Re: Hierarchies ...
Our model for personification is drawn from the reality of it existing in Father God firstly - He is, therefore, more, much more than THAT."
I'm with you on this, Bruce, though I am quite content to keep
`Our Father Who Art in Heaven' as
the Monad. Nor the Monad of
Liebnitz, but a Spark of the Divine Essence (or Parent Flame). We can
speak of individual
monads, but of course, to pluralize the term is meaningless. We cannot even rightly
conceive it, as the plane of the Monad is
beyond Atma(n).
While in manifestation, there is
Atma-Buddhi-Manas. But even this
Triadal Spirit, the `Eternal Pilgrim,' is a `Being' Who must remain a mystery to us, because - in agreement with
Thomas - neither the human Intellect (lower manas),
nor even our Illumined mind (Higher Manas) can rightly, or fully, comprehend even our (collective, singular)
I believe what is handy about Theosophy is that it is a unique presentation of something that has hitherto been available to the public
only as Mysticism. It would have made little sense, save to Initiates -
and the true Occultists of all times - to speak of ATMA, before the Theosophy of HPB's day ... because I have found that even the educated person in the West,
versed in Eastern Mysticism,
usually still cannot grasp the notion of
Individualization within UNITY.
In between the
Atma(n) of Humanity's
singular highest SPIRIT, and the
Manas-Taijasa of our
Illumined Higher Mind (wherein we may gain an
inkling only of these things,
presumably after much, much meditation - and lifetimes of study) ... there is what HPB termed our
6th Principle, `Buddhi.' Consider
de Purucker's definition of Buddhi:The spiritual soul, the faculty of discriminating, the channel through which streams divine inspiration from the atman to the ego, and therefore that faculty which enables us to discern between good and evil -- spiritual conscience.
The qualities of the buddhic principle when awakened are higher judgment, instant understanding, discrimination, intuition, love that has no bounds, and consequent universal forgiveness.
Is it any wonder that I have wanted to call this,
the Christ Principle, or
"the Christ within?" Surely we would agree, that a Humanity in which the
6th Principle had been successfully stimulated (developed, unfolded) into action ...
would be veritably a "race of Christs!"
And so shall our
6th Round Humanity, in the vast-distant future, appear and manifest - though only
three fifths of our 60 billion souls (36 billion) will have made it past the
5th Round `Judgment Day.' Even
5th Round Humanity, we should consider, will be
a race of Initiates.
But there is a sense in which, as I ponder it, I
do think that Parabrahman can be thought of as
the Father. Inasmuch as we know that
Mulaprakriti is the Cosmic Womb - or can be
likened to such, based on our experience within the
dual-gendered Human Kingdom - then we may consider the periodic emergence into manifestation (or Emanation) of Parabrahman as
like the seeding of the Hiranyagarbha ... from `the Father.'
If this makes us more comfortable
pondering the Imponderable ... then, perhaps with a paintbrush as at Easter, we may certainly
draw eyes, a nose, and a smilie-face upon the exterior of the `egg' ... and if we wish to depict upon it a
male figure, then
so be it. But we may as well give it
effeminate features, and given that
all of Cosmos is
born from this egg - would not THAT make a bit more sense?
There are basically three issues that I have so far with what you're suggesting, Bruce. I can quote
three footnotes from Section 5 of Blavatsky's
`Key to Theosophy' to address them (my point in each case is bolded in blue):
1. Ain-Soph [is] the endless, or boundless, in and with Nature, the non-existent which IS,
but is not a Being.
2. How can the non-active eternal principle emanate or emit? The Parabrahm of the Vedantins does nothing of the kind; nor does the Ain-Soph of the Chaldean Kabala. It is an eternal and periodical law which causes an active and creative force (the logos) to emanate from the ever-concealed and incomprehensible one principle at the beginning of every maha-manvantara, or new cycle of life.
[This entire footnote, plus the one above, makes the point Nick and I share in common, I believe.]
3. One often finds in Theosophical writings conflicting statements about the Christos principle in man. Some call it the sixth principle (
, others the seventh (
Atman). If Christian Theosophists wish to make use of such expressions,
let them be made philosophically correct by following the analogy of the old Wisdom-religion symbols.
We say that Christos is not only one of the three higher principles, but all the three regarded as a Trinity. This Trinity represents the Holy Ghost, the Father, and the Son, as it answers to abstract spirit, differentiated spirit, and embodied spirit.
Krishna and Christ are philosophically the same principle under its triple aspect of manifestation. In the
Bhagavatgita we find Krishna calling himself indifferently Atman, the abstract Spirit, Kshetragna, the Higher or reincarnating Ego, and the Universal SELF, all names which, when transferred from the Universe to man, answer to
Atma, Buddhi and
Manas. The
Anugita is full of the same doctrine.
Since I am a student of Alice Bailey's teachings, and others later still ... I have come to regard
`the Christ' as being
one and the same as
the Bodhisattva, the World Teacher, the Imam Mahdi, Kalki Avatara, the Saoshyant.
Bruce Michael said:
Blavatsky didn't understand Christ.
Lol ... this, I'm afraid, is pretty well absurd. HPB would have
met the Christ, during her stay in Tibet. If, that is, we mean
that guy from 2100 years ago by `the Christ.' Not that this means she would have known Him in perhaps the same way the Initiate Jesus did ... but then,
that's another story.
We may safely rest assured ... that even while HPB was a
1st Ray student of
`the Finger of God,' and even though she wrote for 2nd Ray, 5th Ray, 4th Ray, and 7th Ray Adepts, plus the 3rd Ray Maha Chohan, in addition to her own 1st Ray Master ... she
most certainly had an understanding of the very
Head (and Heart) of the
One True Occult Hierarchy, whose
Trans-Himalayan Branch she represented.
There are, of course, other
branches ... and it is quite possible that HPB never even
met the Master Jesus of the Lebanese Branch - or at least, I have yet to find a clear account of any such meeting or interaction. But then, out of 63 Adepts (including the Christ), we can't expect a
lay-chela, who only found her way into the Hierarchy
officially in her
subsequent incarnation, to have known
HPB didn't understand Christ ...
She started out a
twice-born, and we may safely assume she stood before Him during the `Baptism.' I'd say she understood
something of what was going on ...