest.
Explanations of the Terms in this Chart
-- Central Sun of our Universe --
The Central Sun of our Universe is mentioned in The Secret Doctrine.
“The soul animating this purely spiritual universe is the central sun, the highest deity itself.” (SD vol I p. 340)
“It was the highest Deity itself which, according to Plato, built the Universe in the geometrical form of the Dodecahedron; and its ‘first begotten’ was born of Chaos and Primordial Light (the Central Sun). This ‘First-Born,’ however, was only the aggregate of the Host of the ‘Builders,’ the first constructive Forces, who are called in ancient Cosmogonies the Ancients (born of the Deep, or Chaos) and the ‘First Point.’ He is the Tetragrammaton, so-called, at the head of the Seven lower Sephiroth.” (SD vol I p. 344)
“... the Universe evolving from the central Sun, the POINT, the ever-concealed germ.” (SD vol I p. 379)
“... it is the sun, and all the suns that are from [Ether], which emanate at the Manvantaric dawn from the Central Sun.” (SD vol I p. 527)
“Outside the boundaries of the solar system, it is other Suns, and especially the mysterious ‘central Sun’ (the ‘Abode of the invisible deity’ as some reverend gentlemen have called it) that determines the motion of bodies and their direction.” (SD vol I p. 673)
[In the Stanzas of Dzyan,] “ ‘His breath gave life to the seven,’ refers as much to the sun, who gives life to the Planets, as to the ‘High One,’ the Spiritual Sun, who gives life to the whole Kosmos.” (SD vol II p. 23)
“The reader has to bear in mind that the Stanzas given treat only of the Cosmogony of our own planetary System and what is visible around it, after a Solar Pralaya. The secret teachings with regard to the Evolution of the Universal Kosmos cannot be given, since they could not be understood by the highest minds in this age, and there seem to be very few Initiates, even among the greatest, who are allowed to speculate upon this subject. Moreover the Teachers say openly that not even the highest Dhyani-Chohans have ever penetrated the mysteries beyond those boundaries that separate the milliards of Solar systems from the ‘Central Sun,’ as it is called.” (SD vol I p. 13)
-- Guardian-Spirit of the Milky Way --
Madame Blavatsky was reticent to mention anything about our Milky Way's Guardian Spirit, or our Galaxy-level Logos. She felt that The Secret Doctrine should only refer to the creation of our Chain, Round, and Planet (Earth). Here is one of the few references she made to the Milky Way's Logos.
“Science ... cannot deny the presence in Sidereal Space of a central body in the milky way, a point unseen and mysterious, the ever-hidden center of attraction of our Sun and system....” (SD vol II p. 240)
-- Our Sun --
The star which is our Sun is our Solar Logos.
“The Sun is the giver of life to the whole planetary system....” (SD vol I p. 386)
“... for [our Sun] is only the reflection and material shadow of the Central Sun of truth, which illuminates the intellectual (invisible) world of Spirit and which itself is but a gleam borrowed from the ABSOLUTE.” (quoted in SD vol I p. 255)
“It is the sun who preserves and nourishes all creatures; and even as the Ideal World which environs the sensible world fills this last with the plenitude and universal variety of forms, so also the Sun, enfolding all in his light, accomplishes everywhere the birth and development of creatures.” (quoted in SD vol I p. 294)
“...the true Occultist believes in "Lords of Light;" that he believes in a Sun, which, far from being simply "a lamp of day" moving in accordance with physical law, and far from being merely one of those Suns, which according to Richter -- ". . . . are Sun-flowers of a higher light" -- is, like milliards of other Suns, the dwelling or the vehicle of a god, and a host of gods.” (SD vol I p. 479)
“...the Sun [is] the great Life-Giver of the physical world, as the hidden Concealed Spiritual Sun is the Light- and Life-Giver of the Spiritual and Psychic Realms.” (SD vol I p. 481)
“The Sun is the heart of the Solar World (System) and its brain is hidden behind the (visible) Sun. From thence, sensation is radiated into every nerve-centre of the great body, and the waves of the life-essence flow into each artery and vein. . . . The planets are its limbs and pulses....” (quoted in SD vol I p. 541)
“... the Sun is ... a world, a glowing sphere, the real Sun being hidden behind, ... the visible Sun only a window cut into the real Solar palace and presence, which reflects, however, faithfully the interior work.” (SD vol I p. 541)
“In ancient Symbolism it was always the SUN (though the Spiritual, not the visible, Sun was meant), that was supposed to send forth the chief Saviours and Avatars. Hence the connecting link between the Buddhas, the Avatars, and so many other incarnations of the highest....” (quoted in SD vol I p. 638)
-- Our Manvantara --
Our present Manvantara will last 4.3 billion years
-- Our Round --
The Guardian-Spirit of a Round is called a Manu.
“ the beginning of every Round ... there are root-Manus ... the first Manu produced six other Manus (seven primary Manus in all), and these produced in their turn each seven other Manus.... Just as each planetary Round commences with the appearance of a 'Root Manu' (Dhyan Chohan) and closes with a 'Seed-Manu,' so a Root and a Seed Manu appear respectively at the beginning and the termination of the human period on any particular planet....
“1st Round
1st ... Manu on Planet A — Swayambhuva.
2nd Round
2nd ... M. on Planet A — Uttama
3rd Round
3rd ... M. ” A — Raivata
4th Round
4th ... M. ” A — Vaivasvata (our progenitor)
5th Round
5th ... M. ” A — Daksha Savarna
6th Round
6th ... M. ” A — Dharma Savarna
7th Round
7th ... M. ” A — Rouchya” (SD vol II p. 308)
“...the Dhyanis watch successively over one of the Rounds and the great Root-races of our planetary chain. They are, moreover, said to send their Bodhisatvas, the human correspondents of the Dhyani-Buddhas (of whom vide infra) during every Round and Race. Out of the Seven Truths and Revelations, or rather revealed secrets, four only have been handed to us, as we are still in the Fourth Round, and the world also has only had four Buddhas, so far.” (SD vol I p. 42)
More information was omitted.
“Among the eleven Stanzas omitted there is one which gives a full description of the formation of the planetary chains one after another, after the first Cosmic and Atomic differentiation had commenced....” (SD vol I p. 152)
-- Earth --
The Earth is guided by a Guardian-Spirit.
“...the Spirit-Guardian of our globe, which is the fourth in the chain, is subordinate to the chief Spirit (or God) of the Seven Planetary Genii or Spirits.” (SD vol II p. 22)
-- Our Races --
“These genealogies embrace a period of three and a half Rounds; they speak of pre-human periods, and explain the descent into generation of every Manu — the first manifested sparks of the ONE Unity -- and show, furthermore, each of these human sparks dividing into, and multiplying by, first, the Pitars, the human ancestors, then by human Races.” (SD vol II p. 322)
-- Our National Groups --
The Hierarchy extends down to the level of nations and peoples. Here is one example, Jehovah as the Guardian-Spirit of the Jewish people. (In Theosophy, Jehovah is not seen as Almighty God, but as a minor diety.)
“Each people and nation ... has its direct Watcher, Guardian and Father in Heaven — a Planetary Spirit. We are willing to leave [the Jewish] national God, Jehovah, to the descendants of Israel ... for, indeed, the monads of the people chosen by him are his own, and the Bible has never made a secret of it. Only the text of the English (Protestant) Bible is, in disagreement, as usual, with those of the Septuagint and the Vulgate. Thus, while in the former one reads (in Deuter. xxxii., 8 and 9) ‘When the MOST HIGH (not Jehovah) divided to the nations their inheritance . . . he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel,’ in the Septuagint the text reads ‘according to the number of the Angels’ (Planet-Angels), which is more concordant with truth and fact. Moreover, all the texts agree that ‘the Lord’s (Jehovah) portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance’ (Deut. xxxii. 9); and this settles the question. The ‘Lord’ Jehovah took for his portion Israel — what have other nations to do with that particular national Deity? Let then, the ‘angel Gabriel’ watch over Iran and ‘Mikael-Jehovah’ over the Hebrews.” (SD vol I p. 576)
Other examples can be thought of that fit this Theosophical concept, for example, St. Patrick the Patron Saint of Ireland.
One discrepancy may be observed in the chart above. In that chart, the Jewish People may be misconstrued as being part of the Fourth Race. They are not, they are part of the Fifth Race.
Here is an explanation of the steps in the Theosophical Hierarchy.
First comes the Absolute.
Then comes the Father-Mother-Son Logos.
Now for the rest.
Explanations of the Terms in this Chart
-- Central Sun of our Universe --
The Central Sun of our Universe is mentioned in The Secret Doctrine.
“The soul animating this purely spiritual universe is the central sun, the highest deity itself.” (SD vol I p. 340)
“It was the highest Deity itself which, according to Plato, built the Universe in the geometrical form of the Dodecahedron; and its ‘first begotten’ was born of Chaos and Primordial Light (the Central Sun). This ‘First-Born,’ however, was only the aggregate of the Host of the ‘Builders,’ the first constructive Forces, who are called in ancient Cosmogonies the Ancients (born of the Deep, or Chaos) and the ‘First Point.’ He is the Tetragrammaton, so-called, at the head of the Seven lower Sephiroth.” (SD vol I p. 344)
“... the Universe evolving from the central Sun, the POINT, the ever-concealed germ.” (SD vol I p. 379)
“... it is the sun, and all the suns that are from [Ether], which emanate at the Manvantaric dawn from the Central Sun.” (SD vol I p. 527)
“Outside the boundaries of the solar system, it is other Suns, and especially the mysterious ‘central Sun’ (the ‘Abode of the invisible deity’ as some reverend gentlemen have called it) that determines the motion of bodies and their direction.” (SD vol I p. 673)
[In the Stanzas of Dzyan,] “ ‘His breath gave life to the seven,’ refers as much to the sun, who gives life to the Planets, as to the ‘High One,’ the Spiritual Sun, who gives life to the whole Kosmos.” (SD vol II p. 23)
“The reader has to bear in mind that the Stanzas given treat only of the Cosmogony of our own planetary System and what is visible around it, after a Solar Pralaya. The secret teachings with regard to the Evolution of the Universal Kosmos cannot be given, since they could not be understood by the highest minds in this age, and there seem to be very few Initiates, even among the greatest, who are allowed to speculate upon this subject. Moreover the Teachers say openly that not even the highest Dhyani-Chohans have ever penetrated the mysteries beyond those boundaries that separate the milliards of Solar systems from the ‘Central Sun,’ as it is called.” (SD vol I p. 13)
-- Guardian-Spirit of the Milky Way --
Madame Blavatsky was reticent to mention anything about our Milky Way's Guardian Spirit, or our Galaxy-level Logos. She felt that The Secret Doctrine should only refer to the creation of our Chain, Round, and Planet (Earth). Here is one of the few references she made to the Milky Way's Logos.
“Science ... cannot deny the presence in Sidereal Space of a central body in the milky way, a point unseen and mysterious, the ever-hidden center of attraction of our Sun and system....” (SD vol II p. 240)
-- Our Sun --
The star which is our Sun is our Solar Logos.
“The Sun is the giver of life to the whole planetary system....” (SD vol I p. 386)
“... for [our Sun] is only the reflection and material shadow of the Central Sun of truth, which illuminates the intellectual (invisible) world of Spirit and which itself is but a gleam borrowed from the ABSOLUTE.” (quoted in SD vol I p. 255)
“It is the sun who preserves and nourishes all creatures; and even as the Ideal World which environs the sensible world fills this last with the plenitude and universal variety of forms, so also the Sun, enfolding all in his light, accomplishes everywhere the birth and development of creatures.” (quoted in SD vol I p. 294)
“...the true Occultist believes in "Lords of Light;" that he believes in a Sun, which, far from being simply "a lamp of day" moving in accordance with physical law, and far from being merely one of those Suns, which according to Richter -- ". . . . are Sun-flowers of a higher light" -- is, like milliards of other Suns, the dwelling or the vehicle of a god, and a host of gods.” (SD vol I p. 479)
“...the Sun [is] the great Life-Giver of the physical world, as the hidden Concealed Spiritual Sun is the Light- and Life-Giver of the Spiritual and Psychic Realms.” (SD vol I p. 481)
“The Sun is the heart of the Solar World (System) and its brain is hidden behind the (visible) Sun. From thence, sensation is radiated into every nerve-centre of the great body, and the waves of the life-essence flow into each artery and vein. . . . The planets are its limbs and pulses....” (quoted in SD vol I p. 541)
“... the Sun is ... a world, a glowing sphere, the real Sun being hidden behind, ... the visible Sun only a window cut into the real Solar palace and presence, which reflects, however, faithfully the interior work.” (SD vol I p. 541)
“In ancient Symbolism it was always the SUN (though the Spiritual, not the visible, Sun was meant), that was supposed to send forth the chief Saviours and Avatars. Hence the connecting link between the Buddhas, the Avatars, and so many other incarnations of the highest....” (quoted in SD vol I p. 638)
-- Our Manvantara --
Our present Manvantara will last 4.3 billion years
-- Our Round --
The Guardian-Spirit of a Round is called a Manu.
“ the beginning of every Round ... there are root-Manus ... the first Manu produced six other Manus (seven primary Manus in all), and these produced in their turn each seven other Manus.... Just as each planetary Round commences with the appearance of a 'Root Manu' (Dhyan Chohan) and closes with a 'Seed-Manu,' so a Root and a Seed Manu appear respectively at the beginning and the termination of the human period on any particular planet....
“1st Round
1st ... Manu on Planet A — Swayambhuva.
2nd Round
2nd ... M. on Planet A — Uttama
3rd Round
3rd ... M. ” A — Raivata
4th Round
4th ... M. ” A — Vaivasvata (our progenitor)
5th Round
5th ... M. ” A — Daksha Savarna
6th Round
6th ... M. ” A — Dharma Savarna
7th Round
7th ... M. ” A — Rouchya” (SD vol II p. 308)
“...the Dhyanis watch successively over one of the Rounds and the great Root-races of our planetary chain. They are, moreover, said to send their Bodhisatvas, the human correspondents of the Dhyani-Buddhas (of whom vide infra) during every Round and Race. Out of the Seven Truths and Revelations, or rather revealed secrets, four only have been handed to us, as we are still in the Fourth Round, and the world also has only had four Buddhas, so far.” (SD vol I p. 42)
More information was omitted.
“Among the eleven Stanzas omitted there is one which gives a full description of the formation of the planetary chains one after another, after the first Cosmic and Atomic differentiation had commenced....” (SD vol I p. 152)
-- Earth --
The Earth is guided by a Guardian-Spirit.
“...the Spirit-Guardian of our globe, which is the fourth in the chain, is subordinate to the chief Spirit (or God) of the Seven Planetary Genii or Spirits.” (SD vol II p. 22)
-- Our Races --
“These genealogies embrace a period of three and a half Rounds; they speak of pre-human periods, and explain the descent into generation of every Manu — the first manifested sparks of the ONE Unity -- and show, furthermore, each of these human sparks dividing into, and multiplying by, first, the Pitars, the human ancestors, then by human Races.” (SD vol II p. 322)
-- Our National Groups --
The Hierarchy extends down to the level of nations and peoples. Here is one example, Jehovah as the Guardian-Spirit of the Jewish people. (In Theosophy, Jehovah is not seen as Almighty God, but as a minor diety.)
“Each people and nation ... has its direct Watcher, Guardian and Father in Heaven — a Planetary Spirit. We are willing to leave [the Jewish] national God, Jehovah, to the descendants of Israel ... for, indeed, the monads of the people chosen by him are his own, and the Bible has never made a secret of it. Only the text of the English (Protestant) Bible is, in disagreement, as usual, with those of the Septuagint and the Vulgate. Thus, while in the former one reads (in Deuter. xxxii., 8 and 9) ‘When the MOST HIGH (not Jehovah) divided to the nations their inheritance . . . he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel,’ in the Septuagint the text reads ‘according to the number of the Angels’ (Planet-Angels), which is more concordant with truth and fact. Moreover, all the texts agree that ‘the Lord’s (Jehovah) portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance’ (Deut. xxxii. 9); and this settles the question. The ‘Lord’ Jehovah took for his portion Israel — what have other nations to do with that particular national Deity? Let then, the ‘angel Gabriel’ watch over Iran and ‘Mikael-Jehovah’ over the Hebrews.” (SD vol I p. 576)
Other examples can be thought of that fit this Theosophical concept, for example, St. Patrick the Patron Saint of Ireland.
One discrepancy may be observed in the chart above. In that chart, the Jewish People may be misconstrued as being part of the Fourth Race. They are not, they are part of the Fifth Race.