is there an equivalent to the christian holy spirit?
a spirit of truth love or comfort?
truth especially
you know one time I Was reading the qoran and I was moved in the same way I was moved when reading the bible.
see I thought the passage was from the bible.... it was on an internet website.
as soon as I realized it was from the quran I couldnt get the same feeling of reading blessed or holy words
in conclusion we are all brainwashed!
must watch videos:
A closer look at The Quran
YouTube - A closer look at The Quran
The Basis for Muslim Belief
YouTube - The Basis for Muslim Belief
I would like to say, brainwashed lol!
correct word
Some people might say what or why??!!!!
It's more of like a programing or inserting data into our mind, if you
want to get computerized like terms
ok enough, joking ok, The Qu'ran does say that the Bible (Engill)
what jesus aka Isha (peace be upon him) is also considered as the teachings. same as the Torah! But, the Qu'ran does even mention that their teachings on their books have been changed by others, which is true.
Also, the Qu'ran only said the Gospels of Jesus is considered the main part of what we muslims belive is the Engill (Holy Bible).
Another thing alot of people like to think, that the qu'ran does change??
like the other books. first of all, I can clearly say no. No one in the history of earth even came close to creating a book such as the Qu'ran and it is even a challange to the none-belivers, to even come up with a chapters found in the Qu'ran. Allah {STW} even than adds, if they can't make a chapter than make a singel verse that can compare to the qu'ran.
Also, I know lil kids that are only like 7, 8, 10 year olds that memorises the quran by heart
and also here's the part you want to pay attention, when they read it infront of a sheik or imam, when they make a mistake they are corrected and are told to go back and read the whole chapter again and come back to recite it again when they are ready. lol! I had to do that soo much and I still can't remember a large chapter, even today, I can only remember the small ones
The last and most important, why can't we change the Qu'ran,
well, their will be no balance in the meaning, words or even the poetry?
people who don't speak arabic don't realize that the Qu'ran is poetic in sound and words, and is even classified as it's own style of Arabic language.
Plus if we were to add anything or take out anything, it is no longer the word of God aka Allah {STW}, no than it is words of man. Plus I don't know anyone who wants to be punished in the day of resaraections and judgement and in the hell fire.